
Full set of breeding techniques for small-tailed Han sheep!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The raising and management of breeding ram the quality of breeding ram is very important to improve the quality, appearance, production performance and breeding of sheep. A man of good quality.

Feeding and management of breeding ram

The quality of breeding ram is closely related to the improvement of sheep quality, shape, production performance and breeding. The ram of good quality can not give full play to its breeding value even if it is not cultivated well. The number of breeding rams is small, and the breeding value is high. As the saying goes, "the ram is good, the slope is good, the ewe is good, the nest is good." The breeding ram must be carefully raised and managed, and it is required to maintain the middle and upper-class body, strong physique, abundant energy and exuberant semen quality, so as to ensure and improve the utilization rate of breeding sheep.

(1) Dietary characteristics of breeding rams

The requirement of breeding ram feed is high nutritional value, sufficient protein, vitamins and minerals, easy digestion and good palatability. There are alfalfa, clover, green oatgrass and so on. Succulent feeds include carrots, beets or silage corn. Concentrate are oats, barley, peas, black beans, corn, sorghum, bean cake, wheat bran and so on. High-quality mixed hay of Gramineae and Leguminosae, which is the main feed for breeding rams, should be fed as much as possible throughout the year. Half of the grass is mowed in summer and the right amount of silage is added in winter. The number of nutritional deficiencies in the diet to supplement the mixed concentrate. Corn or barley should not be used in concentrate, and wheat bran, peas, soybeans or cake dregs should be added to extract protein. Excellent ram with heavy breeding task can supplement animal feed.

(2) feeding during the non-mating period

In order to complete the task of mating, it is necessary to strengthen feeding and exercise in the non-mating period, and graze when possible to lay the foundation for the mating period. The body before the mating period is more important than the peak mating season by 10% Murray 15%. If the target is not met, the mating will be affected. In the non-breeding period, in addition to grazing, 0.5 kg of concentrate, 3 kg of hay, 0.5 kg of carrots, 5 g-10 g of salt and 5 g of bone meal are generally supplied daily in winter. Grazing is the main food in summer. Feed 3-4 times a day and drink water once-2 times.

(3) breeding during the mating period

The breeding period can be divided into two stages: the preparation period (1 month-1.5 months before mating) and the mating period. The amount of feed should be increased during the preparation period, which should be given according to 60% of the mating amount and 70% of the mating amount, and gradually increase to the concentrate supply during the mating period. During the mating period, the ram's nerves are in a state of excitement, often restless and restless to eat. The management of this period should be particularly careful, getting up early and going to bed late, adding less frequently, and feeding many times. Feed quality should be good, when the heart wants to supply some fish meal, eggs, sheep's milk, in order to supplement the breeding period of a large number of nutritional consumption. The mating period, such as insufficient protein quantity and poor quality, will affect ram performance, semen quality and conception rate. During the breeding period, the daily feed quota is as follows: 1.2 kg-1.4 kg of mixed concentrate, 2 kg of alfalfa hay or wild hay, 0.5 kg-1.5 kg of carrots, 15-20 grams of salt, 5-10 grams of bone meal, 5 grams of blood meal or fish meal. Forage was given 2-3 times and drinking water 3-4 times. Graze or exercise for about 6 hours a day. The prepared concentrate should be scattered evenly in the trough, and the appetite of the breeding ram should be observed regularly in order to adjust the feed in time and judge the health status of the breeding ram. Keep the ram away from the ewe, otherwise when the ewe barks, the ram will stand at the door and climb on the wall, looking around to affect feeding. A breeder ram house should choose a ventilated, sunny and dry place. Each ram needs an area of about 2 square meters. High temperature and humidity in summer will have a negative effect on semen quality. During this period, you should graze in cool highlands and sleep in well-ventilated shady places.

