
How to cultivate Cymbidium how to cultivate easy Cymbidium Culture precautions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to cultivate Cymbidium how to cultivate easy Cymbidium Culture precautions

Hanging orchid is one of the common potted plants, many families have breeding, not only fresh air, but also bring a strong vitality to the space, if you also want to raise only hanging orchid, then come to see how to raise hanging orchid easily, hanging orchid breeding precautions.

Cultivation method of spider orchid

1, suitable lighting: hanging orchid happy semi-shade environment, hanging orchid is very sensitive to light, if summer and autumn direct sunlight, leaves will be yellow, or even the whole plant died, so should avoid strong sunlight direct sun, and to be placed in a cool and ventilated place, and pay attention to maintain environmental humidity, at most only in the morning and evening to see some oblique light. In winter, because the sun is not strong, you can let the spider plant properly receive some direct sunlight.

2, temperature: hi warm, humid and semi-shady environment, strong adaptability, winter minimum temperature of about 10℃, growth period room temperature should be maintained at about 20℃.

3, generally in good drainage, loose fertile sandy soil growth is better.

4. Proper watering: hanging orchid likes humid environment, so it is necessary to keep the pot soil moist frequently, and water should be sufficient in summer. Water should be sprayed on branches and leaves before and after noon and evening to prevent leaves from drying up. Indoor often more dust, such as hanging orchid dust more, both affect its growth, but also damage the branches and leaves fresh, fresh, so often spray wash branches and leaves, keep branches and leaves bright and beautiful. Lower dead leaves, yellow leaves should be picked at any time, usually to maintain normal humidity, should not be dry, should not be too wet.

5, change the soil for the pot: pot hanging hanging orchid in the management, in order to seek lush stems and leaves, in April of each year before and after the soil should be changed, change the pot once. If the pot is deeper and the base fertilizer is sufficient, it can be replaced once every two years. When turning over the pots, knock the plants out of the pots, cut off the withered roots and redundant roots, replace them with new culture soil rich in humus, and then apply livestock hoof slices or decomposed cake fertilizer as base fertilizer.

6, pest control: spider orchid farming is generally not easy to occur pests. Occurrence of disease is generally basin soil water, poor ventilation caused by root rot root rot, then should be timely spraying control.

Notice on cultivation of spider orchid

1. After changing pots in spring, culture in semi-shade, and move to a place with light after survival. Spring is the season when spider plants grow faster, so sufficient water and fertilizer supply should be ensured. When the temperature is not high, it can be cultured in full light. After the temperature rises, the light around noon is blocked. If the growth period found that the leaf color dim, light green, can be applied urea 1000 times 1-2 times. If cultivated in the room, when the light is insufficient, the leaf color is easy to present yellow-green, and it can be moved out to increase the light.

In summer, avoid direct sunlight. Always keep the soil moist. Pouring liquid fertilizer every 15-20 days.

3. When the climate is dry in summer and autumn, measures such as spraying water should be taken to increase the air humidity around the plants.

4. Chlorophytum is not cold-resistant and can safely overwinter at room temperature above 5℃. Winter temperature is low, spider orchid should be placed in full light, watering should be less, so that the pot soil slightly partial to, do not fertilize.

The above introduction to this article, I hope to have some assistance for you who have needs, if you have other questions, you can pay attention to No.1 home network for more understanding.