
Guo Meiping, the King of growing Mushroom

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Guo Meiping, the King of growing Mushroom

Guo Meiping, 29, from Tongwa Village, Xindu Township, Huaiyin District, Huaian City, married her husband Li Song in 1998 and gave birth to daughter Xiaohui in the second year of marriage. Before marriage, her husband Li Song went to the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences to consult experts on the planting techniques of edible mushrooms. a few years ago, her family planted half an acre of straw mushrooms and mushrooms in the greenhouse, earning 8000 yuan, and her husband felt happy. But Guo Meiping is not satisfied with the status quo, thinking that this is only the "subsistence type" of the small-scale peasant economy, and we must dare to make great strides. As a result, shrewd and capable, she took advantage of the opportunity to sell straw mushrooms and Pleurotus ostreatus in Huaian City to collect edible mushroom market information.

She found that the prices of Coprinus comatus and Platinum Flammulina velutipes in the market were high and in short supply, so it was a "short, flat, and fast" rural wealth project. after returning home, she blew a "pillow wind" to her husband and decided to start a new planting project of Coprinus comatus and Platinum Flammulina velutipes. It is difficult to grow Coprinus comatus and Platinum Flammulina velutipes, but she believes that "nothing in the world is difficult for those who set their minds to it." To this end, she went to the Xinhua Bookstore in the city to buy a set of technical books on growing Coprinus comatus and Platinum Flammulina velutipes, carefully studied and pondered them, tried to grow them in the field, and did not even leave the mushroom shed for a meal, measured the temperature, checked the humidity, carefully observed the morphology of the fungus chloroplast and fruiting body, and conscientiously strengthened the field management of the mushroom shed.

After Guo Mei-ping and his wife worked day and night, rows of white-flowered "silver anchorages" grew on the mushroom bed in the shed. After the success of the trial, the couple concentrated on expanding the planting area of Flammulina velutipes in the greenhouse, from the initial half mu to 12 mu of multiple cropping. As the Coprinus comatus and Platinum Flammulina velutipes cultivated by her family are of good quality, they are sold out every time they are sold in the urban area of Huaian, and many consignors in the city take the initiative to purchase, resulting in considerable economic benefits. In 2004, her family's net income from growing edible fungi reached 80, 000 yuan, and this year it is expected to exceed 100000 yuan, becoming a well-known "mushroom king".

As the saying goes, "A single flower does not make spring, but the garden is full of colorful flowers." After Guo Meiping became rich by growing mushrooms scientifically, she was very anxious to see that the people around her were not well-off enough. As a result, she is willing to be a "navigator" to grow mushrooms to get rich, go from village to house, speak for herself, and try her best to give financial support. Guo Jingjiang is a poor family in Murakami. After visiting Guo Meiping's shed last spring, he sighed and said, "when I have money, I will also grow Coprinus comatus." Upon hearing this, Guo Meiping immediately took out 2000 yuan from home to support Guo Jingjiang, provided him with bacteria free of charge, and often went to the scene for guidance. After more than 40 days of meticulous management in winter, Guo Jingjiang's household materials bags all produced mushrooms and made a profit of more than 5000 yuan that year. Under the drive and guidance of Guo Meiping, more than 200 households in the village have planted edible fungi, with an average annual income of more than 6000 yuan.