
Seedling planting plan in 2018

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, 2018, a new starting point, a new journey! At this time, seedling people are thinking, which seedling varieties can lead the market in the new year? What kind of seedlings can.

2018, a new starting point, a new journey! At this time, seedling people are thinking, which seedling varieties can lead the market in the new year? Which seedlings can compete to be the dark horse and lead the market all the way? What should we grow in 2018 and how should we develop it?

-the main battlefield of seedling production and marketing in 2018

Analysis of Miao City-- key Direction

The garden nursery stock market will gradually pick up and recover next year. After this round of major adjustment and supply-side structural reform, especially through the elimination of inventory and the elimination of backward production capacity in the past few years, most of the low-end garbage seedlings will be basically cleared, and the application of high-end high-quality and new-excellent characteristic seedlings will become the mainstream of the market. in order to form a healthier and sustainable supply and demand pattern of production and marketing.

According to the observation and analysis of the market trend, the western and northern China are still the main battlefields for the production and marketing of garden seedlings in the future, with large market space and strong demand. The demand for the construction of ecological landscape in the central region, the construction of ecological environment in the southeast, the construction of parks and forest cities, the transformation of landscape greening and the construction of small towns with characteristics are also very considerable. The demand potential of real estate courtyard landscape and roof three-dimensional greening has not been fully released, and the business opportunities are still great.

In short, in the new economic era, the seedling industry must change the mode of production on the basis of repositioning, strengthen scientific and technological research and development and medium-and long-term investment, and make breakthroughs in product structure optimization and production and marketing mode innovation.

-2018 seedling market demand-

Seedling direction

◆ native tree species have strong vitality. Native tree species have strong adaptability, strong resistance to natural disasters (extreme cold) and large dosage.

◆ pays attention to the cultivation of colored leaf tree species. At present, colored-leaf trees have formed a climate, and are being recognized by the greening industry, and the project has been widely used. Moreover, the speculation period of colored-leaf tree species has passed, and the price of nursery seedlings has returned to normal, so they can be planted properly in order to obtain greater economic benefits.

◆ large size, good-looking, street trees, foliage, flowers, fruit trees and middle flower shrubs, multi-stem tufted trees, narrow crown trees

◆ landscape modelling trees and weeping branch seedlings

◆ mainstream greening tree species. Seedlings with ecological function, which can trap dust and absorb waste gas, purify air, conserve water sources, resist wind and sand, salt and alkali water humidity.

◆ dwarf trees and rattan seedlings adapted to roof three-dimensional greening

◆ is suitable for woody flower shrubs in flower sea and flower border.

◆ is a seedling that can watch flowers in winter.

-what seedlings will be planted in 2018?

Which seedlings will catch fire?

01 recommendation of the most potential native tree species

Eucommia ulmoides

Suitable area: the Yellow River basin and its southern area.

Cold tolerance, drought tolerance, saline-alkali tolerance, fewer diseases and insect pests, tolerance to rough management, belong to low-carbon tree species, have a bright future in ecological construction, and is one of the most promising tree species in the future.

Eucommia ulmoides has both economic value and ecological value, but it is mainly cultivated as economic tree species at present, but it is not widely used in landscaping. Nursery nursery cultivation of a small number, obviously can not meet the needs of the market, the possibility of price rise is very great.

Catalpa tree

Suitable areas: can be cultivated in the Yangtze River Basin and its north area.

Catalpa tree is tall and sparse, cold-tolerant, drought-tolerant, light saline-alkali tolerant, and fast growing, few diseases and insect pests, resistant to rough management, is a veritable low-carbon tree species. And catalpa tree is a flowering tree, which is lack of a kind of tree species in the landscape at present.

As a native tree species, catalpa tree has a wide range of suitability, strong dryness and strong resistance, so it is suitable to be used as a street tree and enrich the urban street tree landscape. But at present, the popularity is not high, nursery cultivation is less, can not meet the needs of the project. In addition to catalpa, catalpa, golden tree and their horticultural varieties' Golden Leaf Catalpa 'and' Golden Leaf Juglans mandshurica 'are all potential native tree species.

Tassel tree

Suitable areas: can be cultivated in Shaanxi, Gansu and South China.

Tassel tree is tall, graceful and widely distributed. It can be cultivated in most parts of the country. It is resistant to drought and barren and extensive management. It is an excellent native tree species. Is also a beautiful flowering tree, luxuriant branches and leaves, flowering in the early summer with few flowers, full of white flowers, such as snow cover, clear and pleasant. Flowers and leaves have medicinal value, can be used for tea, fruit can extract aromatic oil, is a comprehensive multi-functional tree species.

At present, the application of tassel in landscaping is not much, the cultivation in the nursery is less, and it is more and more favored because of its high ornamental value and ecological value. it is a potential local flowering tree species in the next few years.

Du pear

Suitable areas: Liaoning, Gansu to the Yangtze River basin can be distributed.

Du pear has a tall crown, beautiful tree shape, full of flowers in spring, as white as snow, and high ornamental value. Moreover, du pear is strong in nature, not strict in water and fertilizer requirements, resistant to drought, barren and saline-alkali land, and resistant to rough management, so it can be used as landscape trees or street trees in gardens. Du pear is widely used in saline-alkali areas of northern China, and can also be used as protective forest and soil and water conservation forest.

At present, du pear is mainly used as the rootstock of fruit pear, but it is not widely used in landscaping and nursery, so it is a potential local flowering tree.

Silk cotton wood

Suitable area: to the north of the Yangtze River basin.

Silk cotton trees are graceful, beautiful branches and leaves, pink capsules in autumn, hanging on the trees for as long as 2 months, attracting flocks of birds, quite unique, is a beautiful ornamental tree species in garden and green space. Silk cotton wood has strong resistance and resistance to extensive management, so it can be used as shelterbelt or factory greening tree species.

