
Yang Yongjie: "the first person to grow grain" is busy and happy.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yang Yongjie: "the first person to grow grain" is busy and happy.

When many young people in rural areas hope to get rich in the world beyond the mountains, when many people choose to grow cash crops, he chooses to rent abandoned land to grow food. With high grain yield and full grains, he became "the first person to grow grain in rice" and was awarded the honorary title of "National Grain producer" by the Ministry of Agriculture. He is Yang Yongjie from Zhougongzhai Village, Zaobi Township, Langzhong City.

Choose to leave him to lease 130 mu of land to grow grain.

Turning over the yellow corncob, the big beads of sweat rolled down from his head, and his heart was full of sweetness and happiness. On August 23, the author came to Yang Yongjie's home in Zhougongzhai Village, Zaobi Township, Langzhong City. Yang Yongjie, who was drying corn in the hospital dam, stopped his work. "the wind and rain have adjusted this year, and the grain output is higher than in previous years. You see, the Baoguangzi in the yard is full of troubles, and we are going to hit the millet again soon. This year's harvest is good!" Yang Yongjie, 42, came to the author while wiping his sweat.

In 2004, Yang Yongjie, like all the young people in the village, also had a dream of going out to work to earn money. when the couple packed their bags and were ready to leave home, Yang Yongjie looked back home lovingly. What about the cabinets full of grain? All the young people in Murakami are gone. Who will plant the crops? Looking at the fertile black land covered with weeds due to abandonment, Yang Yongjie immediately decided: renting abandoned land and growing food is also a way to get rich!

As a result, the couple went door to door to rent land, renting more than 40 weedy fields in the village at the price of 80 yuan per mu, and he successively leased more than 130 mu of land. In that year, the state successively introduced policies and measures such as direct subsidies for grain and subsidies for improved varieties. Without saying a word, Yang Yongjie said that after returning all the direct grain subsidies to the villagers, he rolled up his sleeves and worked alone. The villagers who received substantial benefits not only received direct grain subsidies, but also received rent, and they could earn more than 200 yuan per mu of land without farming. The old people left behind are smiling and squinting.

His family earns nearly 100000 a year from diversified economy.

For more than four years, for more than 1200 days and nights, Yang Yongjie and his wife worked at sunrise and rested at sunset, planting beads of sweat on the land and harvesting food, and their families became increasingly rich. New buds grow on the abandoned land, and the joy of spring and autumn hangs on the tip of the brow. With more grain harvested, Yang Yongjie developed the breeding industry. More than 20 beef cattle and more than 10 Taihu sows were locked up in the enclosure. More than 500 chickens chattered around them all day. The couple became even busier. The idle labor force in the village came in handy. Yang Yongjie paid 30 yuan to the villagers every day and took care of food. As a result, this once deserted village of Zhougongzhai became lively.

"there are many pigs, fat and grain." Benefiting from this, Yang Yongjie's enthusiasm for planting and breeding was high. After the "through-train" method expanded the scale of growing grain, Yang Yongjie invested money to buy tillers, harvesters, threshers, tractors and other practical agricultural machinery and tools. The road of modern agriculture of machine ploughing machine stretches under his feet. 、

Talking about this year's harvest, Yang Yongjie told me that the earthquake disaster had little impact on agricultural production. His family harvested more than 30,000 kilograms of wheat, 20,000 kilograms of corn and more than 10,000 kilograms of soybeans in spring, with an annual income of more than 90,000 yuan. Standing in more than 20 mu of rice fields covered with ears of rice, the green waves of rice flowers floating in the countryside are rolling. Yang Yongjie said: "the grains of rice ears are full, which is 10% better than last year, and it is expected to produce more than 10,000 kilograms of rice."

For two years in a row, Yang Yongjie, an expert in farming, was awarded the honorary title of "National Grain producer" by the Ministry of Agriculture. On August 8, Yang Yongjie received a reward of 5000 yuan from Langzhong Municipal Government.

Happy grain grower, Yang Yongjie keeps watch on his home in his native land!