The sperm collection of breeding ram should be moderate. Generally, one ram can undertake the breeding task of 30-50 ewes. The semen was collected from 1 month to 1.5 months before breeding, and the semen quality was checked at the same time. At the beginning of semen collection once a week, and then increased to 2 times a week, to the mating time can be collected once or twice a day, do not collect semen continuously. For 1.5-year-old breeder rams, semen should not be collected more than 1-2 times a day, and 2.5-year-old rams can collect semen 3-4 times a day. If there are many times of semen collection, there should be a rest time, and the ram should not eat too much before semen collection.

Feeding and management of breeding ewes

For breeding ewes, it is required to maintain a high level of nutrition in order to achieve the goal of multiple births, prolific and strong. Ewe feeding can be divided into three stages: empty pregnancy and lactation.

(1) feeding during the empty period

Enough attention should be paid to the feeding of breeding ewes during the empty period, and the nutritional status at this stage is closely related to ewes' estrus, mating, conception and later fetal development. High quality grass should be given from 1 month to 1.5 months before mating, or graze in the pasture with lush forage grass. According to the nutritional status of sheep and individuals, appropriate supplementary feeding should be given to maintain a high nutritional level of sheep.

(2) feeding during pregnancy

In the first trimester (about 3 months), due to the slow development of the fetus and the need for less nutrients, generally grazing or giving enough grass, appropriate supplementary feeding can meet the needs.

The third trimester of pregnancy is when the fetus is growing rapidly, and 90% of the birth weight increases in the second trimester of pregnancy. If the nutrition is insufficient at this stage, the birth weight of the lamb is small, the resistance is weak, and it is very easy to die. And because the fat condition is not good, to the lactation stage is not ready for lactation and lack of milk. Therefore, supplementary feeding should be strengthened at this time. In addition to grazing, each sheep should be supplemented with 450 grams of concentrate, 1 kg-1.5 kg of hay, 1.5 kg of silage, 15 grams of salt and bone meal. For pregnant ewes must be high-quality fodder, should pay attention to protect the fetus. Moldy, rotten, spoiled, frozen feed can not be fed, do not drink very low temperature water.

Management should be particularly careful, grazing, grazing, drinking water, supplementary feeding should be orderly, slow and stable, prevent crowding, sliding, and strictly prevent jumping from cliffs and ditches, so as to prevent undue losses, so we should choose flat grazing as far as possible. Special attention should be paid not to catch or disturb the sheep without reason, so as to prevent the wrestling between the sheep in time to prevent miscarriage.

Ewes should be managed carefully in the later period of pregnancy, especially before delivery. Ewes have sunken nests, sagging abdomen, swollen breasts, swollen vagina and mucus. Often lying alone in the corner, frequent urination, restless behavior, lying from time to time, constantly looking back at the belly, singing, etc., are the performance of ewes before giving birth. Carry out a thorough cleaning of the sheep house and delivery fence, disinfect, repair doors and windows, block the wind tunnel, prepare enough mattress, etc., and inform the relevant personnel to make preparations before delivery.

(3) feeding during lactation

Breast milk is the main source of nutrition for the growth and development of lambs, especially in the first 20-30 days after delivery, ewes have more milk, lambs develop well, have strong disease resistance and high survival rate. If the ewe is not raised well, the ewe will lose weight, produce less milk, and affect the growth and development of the lamb.

Just postpartum ewes smell emptiness, physical weakness, physical and water consumption is very large digestive function is poor, these days to give digestible high-quality hay, drink salt water, bran soup. Silage and succulent feed can promote milk, but not too early. Within 1-3 days of lambing, if you are in good health, you can feed less concentrate, mainly high-quality hay, indigestion or mastitis.

In the early stage of lactation, the average lactating mother needs 500 grams of mixed concentrate every day, 3 kilograms of alfalfa hay and 1.5 kilograms of carrots. In winter, special attention should be paid to replenishing succulent feed such as carrots to ensure adequate milk.

In the later stage of lactation, the lactation ability of ewes gradually decreased, and the lambs could feed on their own forage and concentrate, and the supplementary feeding standard could be reduced to 0.3 kg-0.45 kg, 1 kg-2 kg of hay and 1 kg of carrots.

