
How to breed camellias What are the cultivation methods of camellias

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to breed camellias What are the cultivation methods of camellias

Now that the standard of living is getting better and better, many people will raise plants at home to make their home life full of vitality. The relative superiority of camellia is the choice of many people, so do you know the cultivation method of camellia? The following small series introduces the cultivation method of camellia.

Culture method of camellia

First, lighting conditions, camellia avoid strong light, so when planting must pay attention to sunlight, spring and autumn when the light is sufficient, but in summer, must avoid direct sunlight, camellia as long as it is exposed to strong light for too long, it is easy to die, if there are conditions, then transplant to the sun shed is best.

Second, temperature attention, camellia is not cold and not resistant to summer heat, its most suitable temperature is 18-25 degrees, so the environmental temperature should not be too high and too low, otherwise it will affect its growth, especially in winter, indoor temperature must be above 3 degrees, if it is lower than 0 degrees, it will be frostbite.

Third, watering matters, camellia likes a humid environment, so we must pay special attention to, not too dry, not too wet, not dry when wet, generally in spring can be watered more, so conducive to germination, summer should be watered twice in the morning and evening, the best time can be poured to the leaves, avoid watering when the plant is high temperature, autumn and spring, but in winter when watering should pay attention, it is best to water before and after the plant, and do not water every day, preferably two or three days.

Fourth, fertilization points, camellia more like fertilizer, so in the whole breeding process should pay special attention to the use of fertilizer, such as adding phosphorus and potassium fertilizer on the pot, but fertilizer also has a degree, must not be too much, generally in the nearly half a year after flowering fertilization about 3 times, winter fertilization can be, in order to make the flowers more beautiful, the best fertilizer put more phosphorus.

Fifth, flower pruning, camellia pruning is very important, generally will affect the tree branches and disease, weak branches cut off, as well as bud finishing, once the bud is too dense, but also to comb, flowers wither after timely picking, can reduce nutrient consumption.

Sixth, camellia pot, this point many people will ignore, many people planted it will not be in the pot, in fact, this is very wrong, camellia generally every two years to turn the pot once, to change a large pot, so that it is conducive to its growth, turn the pot time to pay special attention, preferably in April, turn the pot when stepping to pay attention, do not remove all the old soil, but also to add a small amount of base fertilizer, and then watering.

Seventh, the control of disease pests, camellia is very easy to get sick, there are two common diseases-black mold, anthracnose, then only need to spray 0.5 degrees Bordeaux mixture, camellia pests are mainly tea shoot moth, then mainly cut off insects can be.

Eighth, soil requirements, soil is the root of camellia growth, camellia all nutrients are obtained from the soil, so the requirements of the soil are quite high, generally its soil contains humus is higher, PH value is between 5-6.5, slightly acidic, the best soil configuration is: mountain soil 50%, sawdust or edible mushroom residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus powder 10%.

Ninth, air circulation, camellia growth place on air circulation requirements are extremely high, it is most suitable for growth in the breeze blowing, but camellia is afraid of northwest wind and strong wind, because northwest wind and strong wind easy to make water evaporation too fast, camellia supply and demand out of balance, this is not conducive to the growth of camellia.

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