
Key points of culture techniques of blue peacock

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The blue peacock, also known as the Indian peacock, is distributed in India and Sri Lanka. The blue peacock also has two mutant forms-the white peacock and the black peacock. The commodity of artificial breeding refers to.

The blue peacock, also known as the Indian peacock, is distributed in India and Sri Lanka. The blue peacock also has two mutant forms-the white peacock and the black peacock. The farmed commodity refers to the blue peacock. The culture techniques are introduced as follows:

I. venues and barracks

The peacock is timid and scared, requiring the environment to be quiet and the site clean and dry. Any noise and sudden high-frequency sound will cause the flock to be disturbed and make frightened calls. If frightened during laying, the egg laying rate and fertilization rate will immediately decrease. The place where peacocks are raised should be in a place with dry terrain and quiet environment. The structure of the fence house is mainly considered to have good lighting, dry fence house and ample activity space, etc. The average moving area of each bird is about 8 square meters, of which, 1 to 3 for sun and rain, 2 to 3 for open-air sports ground, 2.5 meters from the ground to cover fish nets, fence with iron mesh or dense bamboo bars around the fence, it is best to use iron mesh below 1 meter high near the ground, the frame of the fence house can use angle iron, water pipes, etc., in the playground about 1.3 meters from the ground high beam frame (iron or bamboo) for peacock habitat. In order to keep the fence house dry and provide peacock sand bath conditions, the movement sound should be covered with 3-5 cm coarse sand layer. Fruit trees can also be planted outside the playground to shade the sun.

2. Feeding and management

The peacock has a large body, strong metabolism, full feathers and colorful. The rudder feather of the male is 1.1 meters long, and the main wing feather is 35 cm long and 6 cm wide.

Peacocks feed extensively on seeds of beans, poultry eggs, insects, etc. During egg laying, they can mainly breed egg feed, supplemented by wheat, corn, sorghum, peas, mung beans, bamboo beans, etc., and feed a small amount of animal feed such as yellow powder insects, duck eggs (cooked), etc. At the same time, the fence should always be kept dry and clean, and there should be adequate drinking water and health care sand. In addition, a small amount of chopped green materials, such as leeks and elephant grass, should be given every day.

The adult male finch is about 4.5-5.5 kg, and the female is 4-4.5 kg. The average daily intake is about 250 grams, the dietary crude protein is about 18% Rue 20%, and the energy per kg feed is 11.51-12.36 megajoules.

Peacocks are gentle, but should be wary of individual males who are ferocious and often hostile to strangers or keepers. Pay special attention to this kind of peacocks hurting people with their claws and beaks.

In order to make the birds grow healthily, the birds were dewormed once a year before winter, and the vaccine was selected and grouped and injected with Newcastle disease I vaccine at the beginning of the next year.

III. Mating and reproduction

Under normal circumstances, breeding finches can lay eggs at the age of 22-24 months, and the laying time is from March to August. Generally, eggs are laid every year before and after the "sting" of the lunar calendar, and each female can lay 28-35 eggs. In order to ensure the fertilization rate, the male-female ratio should be kept at 1:2-3, that is, only one male and 2-3 females can be kept in each pen, and two males cannot be kept in one pen at the same time, otherwise, during mating, males fight with each other and affect fertilization. The best utilization life of peacocks is 5-6 years, and the fertilization rate of breeding eggs decreases year by year.

Peacocks mainly mate at 8-9 am and 4-5 pm every day. Males compete with each other before mating, and females make courtship signals. At this time, the environment should be kept quiet and onlookers are prohibited. In order to reduce the pollution of breeding eggs, eggs should be picked up many times before 22:00.

4. Hatching

The peacocks raised in captivity have poor nesting and hatching ability. when the number of breeding is small and the number of eggs is small, they can be hatched with nesting hens. Due to the larger peacock eggs (each weighing 100-110 grams), each hen can have 3-4 eggs. During hatching, the eggs can be turned twice a day with artificial help. After 27 days of hatching, the eggs can be hatched and the hens can be raised at the same time.

When the peacock has a large number of eggs and a large number of eggs, it uses an incubator to hatch. The eggs are disinfected and hatched within 5 days after laying. The temperature of the incubator is maintained at 37.5 ℃, the relative humidity is 65% and 70%, and the general incubation time is 27 days.