When a lamb is breast-fed, avoid misfeeding. The breast that the lamb eats more times, the breast that the milk bag is small, the breast that eats less times, the milk bag is big later. If the breasts are too large or too small, the drooping breasts will affect the feeding of the lambs. To artificially control the lamb, so that the lamb will often eat the milk of both breasts evenly, to maintain the size of the ewe nipple, high and low moderate.

When ewes and lambs are grazing, the time should be from short to long, and the distance should be from near to far. We should pay special attention to the weather changes and rush back to the sheepfold in time. Before weaning, it is necessary to reduce the amount of succulent feed, silage and concentrate for ewes to prevent mastitis.

The ewe pen should change the mat grass frequently, clean it frequently, remove the dirt in time, and keep it clean and dry.

Feeding and management of lambs

Sheep from birth to weaning (usually 3.5-4 months old) are called lambs. The lamb is the fastest growing period in its life. According to data, within 4 months, the male lamb increased from 3.61 kg to 30.04 kg, and the female lamb increased from 3.84 kg to 27.33 kg. At this time, the digestive function is not perfect, the ability to adapt to the outside world is poor, and the source of nutrition varies greatly from blood, milk to forage. The development of lambs is closely related to the body weight and production performance of adult sheep. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the feeding and management of lambs and ensure the breeding of lambs. According to the growth characteristics of lambs, several links should be grasped in feeding and management:

(1) eat enough colostrum

The lamb must be fed colostrum within 1-3 days after birth. Colostrum refers to the endocrine milk of ewes 1-3 days after delivery. Colostrum, which is different from normal milk, is yellow and thick, rich in protein and fat, comprehensive composition of amino acids, complete and sufficient vitamins, more minerals, especially more magnesium, has the effect of light diarrhea, can promote the elimination of meconium and contains more antibodies. It is a kind of natural protective product, which has anti-disease effect and can resist the invasion of external microorganisms. Colostrum plays a special and important role in the growth, development and health of lambs. If the colostrum is not eaten well, it will bring irreparable losses in the lamb's life.

(2) feeding regular breasts

After 3 days of first lactation, the lamb was weaned until it was fed normally. Lambs live mainly on breast milk for a few weeks after birth. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the supplementary feeding of lactating ewes, properly add concentrate and succulent feed, maintain good nutritional status of ewes, promote lactation, make them have sufficient milk supply, and feed lambs enough whole milk. It is necessary to take good care of lambs and eat good breast milk, and evenly breast-feed multiple lambs to prevent the strong from eating more and the weak from eating less.

(3) early supplementary feeding

In order to make the lamb grow fast and have a good growth performance, we should not only eat enough colostrum and regular milk, but also supplement it as soon as possible, so that the lamb can not only obtain more perfect nutrients, but also exercise the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract earlier and promote the healthy development of the gastrointestinal system. Strengthen the physique of the lamb. One week after birth, the small-tailed Han sheep began to learn to eat tender grass and feed from the ewe. After 10-15 days of age, the lamb begins to give fresh grass and some soft high-quality hay and leaves. The grass can also be bundled into small bundles and hung on a rack where the lamb can eat, so that the lamb can lick at any time. In order to feed the lamb as soon as possible, you can initially cook gruel with corn flour and bean noodles or stir it in water to let the lamb eat. You can also put the fried concentrate in a basin so that the lamb can smell the fragrance and then lick it, or let the powder concentrate spread on the lamb's mouth and let it grind it over and over again. When it smells the fragrance and tastes sweetness, it will grab the food like the big sheep.

(4) moderate grazing

Proper exercise of lambs can strengthen their physique and improve their disease resistance. After raising the newborn lambs in the enclosure for 5-7 days in the first few days, the lambs can be moved freely in a place with plenty of sunlight for half an hour to 1 hour at first, and then increase gradually. After 3 weeks, they can graze with the ewes and begin to get closer. Choose a place with flat terrain, leeward to the sun and good forage grass. After the gradual increase of grazing distance, mother and son walk slowly when grazing, lambs do not love the herd, be careful not to lose lambs. After 30 days of age, lambs can be grazed in groups, and the grazing time can increase gradually with the increase of lamb age. Do not go to low wet, soft pastures to graze, lambs lick loose soil easy to get gastrointestinal diseases, in low wetlands easy to get parasitic diseases. When grazing, pay attention to training lambs to obey commands from an early age.

