
Qinghai Province: scientifically planting trees, planting flowers and planting the road to prosperity

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Qinghai Province: scientifically planting trees, planting flowers and planting the road to prosperity

Xinsheng Village, Gaomiao Town, has long been famous in Ledu County. When it comes to Shizuiji, it is famous far and near. The couplet written on the gate of Xinsheng Village makes people think about it. With a long history and fertile land, it is the second largest village in Ledu County. Because of the large number of adults in the village, it is impossible to avoid the prosperity of transportation and the gathering of humanities, which has become a rich place in Hehuang and the hometown of civilization, but the land is also narrow, giving rise to many opportunities that can not be encountered in brain mountains and gully areas. One of the opportunities is to plant trees scientifically, to plant patterns, and to plant a way to get rich.

As a result of this opportunity, many customers from Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, * and Xizang have become the new discoverers and promoters of Xinsheng Village. They were lucky to find Xinsheng village and were excited about the seedlings in Xinsheng village.

As a result, Xinsheng Village moved from Ledu to Qinghai and to the northwest. Shizuiji was gradually forgotten, and more neighbors changed their tune, learning from outsiders to call Xin Sheng. Xinsheng, a village with some hopes of our ancestors, began to flourish.

The early spring season is the day when farmers are busy planting, and Xinsheng people are enjoying the joy of harvest. More than a thousand mu of luxuriant seedlings are constantly being transported inside and outside the province, and the farmers who bought a good price blossomed in their hearts. Li Xuemei, a villager, said that her family had planted seedlings on more than two mu of land, and her income was much better than growing grain. In addition to his own land, villager Li Yuqin also rented more than ten mu of other people's land to grow seedlings.

It is cost-effective to grow seedlings, which has become the consensus of the new prosperous people. Last year, Xinsheng Village had a total arable land area of 2179 mu and a seedling planting area of 1150 mu, with an average household of 1.5 mu, not counting the fact that Xinsheng people contracted more than 200 mu of land in neighboring villages. Some Xinsheng villagers plant seedlings to flood, Nianbo and other townships, and they expand and strengthen the seedling industry by contracting land, cooperative management and other forms. At present, the main varieties of seedlings planted in Xinsheng Village are apricot, seabuckthorn, cypress, spruce, elm, clove, elm leaf plum, pearl plum, red (yellow) thorn plum and so on, basically forming a production pattern of specialized production and large-scale planting.

Seedlings give Xinsheng Village a new life; seedlings also give Xinsheng Village hope. Xinsheng has become a famous seedling planting village in Qinghai Province. Seedling% 26mdash% 26mdash; Xinsheng has become an inseparable pair of related words.

But it wasn't easy to come by. What kind of mood did farmers feel when they tried to plant seedlings on their own plots? In the early 1980s, about 10% of the families in the village planted seedlings, and how determined they were! In the 1990s, seizing the favorable opportunity of the country's implementation of ecological construction, all the farmers in the village planted seedlings, what an ambition this is!

Wang Yingsheng, a person who witnessed the development history of Xinsheng seedlings.

He has been planting seedlings since the 1980s and began to send them out in 1994. In 2004, he established Ledusheng Green Seedling planting Co., Ltd., specializing in seedling production and sales. Now he has planted more than 50 mu of seedlings, of which more than 40 mu of arable land is rented and more than a dozen varieties are planted.

In Xinsheng Village, there are many people like Wang Yingsheng who get rich by planting seedlings. In the village, there are four seedling planting companies alone, six seedling brokers, and more than a dozen with seedling production, sales and operation licenses. Through these people, Xinsheng Village seedlings are sold to Gansu, *, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Xizang and other places, admiring an endless stream of non-local customers who come to pull and transport seedlings.

Every spring, the village is busy and lively. In addition to the people who transport seedlings from all over the country, there are also many people from nearby villages who come to work. At its peak, 700 or 800 outsiders from Xinsheng Village came here to engage in digging, loading and unloading, and planting seedlings, with daily incomes ranging from dozens of yuan to nearly 100 yuan.

Farmers, customers, migrant workers, boss% 26hellipism% 26hellip. a picture of modern life in Xinsheng village; absorbing migrant workers, land circulation, and large-scale operation, Xinsheng village leaves people with a lot of reverie. Perhaps, this is not to mention the seedling economy, but the people of Xinsheng Village have a fresh understanding: adjusting the seedling structure, expanding the planting of famous trees, and taking the road of cooperation and joint planting and sales have gradually become the consensus of Xinsheng people.

If the increasingly scarce Ledusa fruit is a good memory left to the world by Shizui, then the newly prosperous seedlings on the plateau make this memory deeper and more specific. After all, Xinsheng people let people see the new atmosphere of the hometown of melons and fruits; let more land put on green clothes, and let more people enjoy the edification of green.

Located in the south of Xinsheng Village, there is a 82-year-old primary school by the Huangshui River, which is the pride of the people of Xinsheng Village. When I came to the school, in addition to the sound of reading and the innocent and lovely little faces, the elm saplings that accompanied them were particularly eye-catching, adding a lot of color to the huge campus. According to the school teacher, this is also a seedling specially planted by the villagers. On the one hand, it can beautify the environment, and on the other hand, it can increase some income for the school.