
Morphological characteristics of Cymbidium what are the maintenance methods of Orchid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Morphological characteristics of Cymbidium what are the maintenance methods of Orchid

Gentleman orchids, beautiful and generous leaves, but also shade-resistant, appropriate pot indoor furnishings, in order to view leaves and flowers, gentleman orchids on the breeding environment requirements are more stringent, to understand its ecological habits in order to better protect the orchid, such as to understand that orchids like semi-shady and humid environment, fear of strong direct sunlight, the best temperature for growth between 18 ℃, let's take a look at the maintenance methods of Cymbidium.

1. Morphological characteristics of Cymbidium

The root of Cymbidium is fleshy fibrous, milky white and very stout. The root system is thick and fleshy. The persistent leaf base of the stem base of Cymbidium expands and embraces each other into a pseudobulb. Leaves from the root of the short stem in a two-row stack, neatly arranged, broad band-shaped, round top, hard and thick texture, and glossy and veined. The basal leaves are thick, sword-shaped, leathery, dark green, glossy, banded, with a maximum length of 85 m and a width of 3 mi, with a maximum length of 85 m and a width of 3 mi, the lower part attenuates, alternate and entire.

The scape of Gentleman orchid is extracted from the axils of leaves. If it is preserved from the seeds, it will generally blossom when it reaches 15 leaves. The flower stem is about 2 cm wide; the florets are stipitate, umbellate at the tip of the flower, funnel-shaped, erect, yellow or orange or orange-red. Umbels terminal, flowers erect, with several imbricate bracts, each with 30 florets, up to more than 40. Perianth lobes 6 connate.

Smiling gentleman orchid flowers slightly drooping, perianth narrowly funnel-shaped. Pedicel 2.5 min long; flowers erect upward, perianth broadly funnel-shaped, bright red, with yellowish inner surface; perianth tube ca. 5 mm, outer whorl perianth lobes apically slightly convex, inner whorl apical retuse, slightly longer than stamens; style long, slightly protruding outside perianth. Berries purplish red, broadly ovoid.

The orchid blossoms from New Year's Day to the Spring Festival, mainly in spring and summer, and can blossom throughout the year, sometimes in winter, and in summer from June to July. Fruit ripening period of about October, belonging to berries, purplish red. The flowers and leaves of a gentleman's orchid are not beautiful.

II. Maintenance of Magnolia

1. The soil is required. Gentleman orchid is suitable to use humus rich soil, this kind of soil has good air permeability, good water permeability, and the soil is fertile and slightly acidic (PH6.5). In humus. Infiltration of about 20% sand is beneficial to root maintenance. The pot used in cultivation increases gradually with the growth of the plant, and the 3-inch pot is suitable for the cultivation of one-year-old seedlings. Change 5-inch pots in the second year, and then change into larger flowerpots in the next 4 years. The change can be carried out in spring and autumn.

2. Watering should be reasonable. Cymbidium has well-developed fleshy roots, can store more water and has a certain degree of drought resistance. The general experience is that the soil water content should be about 30%, and the surface of the three pots of soil should be dry and rewatered, once every 5 days in winter, once every 2 days in spring and autumn, and increase the number of watering times in summer. Less water is needed at the seedling stage and more at the flowering stage. When watering 7, do not pour water on the leaves to prevent them from rotting. When you find dust on the leaves, you can use a soft cloth to gently wipe the leaf surface, or you can use a soft hair brush to brush, do not wash with a lot of water.

3. Fertilize more. Gentleman orchids like fertilizer, but too much fertilizer will cause rotten roots. In addition to applying base fertilizer, topdressing should adopt the method of "thin fertilizer and more fertilizer". Apply base fertilizer when changing pots. Apply fermented solid fertilizer every other month in spring and autumn, and then apply liquid fertilizer once a week, it is best not to topdressing. When the whole plant can rely on the nutrients accumulated in spring and autumn to slowly grow and apply solid fertilizer, peel open the basin soil and bury it 2 meters deep. Do not directly contact the root system to avoid burns. When applying liquid fertilizer, the best way for seedlings to apply liquid fertilizer is as follows: water 1:40 is better, large and medium flowers are better at 1:20, fertilization time is appropriate in the early morning, avoid splashing on leaves, watering should be timely after applying liquid fertilizer, but water does not need to be too much, on the one hand, dissolve fertilizer, on the other hand, the newly grown fleshy root can be rinsed to prevent and injure the new root. The types of fertilizers are different in different seasons. Partial application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in winter and spring, such as bone meal, etc.; partial application of nitrogen fertilizer in autumn, such as bean cake water; external topdressing is commonly used in summer, spraying foliar with 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or calcium superphosphate, and extra-root topdressing can be carried out all the year round.

4. Cymbidium likes semi-shade, and it is necessary to adjust the effect of light on it to grow it indoors. The leaves of Cymbidium have phototaxis, and if they are placed indoors for a long time, the leaves must be deflected in the direction of the sun. As far as its plant shape is concerned, it is difficult to look sideways at a line and look squarely at the ornamental effect of opening a fan. Usually, during the day, my mother will put the flower plate in the sunny place. in order to make the magnolia look good-looking and have ornamental value, you should not be lazy and change the direction to the sunny place of the leaves every other week, so that the magnolia can grow staggered. Because the leaves of Cymbidium are opposite, if the long-term light is too single, it will cause uneven. Ha, my mother said that when the orchid was in bud, she learned a trick from the old flower friend and put the orchid in the sun to replenish the light at night. Haha, nymphomaniac! PS: the method of placing flowerpots indoors: a. Make the blade parallel to the sunny window and adjust in the opposite direction every other week. b. Make the blade perpendicular to the sunny window. Mom said, B method is good. The arrangement of the gentleman orchid must be in the north-south direction, not in the north-south direction. What if the leaves grow too long? You can pull the two leaves together and clip them up later, and you can use a playing card to surround them so as not to hurt the leaves. If it is normal, the leaves will be corrected in 20 days.

5. Magnolia should pay special attention to the prevention and control of root rot and sunburn diseases. if these conditions occur in a timely and effective manner, the orchid will become delicate and beautiful.

The magnolia is a flower praised by the literati since ancient times, and it is often used as a metaphor for a gentleman. The maintenance of the orchid requires more attention from flower friends in order to maintain it better.

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