
What is two-color jasmine? key points of culture methods of two-color jasmine

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is two-color jasmine? key points of culture methods of two-color jasmine

What kind of flower is bicolor jasmine? Two-color jasmine is a kind of flowering sequence, in the same plant can see different colors of flowers at the same time, so the name "two-color jasmine". Let's take a look at the main points of the breeding method of two-color jasmine with the editor.

Bicolor jasmine is a perennial evergreen shrub with a height of up to 1 meter. Two-color jasmine belongs to Solanaceae, mandarin duck jasmine, evergreen shrub, plant height 30mm 100 cm leaf long ovate, dark green. Flowers solitary or several dense, perianth with 5-lobed, like 5-petal plum blossom, Corolla diameter 3-4 cm, flowers at the beginning of the lavender, gradually become cyan, and finally white.

The main points of culture methods of two-color jasmine are as follows:

① two-color jasmine home how to raise, mandarin duck jasmine like warm, humid climate, not cold-resistant. Acid loam with sufficient sunshine and good drainage is required. You need to spend the winter indoors in winter and move outside in spring.

The ② culture soil can be prepared with garden soil: rotten leaf soil: Rice bran ash (1.5%) and barnyard manure. Prune properly when turning the basin in spring, trimming off old roots, withered branches, dense branches and long branches. It needs to be cultivated under a big tree in summer.

③ can gradually increase the amount of water after spring, and can be watered once every two days in summer. Properly spray water on the leaf surface and the surrounding environment to reduce the number of watering in autumn. In winter, it is usually watered once every 10 days, and too much watering will lead to fallen leaves or root rot.

④ applied pancake fertilizer and water every 10 to 15 days in spring and summer, and stopped fertilization in autumn to prevent new shoots from freezing.

⑤ reproduction: a. The annual branches can be cut from April to August, which are 8-10 cm long and can take root 1 month after planting. The survival rate of full light spray method is high in summer. b. It can also be propagated by striping method. The branches are cut at 15 cm and buried in the soil. They can take root after 3 weeks, and can be transplanted in vitro in 50 days.

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