
Yang Shanbiao's dream of hare breeding

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yang Shanbiao's dream of hare breeding

Xiaozhi Town and Sanmen County Huaqiao Town at the junction of a hillside, sunny, mild climate, Yang Shanbiao Nanfengkeng hare farm is here, covering an area of about 50 mu, covered with wild vegetables and weeds, heard a sound, a hare darted out of the grass, a rustling sound.

Yang Shanbiao, 34, came back from the Armed Police Force in 2002. He first worked in a factory in the town. After a few years, he felt that he had no future. At that time, the concept of developing ecological agriculture in rural areas was on the rise, and there were many barren mountains in Xiaozhi town, many of which had not been developed and utilized. Yang Shanbiao felt sensitively that this was an opportunity. In 2005, he quit his job in the factory and bought a seven or eight-acre hillside near his home to start farming.

His idea was not approved by his family at the beginning. However, Yang Shanbiao firmly believed that it was feasible, and under all kinds of pressure, he worked fiercely with the borrowed 50,000 yuan. Raise chickens first, but when bird flu was rampant that year, the prices of chickens, ducks and other poultry fell to the bottom overnight, and no one asked for a 2-kilogram native chicken for 15 yuan. Yang Shanbiao really felt a bit desperate when he made a big stumble at the beginning.

On one occasion, he accidentally came across the information about hare breeding on the Internet. The hare mainly eats natural forage grass, has no pollution, has delicious meat and strong game, and is a green health food. Because the meat is high in protein and low in fat, it is also referred to as "beauty meat" and "health meat". It is known as "birds are like partridges and animals are like rabbits". The most important thing is that the investment in raising rabbits is low, which gives hope to Yang Shanbiao, who was poor at that time. After contact, he went to Fujian to buy breeding rabbits the next day. "A total of 20 were bought, and four died on the bus that came back." The remaining 16 rabbits became Yang Shanbiao's hope of starting a business in the second round.

When he had no money to hire workers, he mowed the grass and fed the rabbits on his own, but the skill was not good. All the rabbits were dead, overworked and under heavy mental pressure. During that time, Yang Shanbiao's weight suddenly dropped from 60 kilograms to 49 kilograms.

"A man can be defeated, but not conquered." This sentence inspired Yang Shanbiao. He consulted books on raising rabbits, consulted experts on raising rabbits, constantly observed, summed up experience, and explored the living rules and eating habits of rabbits. Last year, he contracted for the hillside located in Nanfengkeng to keep the hare in ecological stocking. Instead of feeding the hare, he planted all kinds of grass and vegetables that the hare liked to eat. The hygiene of hare farming is very important. Yang Shanbiao planted bayberry, peach, pear and other fruit trees on the mountain, and the rabbit's feces became the natural fertilizer for the fruit trees.

Hares have a strong ability to reproduce, with an average of 4 to 5 births a year, with 5 to 8 each. At most, a hare gives birth to 10. At the same time, the growth rate of hare is very fast, generally raised for 5 months can be listed on the market, each female rabbit can breed at least 25 per year. Yang Shanbiao developed more than 3000 finished rabbits and breeding rabbits at the most time in this farm. He called his sister who worked in Ningbo home to help. At the beginning of this year, he persuaded his father, who worked in Huangyan, to see the farm that had done a good job, and the opposition of the whole family had long since disappeared.

Yang Shanbiao understands that nowadays, it is not enough to work hard in the development of agriculture, and there must be a brand. For this reason, he registered the trademark of Guishan hare and established the Zhejiang hare website. He slowly increased the overall scale of Xiaozhi's hare farming by sending rabbit breeds to several farmers near Xiaozhi town. Looking at the right time, he also set up a gorgeous hare professional cooperative in Linhai City, which not only provided breeding technology and information services for farmers around him, but also uniformly purchased rabbits raised by retail investors and sold them uniformly to the outside world, becoming a well-known hare breeding base, attracting professional farmers from all over the country to place orders for breeding rabbits, and hotels that came to buy hare meat continued.

Not only that, there are several natural ditches at the bottom of this hillside. Yang Shanbiao intends to make full use of them to develop stone frog breeding. at present, breeding ponds have been built and are scheduled to be put into operation in the second half of the year. "the breeding of earthworms from hare feces as the natural food of stone frogs will soon reproduce and eventually form an ecological three-dimensional culture model of planting fruit trees on the mountain, raising rabbits on the hillside and raising stone frogs at the bottom of the mountain."

"compared with the traditional farming method, the three-dimensional culture model has more benefits." Yang Shanbiao said. For him, success has just begun and there is still a long way to go in the future.