
Green radish cultivation method Green radish cultivation precautions

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green radish cultivation method Green radish cultivation precautions

The figure of green pineapple has already been all over the offices in the streets and alleys, and everyone is no stranger to this kind of plant. Let's learn more about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of green pineapple.

The culture method of green pineapple:

1, watering: more watering, green roses like to be wet, should be more watering to keep the basin soil moist, not only more watering in summer, but also often spray water to the leaf surface. But the specific amount of water should be based on the number of basin soil, plant water and other specific grasp.

2, light: can not be exposed to the sun, green pineapple is grown in the forest sheltered by towering trees, the positive direction is not strong, can not be exposed to the sun, otherwise it will cause new leaves to become smaller, leaf color dim, and easy to burn leaf edges. But he also needs to be properly exposed to sunlight for photosynthesis.

Temperature: at an appropriate temperature, if the temperature is too low, the green apple may be frostbitten. It is recommended that the room temperature be about 20 degrees. At the same time, be careful not to let the leaves near the heating equipment. Green pineapple can survive the winter safely as long as the temperature is not lower than 10 degrees.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of green pineapple

4. Fertilization: due to indoor farming, it is difficult for plants to get in touch with nutrients. It is recommended to apply fertilizer every half a month to buy special fertilizer for green pineapple on the market. Or ask the florist to help choose fertilizer.

5, humidity: maintain air humidity, green pineapple grows faster in the environment with higher air humidity, it is recommended to maintain indoor humidity, humidifier can be used to increase air humidity.

Points for attention in the culture of green pineapple:

1. The leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the stems rot: it is mainly due to too much watering, especially in winter. Green pineapple requires that the basin soil is permeable well, avoid stagnant water in the basin, find this situation to change the basin in time.

2, the leaf tip curls and is brown: mainly because the air is too dry, should often spray to the leaf surface.

3. The leaf margin turns brown and withered yellow spots appear on the leaves: they are not watered enough in the growing season, and the basin soil can not be completely dried before watering. Totem pole plants should be careful to wet the posts when watering, because some roots grow on the posts.

4. The leaves become smaller: green pineapple must always keep its top growing upward when it is cultivated as a totem pole. As long as it bends downward, the leaves will gradually become smaller; fertilizer or light is insufficient.

5. The leaves become soft and curved, and the stems rot: due to the low temperature, the green pineapple is very sensitive to the low temperature below 10 ℃.

The above is the introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network for more information.