
Detailed introduction of the efficacy and function of Chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Detailed introduction of the efficacy and function of Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is one of the most important flowers in garden application, which is widely used in flower beds, ground covers, potted flowers and cut flowers. Let's take a look at the efficacy and function of chrysanthemum.

Detailed introduction of the efficacy and function of Chrysanthemum

The efficacy and function of Chrysanthemum

1, eliminate fire: in the hot summer chrysanthemum can go to the liver fire, headache and runny nose, summer heat function.

2. Antibacterial: modern studies have found that chrysanthemum has antibacterial effect, can resist external viruses entering the body, has the role of disease prevention, and has a protective effect on the heart, brain and blood vessels of the human body.

3. Reducing blood pressure: often drinking chrysanthemum tea also has the effect of reducing and stabilizing blood pressure, and has a certain therapeutic effect on hypertension.

According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, chrysanthemum has the effect of dispelling wind and heat, calming the liver and eyesight. On the other hand, it is recorded in the Classic of Shennong Materia Medica that white chrysanthemum can "dominate the limelight, swelling and pain, loss of sight, dead skin muscles, bad rheumatic arthralgia, long-term service of benefit, light body and endurance for years." It can be seen that the efficacy and role of chrysanthemum is powerful, for a variety of diseases, chrysanthemum can almost play a role.

Taboos of chrysanthemums

There are many kinds of food that can't eat with chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemums cannot be eaten with chicken wings, Sanhuang chicken, firewood chicken, pork tenderloin, celery, pig head and so on.

When making chrysanthemum tea, people who are cold can put some Chinese wolfberry, but people with cold spleen and stomach should eat less chrysanthemums. If you are obese or have indigestion, you can make tea with Hawthorn. Finally, if you are allergic, pregnant, cold, elderly or young, with typhoid cold, it is recommended not to drink chrysanthemum tea.

1. Mix 750 grams of water and horseshoe powder to a particle-free horseshoe powder.

2. Boil 750 grams of water with chrysanthemum and Qi Zi over medium heat for 10 minutes, add sugar, boil again and turn off the heat. Take out the chrysanthemums, remove the petals and put them back in the syrup.

3. Take 250 grams of horseshoe powder from the prepared horseshoe powder, pour it into chrysanthemum qi sugar water and stir immediately.

4. Pour the remaining horseshoe powder into the sugar water and continue to stir clockwise until it is sticky.

5. Spread a small amount of cooking oil around the steaming plate, pour the mixed paste into the steaming plate and smooth it. Steam over high heat for 10 minutes after the water boils, and turn to medium heat for 10 minutes. After seeing the cake body become translucent, insert the chopsticks into the cake body. If you don't touch the cake body when you pull it out, it will be cooked.

6. take out the whole plate and leave it in a cool place to cool. When the cake becomes strong, it can be cut into pieces to enjoy.

1. Heat the water and release sugar and chrysanthemums until the chrysanthemums taste good.

2. Fish gum powder is boiled and melted in water.

3. Pour the melted fish glue powder into the chrysanthemum water.

4. Separate the chrysanthemums with a sieve, pour them into a square plate, put them in the refrigerator and cool for about 30 minutes, remove and cut into pieces.

Chrysanthemum blueberry tortoise Ling cream

1. First brew a cup of chrysanthemum tea with boiling water, then pour Guiling paste powder into a small pot, turn on high heat, pour in cold water, stir constantly with a wooden spoon, when the liquid begins to bubble, pour into the chrysanthemum water, and the chrysanthemum stays in the cup.

2. change the fire to a low heat, or keep stirring, add the right amount of sugar or honey according to your taste, and turn off the fire when the liquid freezes a little bit.

3. Put two white chrysanthemums that have just been soaked in a small bowl or other container, put some blueberries and pour in the tortoise Ling cream. Cool slightly and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

4. just buckle it out of the bowl when eating, and pour some honey if it's not sweet enough.