
People who haven't raised these plants are not enough to talk about gardening!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When I went to the flower and plant market in the past, I heard such a saying: "people who have never raised Qin leaf banyan are not enough to talk about gardening." At that time, I was wondering if I should make such a compliment.

When I went to the flower and plant market in the past, I heard such a saying: "people who have never raised Qin leaf banyan are not enough to talk about gardening." At that time, I was wondering if I should be so exaggerated! Later, when I could raise several succulent plants to death, I began to reflect (I can probably talk about gardening).

Qin leaf banyan is good-looking, but it is not easy to raise in China. Once someone sends a picture of Qin Ye Banyan at home, the message is like queuing up for the Spring Festival to send blessings, "I wish your Qin Ye Banyan everlasting health and longevity!" What do you think of this blessing? how sad.

Because, there are too many people buy home, but raise a dead tree (all dead is money).

I have also seen before that some people asked for help on how to raise Qin Ye Rong well, and someone crooked the building: "you have to have a heart to heart with Qin Ye Rong every day, hold it to sleep, and give it warmth." (ha) Let's put it this way! There is nothing wrong with it, because the banyan must be warm, moist and well-lit in order to thrive.

Every time I look at those who inadvertently raise Qin leaf banyan and get cute, instead of angrily raising a pot of small owners who are so difficult to serve, it is better to take a look at these varieties that are more suitable for Chinese families to grow.


And these good looks are as good as Qin Ye Rong.

Here we have collected and screened eight kinds of good-looking and easy-to-raise plants, all of which can be bought in the flower-and-bird market. As long as the match is good, the atmosphere is not a problem.

Tortoise back bamboo

This kind of plant generally appears in the tropics. When it was first introduced in the early 1990s, it was still a high-end plant at that time, but now it is planted everywhere in the roadside greening belt in the south.

Its name is closely related to the shape of the leaves, just like the shape of the back of a tortoise, so it is called the tortoise-backed bamboo.

It prefers warm and humid climates to high temperatures.

Happiness tree

Happiness tree: the scientific name is bean tree. It is a perennial plant, as long as it is taken good care of, a kettle is sprayed every day and bask in the sun as much as possible. When it grows to a certain number of years, it is possible to blossom every year.

Thousand-year wood

Do you think it looks like a blooming fireworks? It feels like a desert.

The millennium wood must be shelved in a bright place in the room, otherwise the color of the leaves will fade, and the leaves will be soft but not straight, which will seriously affect the ornamental value.

Measuring ruler

If you are afraid that you can't handle it with too many leaves, as long as you have a large measuring ruler, the home will be full of vitality immediately.

Cement flowerpot texture is coarse, strong sense of particles, generally speaking, the shape is also very simple. It's such a temperament that it matches the cactus perfectly.

Fatsia japonica

Star anise means that its leaves are similar to palmate leaves, with about eight lobed leaves, hence the name. It is generally planted in many neighborhoods.

Alocasia macrorrhiza

Dripping Guanyin drips down from the tip or edge of the leaf under warm and humid conditions, and the flowers are like Guanyin, so it is called dripping Guanyin.

It should be noted that the water dripping from Guanyin and the juice in the roots are all poisonous. Plant experts say that as long as you don't lick it, you won't be poisoned.

Because the moment of dripping is really beautiful, the editor said, "poisonous, I also want to keep it."

Make a fortune tree

Listen to the name, it is a very good tree, it should be necessary for every family.

Fig Tree 8 generally our impression of the fig tree is as follows:

But in fact, it's good to keep it at home, but I know you must be more interested in fruit.


If you still want to raise Qin Ye Rong after reading this.

Even if it is difficult to raise, we have to say that Qin Ye Banyan is really very popular. If you open a household magazine, you may see it.

If you really want to raise Qin and leaf banyan, learn from the experience of those who are good growers:

Be sure to keep warm

More than 20 degrees to more than 30 degrees is the growth period, 15 °will enter the dormant period, less than 5 °, will lose the leaves. In winter in the north, indoor heating can safely pass the winter, but in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it is difficult to survive the winter without indoor heating.

Water through

If there is excess water flowing out from the bottom of the basin, remember to pour it out.

In Beijing, for example, water is usually watered every two or three days, and it will be drier when there is heating in winter. Usually, you can spray water on the leaves with a spray can. The weather in the south is relatively humid, which is more suitable for the growth of figs. But we should also pay attention to touch the basin soil before watering, do not be too wet, easy to rot roots.

Put it in the sunny place

Banyan leaves can grow well in bright scattered light, but avoid strong direct light in summer.

Pay attention to ventilation


If you "raise and die", then I suggest you

On the Internet, there is a "raise what to die", which brings together some people who like to raise plants. But you can guess from the name, the things raised by the people in it didn't survive in the end (I really can't help laughing).

Buy a batch of dead batch

For example, this one: this horrible balcony is dead, but it is worth mentioning that she graduated from landscape design.

To this tragic situation, her reply is: "I studied landscape design, not planting trees." There's nothing wrong with it!

If you are also a member of the "raise and die" category, I would like to give you a piece of advice:

Then don't raise it!

Don't keep it!

Don't raise it!