
Yang Deying, king of wild boar

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Yang Deying, king of wild boar

Pig prices plummeted and worried the swineherds, but Yang Deying, the "wild boar king", recently rejoiced that his wild boar was not only in short supply, but also made a gross profit of 200%. "the cost of raising domestic pigs is nearly 5 yuan / jin, while I only need 3 yuan / jin to raise wild boars." Yang Deying, who started her career by raising seedlings by aquatic products, opened a different door at the seaside of Fotan Town, Zhangzhou County, where she had been lurking for three years to create the secret of raising wild boars at a low cost, attracting domestic counterparts to come to learn from them.

Used to be the king of fish fry.

"the 'abalone king' of Fujian is in our village and is my good friend." Yang Deying proudly introduced her village. In the eyes of many villagers, Yang Deying was once more beautiful than the "abalone king" because he was the first person to raise aquatic products in Zhangpu.

In the 1980s, when the young adults in the town went fishing, Yang Deying chose to work as a contractor at Fujian Fisheries Research Institute in Xiamen to learn how to cultivate marine fish fry for six years.

In 1996, Yang Deying returned to Zhangpu and raised money to set up the first seedling factory. However, because the farmers were worried that the fry could not be raised, his fry was repeatedly rejected. Later, Yang decided to promote it from relatives and friends, and first charge half of the fry fee, and wait until the farmers have sold the fish before paying the other half.

This trick worked, and artificial fish fry were gradually accepted by local farmers. "it was easy to make money at that time, with a random profit of three to five million a year." Yang Deying said frankly.

The wealth effect has attracted many imitators. Many local farmers, including Yang Deying's workers, have followed suit. Competition has intensified, fish fry quality has been declining, and farmers' profits have been reduced. The attractiveness of the fish fry market has declined and the risk has increased.

More unfortunately, the typhoon in 1999 swept away nearly 10 million of Yang's assets. Since then, Yang Deying, who likes to challenge, decided to change careers. Turn waste into treasure and raise wild boar

By chance, Yang Deying tasted the wild boar given to him by his foreign friends. The fat meat was not fat, the lean meat was not thin, and it was very smooth and delicious. With a keen sense of smell, he immediately had an idea: to turn to raising wild boars.

After inspecting dozens of wild boar farms in China, Yang Deying decided to turn the original abalone factory into a pigsty and become the first person to raise wild boars in southern Fujian. However, not only his wife was crying and objecting, but even his relatives and friends thought he was out of his mind.

At the end of 2005, he spent more than 200,000 yuan to buy more than 100 hybrid wild boars from farms in Zhejiang and Northeast China, and bought four or five purebred boars at a price of about 10,000 yuan each.

"to engage in aquaculture, it is most important to control costs, and only with low costs can we be competitive." Yang Deying found that farm pork is more expensive than raising pork, not because of piglets, but because of differences in feed and feeding methods.

"if you eat well every day, and if you don't exercise, you will definitely get sick. It's the same with pigs. " Yang Deying uses a visual analogy to explain why he feeds pigs with "coarse grains". Moreover, as a major vegetable production county in southern Fujian, more than 100 vegetable processing plants in Zhangpu provide unique conditions for Yang.

In order to find feed for wild boars, Yang Deying looked like a rag collector: the scraps of crops such as peanut shells, vegetable stalks, bean stalks, oyster shells and carrots from Becky wild vegetable juice were all "picked up" by him like a baby.

After three years of no less than a hundred experiments, Yang Deying finally found a suitable additive to finalize a low-cost feed formula.

Waiting hard for "the first day"

In June last year, relying on Yang's feed, Yang Deying finally bred a wild boar that could be fenced. "2 yuan per jin, plus piglets, a 200 jin wild boar, the average breeding cost is about 3 yuan per jin, while the wholesale price of wild boar meat in the market is more than 10 yuan." In this way, the gross profit margin is about 200%, but Yang Deying has no intention to sell at all. His ambition is to breed more fertile sows and let the piglets expand geometrically.

However, the sudden financial turmoil almost wasted Yang Deying's previous efforts. The export of aquatic products is unsalable, and the monthly funds of more than 100,000 yuan earned by aquatic products suddenly broke the chain. Should we let the wild boars continue to grow into sows or start selling pigs to invigorate their assets? Yang Deying struggled for a long time.

In September 2008, things suddenly took a turn for the better. A customer wanted to buy 200 wild boars at the price of 2000 yuan each. As soon as the deal was completed, Yang Deying's plight could be greatly alleviated. But surprisingly, he didn't sell it.

Yang Deying said that she would rather eat two meals than sell breeding pigs, otherwise years of hard work will be wasted.