
What is Lvyuanbao and how to keep it beautiful?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is Lvyuanbao and how to keep it beautiful?

People raise green plants at home in addition to purifying indoor air and decorating the indoor environment, but also choose some plants that can win a good prize, such as money trees, wealth trees and so on. Today, I would like to talk to you about Lvyuanbao, this plant is very popular because its seeds are similar to the shape of Yuanbao, so it is named for good luck. Now let's take a look at how to raise the green treasure of plants.

What is Lvyuanbao?

Lvyuanbao is a leguminous plant chestnut tree, which is an evergreen plant of the butterfly family and the genus Chestnut. The indoor potted Lvyuanbao is the seedling of the chestnut tree, which is usually 20 to 30 meters high, and there are two nutrient-rich bean cloves at the base, which is similar to a Yuanbao, hence the name. Pinnately compound leaves alternate, leaflets ovate, apex pointed, dark green, dense leaves, forming a dense crown, ornamental period of about half a year. Once the saplings grow too high, they should be moved to a large basin for cultivation, can be planted in outdoor open spaces or gardens, and can grow into an evergreen tree when the environment is suitable.

Lvyuanbao belongs to the middle tree, with odd-pinnate compound leaves and alternate leaflets, with lanceolate long oval leaves, about 8-12 cm long, full-rimmed and leathery. The pod is 20 centimeters long, and the seed (that is, Lvyuanbao) is oval, as big as an egg, and can be baked.

Second, how to raise Yuanbao trees

1. Growth habits: Yuanbaoshu likes to be warm and humid, likes fertilizer, is afraid of drought, is resistant to water and moisture, and is often born at the edge of the water. The young trees grow fast, the fast-growing period lasts for about 15 years, and then the growth slows down. It fruited earlier and aged at 40 to 60 years. Deep-rooted sex. The life span is short.

2, environmental requirements: ventilation and light, should not be planted too dense; pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene, timely pull out the damaged stems and leaves after the end of flowering, reduce the source of infection; 3, watering: Yuanbao tree watering is very fastidious, can not be directly poured with tap water, because tap water contains chlorine and other disinfection substances, such as watering with tap water, it is best to spend a day in the sun. Watering should "see wet see dry", do not directly pour tap water, the northern tap water is too "hard" (alkaline), Yuanbaoshu soil likes acidity.

4. Potted soil: pots of Yuanbao trees should always keep the potted soil moist, but there should be no stagnant water, and the environmental relative humidity should be kept above 80%, so as to keep the potted soil moist.

5. Soil: with fertile, humus-rich sandy loam, mixed with retted sawdust, small pieces of pine bark, the bottom of the basin covered with gravel to facilitate drainage.

6. Diseases and insect pests: sometimes there is the harm of scale insects. 0.3-0.5 Baumedu solution can be used in the germination period in early spring.

7. Temperature: requires medium intensity scattered light, can withstand shade, and avoid hot sun exposure in summer. The air is dry in summer in the north, so you should often spray water to the leaves and plants, but avoid stagnant water in the basin so as not to cause cotyledons to rot. Keep the basin soil a little dry in winter, not dry and not watered, so as to be waterproof and rotten.

In short, Lvyuanbao is mainly small potted plants, which can be placed on indoor desks, office desks, several shelves or ancient shelves, reflecting the natural beauty of its plants. In order to make the green treasures of potted plants flourish and slow down the speed of growth, the terminal buds can be removed so that the branches and leaves can grow horizontally and dwarf the plants.