
Camellia oleifera planting household Zhong Nenglin

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Camellia oleifera planting household Zhong Nenglin

Hongduan Village, Hongshan Township, Changting County is the largest immigrant village in Changting County, with a population of 1172 people. After the implementation of the late-stage support policy for large and medium-sized reservoir immigrants, Hongduan Village, under the guidance and help of the county immigration bureau, the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of the immigrant masses was promoted in an all-round way, and a number of experts to get rich emerged. Zhong Nenglin, an old communist and grower of Camellia oleifera, is one of them.

Camellia oleifera with a bumper harvest in sight

Set up cooperatives and engage in large-scale operation

After Zhong Nenglin transferred home from the army in 1995, he was bent on working to get rich. as the saying goes, after some investigation, combined with the geographical advantages of Hongduan Village, he resolutely decided to engage in the famous oil-tea planting industry in Hongshan Township. Tea oil has the effects of clearing heat and dampness, killing insects and detoxification, etc., and can also be used for abdominal pain, acute ascariasis obstruction, scabies, soup fire injury. And Camellia oleifera is "pregnant with children", that is, the old fruit has not yet been picked, the new flowers are blooming again, and the geographical location of Hongduan Village is very suitable for planting. Local people praised: "Camellia oleifera is not empty all the year round, the old fruit has not opened new flowers."

Just do it. Zhong Nenglin first contracted 50 mu of barren mountains, and developed 30 mu of them in advance. For a long time, due to the low quality of Camellia oleifera, backward technology and individual management model, the output, price and sales of Camellia oleifera have not gone up, and there is not much money from selling Camellia oleifera except fertilizers, pesticides and other early investments. can only avoid strong to maintain the operation of Camellia oleifera garden, unable to expand reproduction.

In August 2007, the Hongduan Village Committee established the "Hongzhuo Village Camellia oleifera Cooperative" with the guidance and help of the County Immigration Bureau. The cooperative implements the joint-stock management model. At present, there are 92 participating growers and the output of Camellia oleifera Mountain is 2600 mu. Zhong Nenglin also joined the cooperative and became president. The cooperative through the implementation of enterprise management model, improve Camellia oleifera varieties, the use of farm organic fertilizer, the development of green tea oil, and finally unified processing and marketing by the cooperative.

The establishment of the cooperative made Zhong Nenglin's career take a turn for the better. Cooperatives take the form of "company + cooperative + peasant household" to change the mode of small household production and individual management in the past, and give full play to economies of scale. Zhong Nenglin's Camellia oleifera plantation expanded from 30 mu in the past to 50 mu, and later contracted 100 mu. Now the actual planting area of Camellia oleifera has reached more than 130 mu, making it a famous local Camellia oleifera grower.

Seek government support and strive to be a new type of farmer

Zhong Nenglin knows very well that we can no longer work alone behind closed doors as in the past. While strengthening cooperation among Camellia oleifera growers, we should also actively strive for preferential policies and the support of government departments. In the environment of great cooperation, the vitality of Camellia oleifera planting can be further improved. From then on, Zhong Nenglin changed his practice of only drilling in the oil and tea garden, and often went in and out of the township government and the relevant departments of the county to find out if there were any new policies to benefit the people. When he learned that the post-support policy for large and medium-sized reservoir migrants was in full swing throughout the country, he actively contacted the county immigration bureau and reported on the specific situation and problems of Camellia oleifera plantations. Facts have proved that farmers who dare to innovate are the ones who can best adapt to the new situation, and Zhong Nenglin's practice of actively seeking government support has been responded. After receiving Zhong Nenglin's report, the county immigration bureau immediately organized an investigation team composed of experts and township cadres to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the Camellia oleifera plantation in Hongduan Village. After some investigation and evidence collection, the county immigration bureau decided to take the lead in launching the "well-off Reservoir area hundred Village Action" in Hongduan Village, Hongshan Township, and to provide project support for this. Thanks to the efforts of Zhong Nenglin and other Camellia oleifera growers, the road project of the Camellia oleifera plantation in Hongduan Village, as one of the contents of the "100 villages Action in the well-off Reservoir area", has been successfully implemented, with a total investment of 343000 yuan, including 240000 yuan for emigration support and 6.2km of new roads.

Help the world at the same time, and never forget the poor villagers when they are rich.

It is not a skill to be rich, but it is a real skill to let the villagers get rich together. Zhong Nenglin did not fall into the strange circle of "small progress is full, and small wealth is peace." after digging up the first bucket of gold in his career, Zhong Nenglin focused on how to make the villagers rich. Zhong Nenglin's excellent quality as an old Communist Party member is fully reflected in Zhong Nenglin. Zhong Nenglin gradually increased the income of the villagers by publicizing the planting techniques of Camellia oleifera, giving priority to arranging hard-working villagers to work on the plantation, and hiring experts from the county agricultural bureau to give lectures on the spot. Zhong Nenghua is a villager of Hongduan village. his family is relatively difficult and has no funds to invest, so he can only plough food on those mu of land year after year. Since the whole family went to Zhong Nenglin's Camellia oleifera plantation to help, the annual income has increased by more than 10,000 yuan. The efforts are always rewarded. Zhong Nenglin's practice of sparing no effort to help the villagers has been widely praised. The scale of his Camellia oleifera plantation is constantly expanding, and the yield per mu is also increasing. In this regard, Zhong Nenglin said: "this is like planting flowers. The varieties of flowers on one mu of land are excellent. If the neighbors' varieties of flowers fail to keep up, the quality of their own flowers will be directly affected by pollination and other reasons." Only by upgrading the varieties of flowers nearby can our own flowers grow well. "