(5) timely weaning

When the lamb is weaned, the lamb should be weaned scientifically according to its growth and development, and the normal lamb should be developed. By the age of 3 months to 4 months, it can eat a lot of forage grass and feed, have the ability to live independently, and can be weaned into lambs. The development of lambs is neat and consistent, and one-off weaning can be used. If the development is strong and weak, you can use the method of weaning in stages, that is, the strong lambs are weaned first. The weak and thin lambs continue to be breast-fed and the weaning time can be extended appropriately. After weaning, the lambs are left in the original barn, and the ewes are locked in a faraway shed to prevent the lambs from missing their mothers and affecting their feeding.

Weaning should be carried out gradually, usually after 7-10 days. At the beginning of weaning, ewes and offspring are only breastfed twice a day in the morning and evening. After that, it was changed to lactation for 1 time.

Supplementary feeding method for lack of milk in lambs

For lambs without milk, they can be fed evenly with fresh eggs, cod liver oil and salt, mixed with boiling water. For the lambs with less milk, the milked sheep's milk can be mixed with the above items for better results. The specific method is as follows: 1 fresh egg, 4 ml or 1 cod liver oil, 2 g salt and 100ml boiled water, put the fresh egg, cod liver oil and salt into a cup, pour into boiling water and stir evenly, then feed to the lamb when cool to 38 ℃ ~ 40 ℃. Within 7 days after birth, lambs should be fed 4 times 6 times a day, 50 ml each time, or a daily dose of 1 × 5 × 1 × 4 of birth weight, and then increase day by day. On the 8th day after birth, the amount of feeding can be increased to 0.8-1.0 kg. As the lamb grows up, it begins to train to eat grass and feed in about 15 days, and cod liver oil can be gradually subtracted. After 1 month, the feeding amount was gradually reduced and the supplementary forage was increased.

Delivery of small-tailed Han sheep

1. Prenatal preparation

(1) 1-2 days before delivery, ewes should be kept in enclosure for feeding or grazing near the enclosure.

(2) prepare the delivery room (clean, disinfect with 20% lime water, or carbolic acid, plant ash, etc., spread some bedding, etc.)

(3) prepare iodine, washbasin, towels, medicinal soap or Lysol, Xinjielai, potassium permanganate, etc.

(4) make lambing plan and lambing registration, etc.

(5) for 3 days before delivery, the ewe feed was reduced to a minimum and the concentrate was as usual.

2. Delivery

(1) Let the ewe lie flat or high in front and low in the back to facilitate lambing.

(2) when the ewe is on the edge of the tut, the midwife grabs the lamb and pulls lightly. Then tear the umbilical cord (about 1 inch from the abdomen), squeeze out the blood, disinfect it with iodine, prevent tetanus, etc.

(3) Let the ewe lick dry the lamb to enhance the babysitting and facilitate the discharge of the placenta. If necessary, clean bedding can be used to help gently wipe the lamb's large amount of mucus and fetal water. Except for winter, spring and late autumn lambing need to be kept warm in the delivery room, there is no need to light a fire to keep warm at other times.

(4) peel off the foetus' hoof, let the lamb stand up, and manually assist in feeding for the first time; weigh the birth weight half an hour later.

(5) the time interval of multiple small-tailed Han sheep per lamb varies from a few minutes fast to nearly an hour or more slowly. After the last lamb is born, ewes are given warm water and salt water, and no cold water is drunk within five days. Concentrate increases gradually, reaching a specified amount on the 10th day, and it is necessary to increase the amount of concentrate in the future.

(6) the lambs were injected with tetanus toxoid or antitoxin within 5 days.

PS: welcome to follow the first public welfare platform of sheep raising industry in China. China Sheep raising Alliance Wechat official account: zgyylm123