
How to grow sweet potatoes? Introduction of High efficiency planting Technology of Sweet Potato

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Sweet potato is what we usually call sweet potato. Sweet potato is called sweet potato. Is an annual herb, sweet potato is rich in starch, protein, support.

Sweet potato is what we usually call sweet potato. Sweet potato is called sweet potato. Is an annual herb, sweet potato is rich in starch, protein, vitamins, amino acids and a variety of nutrients, is often eaten in people's life. In addition, sweet potato is a crop with high and stable yield, which has the characteristics of wide adaptability, strong stress resistance, drought and barren tolerance, less diseases and insect pests and so on. It is suitable for planting in places with better water and fertilizer conditions. So, how to grow sweet potatoes? What are the ways of growing sweet potatoes?

Introduction to planting techniques of sweet potato

1. Raising seedlings in seedbed

Sprouting and seedling raising is an important part of the whole out-of-season cultivation, and the seedling time is appropriately earlier than the middle of February, and the seed potato is moved into the protected seedling bed to raise seedlings. The nursery bed is protected by double-layer film, the seed potatoes are arranged neatly, covered with a layer of fine soil and then covered with a layer of plastic film, and then covered with a layer of film to improve the ground temperature of the seedbed. Timely drilling holes in the flat plastic film to introduce seedlings, so as not to burn out the young seedlings in sunny days. The seedling bed was sprayed with water once every 7 days in the first month, and water and fertilizer was sprayed twice a week after one month to add new high-fat membrane to prevent bacterial infection and protect the seedlings from thriving. (plant height up to 15 cm) cut a batch every 10 days, spray water and fertilizer twice a week since the first cut, and appropriately increase the concentration to ensure nutrient supply for regenerated seedlings.

Second, apply sufficient base fertilizer

Select loam sand land, in early spring combined with ploughing to apply 2-3 tons of farm fertilizer, 15 kg of urea, 20 kg of phosphate fertilizer.

III. Plastic film mulching

Plastic film mulching can play a role in increasing temperature and preserving soil moisture, at the same time, it can improve the physical and chemical nature of the soil, and can increase the temperature difference between day and night. Sweet potato can generally be planted with double-row interplanting with high ridge mulching, with a full distance of 60 cm, coverage of 50 cm, small rows of 40 cm, staggered between plants, 33 cm between plants, about 4000 plants per mu, and moderate ridge height. if the planting period is too dry, flat cover can be used to facilitate seedling growth.

4. Planting early at the right time

Timely early planting and reasonable close planting: the middle of April is the suitable time for seedling planting, when the temperature in early spring is basically stable, the suitable period for planting seedlings is when the ground temperature of 10 cm above 15 ℃ after the end of late frost, ploughing and tanning early last winter or the beginning of the year, and then setting up ridges when planting. The border belt is wide 50cm. In the first and middle of April, the seedlings were cut and planted according to the emergence speed of the seedling bed, and the line horizontal insertion method was adopted to increase the number of potato seedlings into the soil to increase the number of tubers. There are 3000 trees per mu, which is about the distance from 33cm. The transplanting time should not exceed April 20, otherwise the harvest time will be delayed and the transplanting season of continuous cropping late rice will be affected.

Timely and early planting is the key to increase the yield of sweet potato. Under suitable conditions, the earlier the seedlings are planted, the longer the growth period, the earlier the tuber, the more tubers, the longer the root expansion time, the higher the yield and the better the quality. Planting seedlings is too late, the growing period is shortened, sweet potatoes are few and small, the yield is low and the quality is poor. The suitable period for planting seedlings is when the ground temperature of 10 cm is more than 15 ℃ after the end of late frost. Plastic film mulching can start planting seedlings early (about mid-April). In order to improve the quality of planting seedlings, "old hard seedlings" and weak diseased seedlings should be eliminated, strong seedlings should be selected, and large and small seedlings should be graded and planted separately to make them grow evenly. In order to control black shift disease of sweet potato, 1000 times solution of 50% methyl topiramate can be used to soak the seedling base for 3 inches, 10 minutes. Sweet potatoes should be planted shallowly on the basis of ensuring survival, and the planting depth is generally 5ml / 6cm. When planting, the soil should be sealed tightly and the depth should be consistent, so that the leaves should be exposed to the ground, no mud should be touched when watering, the seedlings should be straight, and the seedlings should not be exposed too long, in case the strong wind affects the survival of the seedlings.