The peacock egg is thick in the shell, which is the result of the peacock's choice in nature, which makes it not easy to lose the egg temperature and damage in nature, which is beneficial for it to reproduce in the wild. In the case of artificial feeding and using an incubator, it is necessary to grasp the problem of uniform heating of artificial hatching eggs, and turn the eggs once an hour in the early stage of hatching, which is beneficial to the uniform heating of eggs and the normal development of embryos, and it is also an important way to prevent embryos from adhering to eggshells. The eggs hatched for 25 days were transferred into the machine with 37 ℃ of temperature and 75% humidity.

The chicks that have been hatched for 27 days but are unable to get out of the shell should be given artificial "midwifery". Carefully peel off the broken line of the eggshell to help the chicks get out of the shell, and the chicks will stay in the machine until their feathers are slightly dry before they are removed from the machine.

Someone should take turns on duty when hatching, and make good records, and adjust the temperature and humidity appropriately according to the changes of air temperature and weather.

5. Brooding

After coming out of the shell and putting it in the incubator, the chicks should keep the temperature 30 ℃-31 ℃ within 1-3 days, and the heat preservation requirement for one week should be more than 28 ℃. The first choice for eating is to feed 0.4% potassium permanganate water, and then feed chicken flower food and yellow powder insects. The chicks love to eat Tenebrio Molitor very much. after 1 week of age, they are put into a cage (three layers). The cage is 100 cm x 70 cm x 40 cm, 10 chicks per grid at 1-2 weeks old, 6-8 birds per grid at 3-4 weeks old, 5 birds per grid at 5-8 weeks old, and 10-12 birds in each column after 8 weeks old.

When raising chicks, a piece of disinfected gunny bag should be placed at the bottom of the cage, and it should be changed frequently, keep clean and dry, feed and supply water all day long in the trough and sink, properly add compound vitamin B solution to drinking water, supply Tenebrio Molitor regularly every day, gradually supply green feed after 8 weeks of age, and immunize chickens with IV disease in drinking water once at the age of 5 weeks.

VI. Breeding of Chinese finches

After 8 weeks of age, the chicks are raised in a breeding birdhouse with an area of about 30 square meters per column, raising 10-12 birds; the floor of the shed is covered with 3-5 cm coarse sand to keep the shed dry and provide sand bath; the chicken feed is fed at the beginning, and the food and beans are fed step by step. A little cooked duck eggs or yellow powder insects are fed daily to cut up green material once a day, and health care sand is placed in the barn.

The middle finch is raised to autumn and is about 6 months old. if it is used for food, it can be properly reared. After slaughter, the carcass is beautiful, the color is light yellow, the muscle layer is thick, the muscle fiber is young, the slaughter rate is 75%, the average feed consumption is about 15 kg, and the meat-to-meat ratio is about 1:4. The middle finch has been raised for about a year and a half and is becoming more and more mature. at this time, it is necessary to select individuals with normal growth and development, healthy feet and moderate pubic distance as backup finches, taking into account the arrangement of crown feathers and the color of neck and chest feathers. The male-female ratio is 1:2-3 in a group, which is raised in a fixed shed until eggs are laid. At this time, energy feed should be properly controlled to avoid fat deposition and affect breeding.

VII. disease prevention and control of peacocks

Peacock is a kind of wild bird, which has formed strong disease resistance in long-term natural selection. In the process of feeding and management in the past few years, keeping the environment quiet, less contact with the outside world, keeping the shed dry, clean and hygienic, and disinfecting it regularly are the basic work to prevent diseases. In addition, we also found the following diseases.

1. Pasteurellosis

This is an acute septic infectious disease in peacocks, which is common in young birds and occasionally occurs in adults with acute morbidity and high mortality. It is common in late spring and early summer. Oxytetracycline can be added to feed for prevention and can be treated with streptomycin 20-30 000 units / Kg.

2. Parasites in vivo

Because peacocks like to eat insects, they are easy to be infected with nematode and coccidiosis. We found that there were nematodes and coccidiosis. Levamisole hydrochloride tablets were fed with 3-4 tablets per adult, and the effect was good, at least three times a year. Coccidiosis can be controlled with coccidiosis.

3. Vaccination with chicken plague vaccine to prevent the infection of sparrow plague.

4. Stress factors

The peacock is not domesticated, timid and easily affected by stress factors, resulting in accidental death.

5. Other

In addition, there are body lice, blackhead disease, vitamin deficiency, foreign body damage and so on, which need us to feed and manage carefully, find problems in time, and take effective measures to prevent and cure them.

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