Silk cotton is a local tree species that has attracted more and more attention in recent years. Because of its high ornamental value, strong resistance and wide adaptability, it has been paid more and more attention in urban gardens and courtyard greening.

Melia azedarach

Suitable range: south of the Yellow River.

Melia azedarach has a round crown, beautiful posture and strong dryness. Early summer full of purple flowers, rustle fragrance; late autumn fruit, winter does not fall, the garden ornamental value is higher. And neem has strong growth, few diseases and insect pests, can secrete natural pesticides, widely distributed, no choice of soil, tolerance to rough management and saline-alkali soil.

At present, neem is widely used in scenic forest and soil and water conservation forest, but less in urban landscaping. Some breakthroughs have been made in the research on garden application of neem tree. It is believed that neem tree species which are more suitable for landscaping will be selected.

02 recommendation of the most potential new varieties of seedlings

Magnolia safflower

Suitable areas: the Yangtze River Basin and its northern area

Magnolia safflower is a deciduous tree of Magnolia of Magnoliaceae, which is 20 meters high. It was found in Changyang area of Wufeng, Hubei Province in 2004. Magnolia safflower has bright flowers and red petals, which breaks the pattern of magnolia with only white and purple, and has high ornamental value.

Safflower Magnolia 'Jiaohong 1' is a new variety of Magnolia Magnolia cultivated by the team of Professor Ma Liyi of Beijing Forestry University. the delicate red is very resistant to look, extremely cold-resistant and has a wide range of adaptation. and the price is as high as 80 yuan a small seedling.

American black diamond crape myrtle

Suitable areas: can be cultivated in the Yangtze River Basin and its north area.

A series of new varieties of crape myrtle selected by Capston Plant Co., Ltd., a small deciduous tree or shrub of the genus Lagerstroemia of Lycopodiaceae. The most obvious feature of these crape myrtle is that the leaves are purplish black or nearly black which is different from the conventional green, and the leaf viewing period is as long as 10 months. The flower color has red, white, purple and other colors, the flowering period is as long as 4 months, which has a very high value of viewing flowers and leaves.

In addition to the distinctive ornamental features, the American black diamond crape myrtle has a strong cold resistance. It can withstand the low temperature of-45 ℃, which is suitable for planting in most areas of our country. And strong adaptability, strong resistance to powdery mildew, coal fouling, brown spot and other common diseases of crape myrtle, known as a "revolutionary" new crape myrtle variety.

Golden Butterfly Tree

Suitable area: North of the Yellow River

It is a deciduous tree of Moraceae, and 'Golden Butterfly' is a variant variety of Broussonetia papyrifera. The most obvious feature of this variety is that the leaf edge is golden yellow or yellowish green which is different from green, and the leaf center is green. In spring and summer, the tree is golden and mottled, which is quite spectacular.

As an excellent native colored leaf tree species, 'Golden Butterfly' has strong adaptability, fast growth, lax soil requirements, drought and barren resistance, dust retention and pollution resistance. It can be planted in most parts of the country, and it is a very excellent urban greening tree species.

Camellias of the four seasons

Suitable area: the south of the Yellow River

Four Seasons Camellia is an evergreen shrub of Camellia in Theaceae. It is a rare and protected plant in China. Its flowers are large and gorgeous, its flowering period is almost all the year round, and its leaves are quite similar to rhododendrons, so it is also known as rhododendron camellias. The new variety of camellias cultivated by the Palm Company last year received a great deal of attention from the industry and sold an amazing 29 million of commercial development rights.

The new varieties of camellias in four seasons have the advantages of unique flower shape and long flowering period. the most important thing is that they have the ability of natural resistance to flower disease, which greatly increases the competitiveness of their products, has a wide range of adaptation, can withstand-5 ℃ low temperature and 38 ℃ high temperature, and is a new garden variety in full bloom, evergreen in four seasons and vigorous growth.

Colorful leaf pear

Suitable areas: the Yangtze River Basin and its northern area

For Rosaceae pear deciduous trees, spring flowers, snow-white elegant; autumn leaves, delicate and beautiful, leaves are red, orange, purple and so on. At present, there are new horticultural varieties such as Capital, aristocracy, Cleveland, New Bradford, Hongta and so on.

Caiye pear not only has both flower and leaf value, but also has many advantages in garden application. The biggest advantage of Caiye pear is resistance to salt and alkali, good growth among pH5.8~8.5, strong resistance to wind, resistance to water and humidity, and will not wither in shallow running water for 20 days.

Giant Bauhinia 'four Seasons Spring No. 1'

Suitable areas: most areas south of Beijing and Dalian are suitable for growth.

Giant bauhinia is a deciduous tree of the genus Bauhinia in Leguminosae. It is an excellent native tree species with great ornamental value found in recent years.

Giant Bauhinia 'Sijichun No. 1' is a new variety selected from giant bauhinia seedlings, which has the characteristics of fast growth, good dryness, plump plant type, wide range of suitable growth, resistance to diseases and insect pests, strong stress resistance, dense flowering and so on.

Red thousand layers are 'shining'

Suitable area: the south of the Yellow River

Red thousand layer for the myrtle family red thousand layer belongs to evergreen shrubs or small trees, the flower shape is strange like a brush, so it is also known as the bottle tree, the leaves are thick green like Luohan pine, do not adjust all the year round.

Red thousand layers are produced in the south and are not very hardy. "brilliant" is one of the most cold-tolerant varieties in the safflower thousand-layer family, which can withstand the low temperature of-10 ℃ and has the advantages of early flowering, large color and long flowering period. It is a new garden variety worth popularizing because of its tolerance to drought, moisture and saline-alkali.

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