
Efficient Aquaculture: White Horse Lake Model

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Efficient Aquaculture: White Horse Lake Model

Baima Lake gets its name because of "lake" and is beautiful because of "water". It is known as "the Pearl of Northern Jiangsu". Aquaculture has a long history in the area. Located on the bank of Baima Lake, Jiangsu Agricultural Reclamation Baima Lake Farm has an aquaculture area of 5100 mu, with fresh water quality and diverse ecology. How to make use of and tap this unique high-quality resource to do a good job in water-sufficient articles, so that the benefits of aquaculture are superimposed? It has become an important issue in front of the aquatic product managers of the farm. Fortunately, this has been effectively cracked in this year's activity of in-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development, and the answer has been found.

New ideas give birth to new models

How to give full play to the great potential of 5100 mu of water surface to produce golden benefits? The aquatic products company has made useful explorations and positive attempts. In early summer, the author learned in an interview at the farm that in early May, Liu Jinbiao and Dong Jianlin, the farmers of the second fishing farm in the farm, respectively released soft-shelled turtle fry to their contracted fish ponds. After inquiring about this, they were conducting a demonstration culture of "adult fish + soft-shelled turtle". Using this model, the soft-shelled turtle and the soft-shelled turtle can each have their own place and do not interfere with each other. The soft-shelled turtle eats small and medium-sized miscellaneous fish in the fish pond without other cost input, which not only has low cost and high survival rate, but also can sell wild soft-shelled turtle at a good price in the market. It is understood that this year, their "adult fish + soft-shelled turtle" culture model has developed to 600 mu, using this model can increase the net benefit of more than 800 yuan per mu.

In addition, as the price of lobster is getting higher and higher in recent years, farmers in this farm have also successfully explored and summed up a variety of lobster culture models, such as "lobster + crab + mandarin fish", "lotus root + Euryale + lobster", "fish species + lobster + crab" and so on. For these "multifarious" new models of efficient aquaculture, as Wang Hongbao, manager of the aquaculture company, said: "5100 mu of water surface is like our open-air factory workshop, and more than 160aquaculture workers are our skilled workers." various new aquaculture models are like our core integrated technology, and we are going to make use of modern aquaculture bases and efficient aquaculture models to create modern and efficient aquaculture demonstration areas. Strive to produce economic benefits of ten thousand mu of water surface. " In this way, is it not tantamount to "building" another 5000 mu of water?

Multi-mode brings high benefit

What are the benefits of this dazzling aquaculture model? Zhou Zhaogen, a big fish farmer, engaged in mixed culture of fish species, lobster and crabs in a 7-mu fish pond, with a net benefit of 4900 yuan per mu. Sun Meilin, a demonstration household of aquaculture science and technology, uses 7.6mu of water surface to breed summer flowers and crab seedlings, and the benefit per mu is more than 4500 yuan. Wang Hongbao, manager of the aquaculture company, vividly called it "punching and kicking" and "letting a hundred flowers blossom" for the current aquaculture model and benefits of the farm. "as long as it is highly cost-effective, we will try everything! Dare to break into anything! " When he said this, there was obviously a little more firmness and confidence in his words. For a long time, the farm has always adhered to the development idea of "multi-mode coexistence and multi-point promotion", so that the structure of aquaculture has been continuously adjusted and optimized, with frequent highlights and double benefits. Therefore, the new aquaculture model summed up by this exploration is called "Baima Lake model" by local aquaculture experts. Now it seems that these are entirely due to the continuous change of ideas and the continuous innovation of the development concept of the aquaculture farm in recent years, as well as the continuous adjustment of the aquaculture structure and innovation.

Strong support for excellent service implementation

How to ensure that the farming model used by farmers can operate healthily and successfully, without taking detours or taking fewer detours, so as to achieve the best economic and ecological benefits? The farm takes the implementation of the fishery science and technology project as an opportunity to cultivate a new type of fishery farmers to strengthen the technical training and guidance to farmers. At present, scientific and technological training schools for new fishery farmers have been set up in three aquaculture farms, a total of 60 fishery science and technology demonstration households have been cultivated and established, and aquaculture technical manuals have been issued to each household. aquaculture accounts have been established, and four technical instructors have provided technical follow-up services all the year round. This year, the farm has successively held three training courses on high-efficiency special aquaculture, inviting local aquaculture experts to teach lobster, crab, grass carp and other culture techniques to the broad masses of farmers, and has trained more than 130 farmers. Cultivate and bring up a number of "local experts" such as Zhang Jianwei, Wang Chunbing, Zhou Zhaogen and so on. In order to make high-quality aquatic products produce greater benefits, the market has also vigorously implemented the aquatic product brand strategy and registered the "Shenhu" aquatic product brand, which can be used in aquatic products such as crabs and shrimp. In addition, a 2300 mu pollution-free aquaculture base has been established in Baima Lake, standardized aquaculture has been carried out, and the aquaculture association is used as a link to realize the effective docking between high-quality aquatic products and the market.