
Home "absorption machine" and "dust collector" of Clivia, do you raise it?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Home "absorption machine" and "dust collector" of Clivia, do you raise it?

The broad and thick leaves of the orchid grow many pores and villi, which can secrete a lot of mucus, and in the process of gas exchange, they can absorb a large amount of dust, dust and harmful gases in the room, making the indoor air clean. Therefore, the orchid is also known as the "absorption machine" and "dust collector", the protector of human health. So how to maintain the magnolia?

Maintenance methods of Magnolia

1. Soil

The soil has a requirement. Gentleman orchid is suitable to use humus rich soil, this kind of soil has good air permeability, good water permeability, and the soil is fertile and slightly acidic (PH6.5). In humus. Infiltration of about 20% sand is beneficial to root maintenance. The pot used in cultivation increases gradually with the growth of the plant, and the 3-inch pot is suitable for the cultivation of one-year-old seedlings. Change 5-inch pots in the second year, and then change into larger flowerpots in the next 4 years. The change can be carried out in spring and autumn.

2. Watering

Watering should be reasonable. Cymbidium has well-developed fleshy roots, can store more water and has a certain degree of drought resistance. The general experience is that the soil water content should be about 30%, and the surface of the three pots of soil should be dry and rewatered, once every 5 days in winter, once every 2 days in spring and autumn, and increase the number of watering times in summer. When watering 7, do not pour water on the leaves to prevent them from rotting. When you find dust on the leaves, you can use a soft cloth to gently wipe the leaf surface, or you can use a soft hair brush to brush, do not wash with a lot of water.

3. Lighting

Cymbidium likes semi-shade, so growing orchids indoors requires manual adjustment of the effect of light on it. The leaves of Cymbidium have phototaxis, and if they are placed indoors for a long time, the leaves must be deflected in the direction of the sun. As far as its plant shape is concerned, it is difficult to look sideways at a line and look squarely at the ornamental effect of opening a fan. Usually, during the day, my mother will put the flower plate in the sunny place. in order to make the magnolia look good-looking and have ornamental value, you should not be lazy and change the direction to the sunny place of the leaves every other week, so that the magnolia can grow staggered. Because the leaves of Cymbidium are opposite, if the long-term light is too single, it will cause uneven. Ha, my mother said that when the orchid was in bud, she learned a trick from the old flower friend and put the orchid in the sun to replenish the light at night. Haha, nymphomaniac!

4. Fertilization

When the nourishment of the gentleman orchid is insufficient, there will be a variety of problems, such as narrow new leaves, light color and so on. In terms of nourishment, it is necessary to add the necessary nutrients to it in different seasons, and gentleman orchids generally apply fertilizer in winter. Phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer are more beneficial to the cultivation of Magnolia, and less nitrogen fertilizer is applied when topdressing. Be sure to control the amount of fertilization, ha, or it is easy to cause charred symptoms at the leaf tip of Cymbidium, especially in winter, if the leaves are spotted and the roots turn yellow, it is the reason for excessive fertilization. Ha, teach you 2 ways to get home phosphate and potash fertilizer. You can choose eggshell powder and stewed fish water, which are good organic phosphate fertilizers. Bran ash and tobacco ash can be used as potash fertilizer to fertilize magnolia. Three months before flowering, liquid fertilizer was applied mainly with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote its arrows to blossom.

5. Pour the basin and change the soil

The time and times of toppling and changing soil of Cymbidium depends on the size and season of the seedlings. Like these grown-up orchids, they have to change their soil once a year. The best time to change soil is in spring and autumn, because the orchid grows vigorously at this time and will not affect the growth of the plant. Take out the magnolia from the basin, cut off the rotten roots and the old roots without absorptive capacity, and remove the waste soil. Cover the drainage hole of the flowerpot with broken pieces, fill it with 5cm thick nutritious soil, grab a handful of soil to add to the inside of the root, then put the plant in the pot, fill the pot with nutritious soil to half the height of the pot, gently press down with your hand along the edge of the pot, so that the roots stand in the basin and are not easy to bend. The key point of soil replacement is to fill the roots with soil. Otherwise, there is no soil in the root, water and nutrients can not reach the root, which is easy to cause rotten root and arrow entrapment. After changing the nutritious soil, pour water thoroughly.

6. Pest control

Magnolia should pay special attention to the prevention and control of root rot and sunburn diseases. if these conditions occur timely and effectively, the orchid will become delicate and beautiful.

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