V. Field management

1. Management in the stage of rooting and slowing seedlings.

The stage of rooting and slow seedling is from the growth of new roots after planting to the beginning of root formation, which takes about one month. Sweet potato seedlings should be checked and replenished in time after planting to ensure the whole seedling, and in case of severe drought, slow seedling water should be poured in time in order to take root and survive. Generally, it should be watered once after planting, and then ploughed every 10 seconds for 15 days to loosen the soil, raise the temperature, eliminate weeds, and timely spray new high-fat film to promote the rapid growth of the plant and benefit the root formation.

2. stage management of branching and tuber setting.

As the temperature rises 40 days after planting, the growth of stems and leaves accelerates, and the tuber roots continue to form and expand, and the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened in time. In case of drought, we should follow 5 Mu of water and 8 jin of urea, and plough and loosen the soil to preserve soil moisture as early as possible after watering.

3. Management of stem and leaf growing tuber root expansion stage.

From the first half of July to the last ten days of August, the stem and leaves grow and the root expands, and the leaf area coefficient reaches the maximum. generally, in this period, it is necessary to promote both control and control. This period is in the rainy season, the temperature is high and the plant grows fast. in order to prevent overgrowth, 50PPM paclobutrazol solution plus Diguo Zhuangtiling can be sprayed evenly in the field, and the leaf surface is covered with liquid medicine without flow, which can promote fruit development and make sweet potato high quality and high yield. In this period, the root of the underground tuber expands rapidly, in case of summer drought, it needs to be watered, but the amount of water should not be too large. In order to promote the expansion of potato cubes, a bag of (12) grams of water can be sprayed once every 10 days with 15 kg of water per mu, twice in a row.

4. management of stem and leaf decline and root expansion stage.

After the middle and late August, in the late growth stage of sweet potato, the stem and leaf grew slowly to stagnate; nutrients were transported to the root tuber, and the growth center was transferred from aboveground to underground. In management, the stem and leaf should be protected to maintain normal physiological function and promote the root tuber to expand rapidly. Management measures to ensure that the soil water content is 60% of the maximum capacity in the field. If the weather is dry for a long time and the soil is dry, the premature senescence of stems and leaves will affect the formation and accumulation of carbohydrates, resulting in a reduction in yield, so it is necessary to water small water in time. However, it is not suitable to water sweet potato within 20 days before harvest and planing. In case of autumn waterlogging, it is necessary to drain in time to prevent hard heart and rot. Sweet potato leaves enter the transplanting period before and after the End of Heat. In order to prevent premature senescence, prolong and enhance photosynthesis in leaves, and promote the hypertrophy of potato lumps, foliar fertilizer was sprayed with potassium dihydrogen phosphate 30 kg / mu mixed with 40 kg of water and 800 times of new high-fat film, spraying twice every 15 days, such as the effect of dilatonin was better.

5. Take off the top

When the main stem of sweet potato grows to 50 cm, pick the terminal bud in fine weather in the morning, and continue to remove the terminal bud when the branch grows to 35 cm. This method can inhibit stem growth, avoid nutrient consumption, promote root block expansion, and increase production by 20% Mel 30%.

6. Crack irrigation

When the sweet potato enters the root expansion stage, cracks will appear in the surface soil layer. At this time, 500g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (5kg of superphosphate and 50kg of plant ash, respectively soaked and filtered) was mixed in manure, poured along the cracks in the morning or evening, filled with soil after irrigation, and sprayed with Di Guo Zhuangtiling to prevent deformity and crack fruits. At the same time, spraying Diguo Zhuangtiling to prevent deformity and cracking fruit could increase the yield by 20%.

VI. Timely harvest

The root tuber of sweet potato is asexual, and there is no obvious maturity standard and harvest time, but the time of harvest is closely related to the yield, seed retention, storage, processing and utilization of sweet potato and crop rotation. Early harvest will reduce the yield, and the harvest party will be affected by low temperature and cold injury. The suitable harvest time for sweet potato is usually when the temperature drops to 15 ℃. When the air temperature is above 10 ℃ or the ground temperature is above 12 ℃, the planing is finished before the dry frost, and generally before and after Cold Dew.

The above is the introduction of sweet potato planting technology. We know from the above that the planting method of sweet potato is not simple. Although its adaptability to the environment is relatively strong and the yield is relatively high, the cultivation of sweet potato needs to be carried out step by step, so that it accords with the growth law of sweet potato, and the sweet potato will be big and sweet.