
"Green Industry" Seedling Planting to Get Rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "Green Industry" Seedling Planting to Get Rich

Under the scorching sun, walking into Danangou Village, Bali Dianzi Town, Huanren Manchu Autonomous County, what came into view was a piece of nursery, and the green saplings showed a tall and straight posture and thrived in the sun. Villager Liu Yanchun is taking a group of hired workers to fertilize the saplings in his own nursery, and he doesn't bother to wipe his face full of sweat. Taking advantage of Liu Yanchun's leisure time, the reporter talked to her about the income of seedlings this year, and she was beaming with delight: "this spring, 1 million Japanese larch trees earned me more than 200,000 yuan. After deducting new sprinkler irrigation equipment and other expenses, I earned a net income of more than 60,000 yuan. When the 3 million seedlings available here are sold again next spring, the income will be even more substantial! " From the "field" to the "nursery".

Danangou Village has a total area of 48000 mu, including 2600 mu of arable land. There are 356 agricultural households in the village with an agricultural population of 1237. This area is a typical high-cold mountain area in Benxi City, and its regional characteristics determine that there are innate conditions suitable for the development of seedling planting industry here. As early as the 1970s, Liaoning Forest Economic Research Institute took the lead in carrying out scientific research projects in the village to try out Japanese larch and Korean pine. This technology has been successful in one fell swoop through planting practice. However, at that time, the popularization and promotion of the industry in Danangou Village was not as smooth as expected. Under the influence of the deep-rooted traditional concept of planting, farmers could not believe that they could still get rich by planting trees instead of growing food in the land. "can you still call it land if you don't grow land?" In their eyes, this is simply "not doing my job" and "harming the land". So at first, only a few bold farmers tried to grow a few mu of land, and under the guidance of experts, they took good care of their own children, weeding, fertilizing and spraying pesticides. Dare not be the slightest careless.

Over the past year, the villagers found that seedling planting is indeed much more cost-effective than the traditional planting industry, with an additional income of hundreds or even thousands of yuan per mu of land. In the face of the facts, the villagers are convinced, and the number of farmers who take the initiative to apply for seedling planting is gradually increasing. After years of snowball development, the number of farmers engaged in seedling cultivation in Danangou has reached 272, accounting for 76.4% of the farmers in the village, and the seedling area has reached 1380.5 mu, accounting for 53.1% of the total arable land in the village. the seedling species have also developed from the original larch and Korean pine to more than 10 varieties, such as spruce, yew, maple, magnolia, Acanthopanax senticosus and so on. It has formed three series of greening varieties, mountain afforestation varieties and medicinal materials varieties. Last year, Danangou Village alone generated an output value of nearly 7 million yuan, with an increase of more than 4500 yuan per capita. Farmers in Danangou Village have finally moved from "fields" to "nurseries", so the seedling industry has become an important way for local farmers to get rich and increase their income.

One more ride is needed to get on the horse.

Balidianzi Town and Nangou Village did not give up after helping farmers to get rich by planting seedlings, but with the continuous development of the seedling industry and the gradual growth of the base scale, standardize, guide and support the development of the industry in time. After actively striving for it from the superiors, this autumn, all the seedling bases in Danangou Village will install sprinkler irrigation water-saving equipment, thus greatly enhancing the ability of the seedling industry to resist drought. In view of the current situation that the supply of some varieties of seedlings tends to be saturated in recent years, the town and village put forward in time that "we must meet the market demand and develop the seedling industry according to the principle of having no one, being superior to others, and being superior to others." the villagers spontaneously organized and established the Danangou Village Seedling Association and established their own seedling brand. In the past, the industrial development pattern of fighting on its own and fighting alone was replaced by the current cooperation of offensive and defensive alliance and joint marketing, which formed the scale advantage of Danangou seedling industry and broadened the space for the future development of seedling industry in the whole village.

Although in many years of practice, many "soil experts" in seedling planting have emerged in Danangou, the professional and technical level of these farmers is limited, and their mastery of technical information is still inadequate. it is still a little immature to resist and prevent various diseases and deal with planting problems. Therefore, every year, the village has to hire provincial and municipal agricultural experts to give lectures at the village site, impart advanced planting experience to farmers, promote new varieties of seedlings, and actively organize farmers to participate in professional and technical training. pay attention to strengthening exchanges and cooperation among various industrial households, and comprehensively improve the industrial and technical level of farmers. With the help of modern means, the village also provides a platform for the sale of farmers' seedlings through the Internet. Every year, a large number of businessmen from Heilongjiang, Jilin and other provinces and cities in our province come here to purchase seedlings through network information.

Today, the growing seedling industry has sowed the hope of green prosperity for farmers in Danangou village, bringing people a lot of money.