
Detailed explanation of all kinds of filtering equipment for breeding koi

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, A complete aquarium needs to be equipped with life support systems such as aquatic animals and plants, including filtration system, lighting system, temperature control system and oxygen enrichment system. Disinfection system.

A complete aquarium needs to be equipped with life support systems such as aquatic animals and plants, including filtration system, lighting system, temperature control system and oxygen enrichment system. Disinfection system, etc. Among them, the most important and complex structure is the filtration system. This is also the most expensive and essential core part of the aquarium. Harmful substances in aquaculture water, including metabolic waste of fish, residual bait, etc., have to be filtered by the filtration system. The aquarium has a complete filtration system in order to maintain a good water quality environment.

There are two main filtering methods in the aquarium. Biofiltration and mechanical filtration. Biofiltration mainly refers to the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria that do not depend on oxygen and aerobic bacteria that live on oxygen in the biological cycle filtration system. With the function of oxidative decomposition and reductive decomposition, the feeding water quality can reach the standard of filtration system. Mechanical filtration method mainly refers to the use of submersible pumps, pipe pumps, filter pumps as water driving force to separate the small suspended matter in the aquarium from the circulating water.

Golden koi

According to the position of the aquarium filtration system in the aquarium. It is usually divided into external filtering system and built-in filtering system. The former is mostly used in the middle. Large aquarium: the latter is generally used for small aquarium. It can be placed anywhere in the aquarium according to the needs of the aquarium. The external filtration system varies according to the location installed in the aquarium. It can be divided into on-cylinder filter tank and under-cylinder filter tank. Side filter tank, etc. Speaking of aquarium filtration system is naturally inseparable from the filter material. At present, the commonly used filter materials are filter cotton and activated carbon. Sand and gravel. Biological filter ball and so on.

Filter cotton is usually a synthetic material. Such as sponge, loose cotton and so on. Stable in nature. It has the function of filtering large particles such as residual bait and stool.

Activated carbon is a kind of filter material with acid-base neutralization function. Its biggest advantage is that it can make the pH of aquaculture water neutral and prevent koi, acidosis or alkalosis. At the same time, activated carbon can effectively remove air bubbles and small molecular compounds in the aquarium, similar to filter cotton. It can remove many pollutants that can not be removed by filter cotton. In view of its many advantages, activated carbon has become the most commonly used and important filter material in aquarium culture.

Peacock koi

Sand and gravel is also an effective filter material. The properties are also relatively stable, including large grain stream sand and quartz sand and so on.

Biofilter ball is a kind of filter material made of high-grade plastic, spherical, usually 2-3 cm in diameter, with many holes in the ball. The surface area is usually 2 square meters. It has the function of storing oxygen and cultivating a large number of digestive bacteria. This kind of filter material is mostly used in trickle filter.

Koi due to its larger size. High oxygen consumption. Living in the limited space of the aquarium, a better aeration system must be installed to improve the living environment. Otherwise, it will lead to deterioration and deterioration of the water quality, resulting in "floating head" or even death of koi due to lack of oxygen.