
What should be paid attention to when growing watermelons?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What should be paid attention to when growing watermelons?

Everyone is familiar with watermelons, so the editor will not introduce you too much. It is almost the watermelon planting season, naturally there are a lot of novice growers friends everywhere to consult about watermelon planting some points for attention. The editor has received a lot of messages recently, all about watermelon planting. Well, today, the editor will give you a brief introduction to some problems that need to be paid attention to in watermelon planting. Let's learn about it together.

1. Soil

For the soil of watermelon planting land, we had better choose sandy loam with loose soil, rich organic matter and convenient drainage and irrigation. The second is to pay attention to rotation, the previous crops for melons and fruits had better not be used to grow watermelons, otherwise the harm of diseases and insect pests is greater, it is very disadvantageous to watermelon cultivation. Finally, to make reasonable improvements to the soil, we can add sufficient feces, phosphorus fertilizer, potassium fertilizer and so on to the soil, which can promote the growth of watermelon plants.

2. Fertilizer

Watermelon needs topdressing in addition to base fertilizer in the process of planting. The first topdressing of watermelon is generally carried out before and after the flowering of watermelon, which can promote flowering and prolong the flowering period, so as to improve the setting rate of watermelon, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Secondly, during the growing period of watermelon, we also need to carry out a topdressing, mainly in order to promote the growth of watermelon, avoid premature senescence of watermelon, reduce the yield of watermelon, we should reasonably increase the amount of potash fertilizer, and use borax for spraying. It should be noted that nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied to avoid excessive growth of branches and leaves, prolong the growth period, make it miss the best fruiting period and reduce the yield.

3. Moisture

The water management of watermelon is very critical. In the growth process of watermelon, its demand for water is relatively uniform, so there can not be the phenomenon of water shortage, but there can not be too much water or stagnant water in the field. Especially before and after the florescence of watermelon and the middle and later stage of watermelon, the moisture should be kept uniform, otherwise there will be serious cracking phenomenon, affecting the quality of watermelon. In addition, when watermelons are about to mature, it is necessary to reduce the supply of water, otherwise the sugar content of watermelons is low and the watermelons produced are not sweet.

4. Temperature

Watermelons also have certain requirements for temperature. in the seedling stage of watermelons, we had better control the temperature at about 28 to 35 degrees, and the temperature difference between day and night should not be too large, that is to say, the temperature should be between 20 and 25 degrees at night. As the seedlings grow, their adaptability to the environment will be enhanced, so the temperature at this time is better between 20 and 25 degrees, which is more conducive to the growth of watermelons.

5. Management

In the field management operation of watermelon planting, many people will have some minor problems, but it is precisely because of these minor problems that lead to the reduction of watermelon production and quality. First of all, we need to pay attention to the arrangement of melon vines and the removal and topping of buds, which can not only improve the melon setting rate of watermelons, but also reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests and enhance the permeability of the field. The second is to pay attention to the use of hormones and the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests to improve the quality of watermelon. There is to pay attention to watermelon shading and reasonable cushion melon treatment, which can also reduce the phenomenon of cracked melons.

In fact, the most basic of watermelon cultivation is the selection of varieties and planting sites, and the most important thing is the field management of watermelon cultivation. I believe you also have a general understanding of watermelon cultivation. I hope you will have a more smooth planting process in the later stage. Of course, if you have any questions, you can always consult the editor.