
"King of Tilapia" Li Ruiwei

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "King of Tilapia" Li Ruiwei

Li Ruiwei is a member of the sixth CPPCC National Committee of Maoming City, Guangdong Province and a model worker in Maoming City. He spent 10 years studying fish farming, and now he has become a well-known "fish culture king". He said: "I chose to engage in aquaculture because there will be fewer and fewer sea catches, freshwater aquaculture will continue to develop, and as long as the seedling industry is of good quality, the demand will increase."... "

Li Ruiwei (third from left), general manager of Maonan three High improved Variety breeding Base, and Lin Ridi (first from right), Vice Mayor of Maoming City, enthusiastically reported to Academician Xia Dequan (fourth from left) and his party the results of the breeding of three high ao-Xiong brand Obeni tilapia selected by the base: fast growth, large size, high feed reward and strong disease resistance, and the tail weight of the culture in that year could reach 1 kg. Sanrui photo

Seize the opportunity to dig up the "first bucket of gold"

Li Ruiwei was born in 1959 in Zhensheng, Maonan District. At the beginning of 1980, he was a "hitchhiker" who picked up passengers and delivered goods by driving motorcycles. Relying on diligence and hard work, two years later, he bought a truck to specialize in freight transportation. In 1985, Li Ruiwei joined the improved seed farm of Maoming Fisheries Bureau. Because the improved seed farm is close to the highway, he thinks there is more room for development in the improved seed farm. At the end of 1985, he opened a small gas station in the improved seed farm. By 1990, he had accumulated more than 100,000 yuan. As a result, the original small gas station was built into a modern private gas station.

Accept the advice of experts to engage in fish culture

Li Ruiwei's operation of a gas station is not plain sailing. In the course of his career development, he has tasted both sweetness and bitterness. He once owed a huge debt because he was owed a huge amount of money and other reasons. But with the support of his friends and his own efforts, he overcame one difficulty after another.

In 1995, Li Ruiwei encountered confusion in his career and decided to go out for a walk. He went to the Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences to visit friends, experts and professors who worked there. Experts advise Li Ruiwei to raise fish. And said that they can help solve the technical problems, what kind of seedlings they can help introduce.

Li Ruiwei gladly accepted the expert's advice. In the second half of 1995, he chose a wide field in Xiashan, Gongguan Town, Maonan District as his base. Construction of the fry farm began in 1996 and was put into production that year.

Become a well-known "king of fish farming"

Li Ruiwei firmly believes that fish ponds must be farmed, and if the quality of the fry is good, the owner of the pond will certainly come to you. Therefore, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to ensure the quality of fish fry, always for the benefit of the owner of the pond.

In 1997, he spent hundreds of thousands to introduce a batch of seedlings. However, after experiments, it was found that these seedlings were not very good, and he decided not to sell them to farmers. He lost millions of dollars directly as a result. In 2003, a buyer in Gaozhou ordered 300000 fish fry from Li Ruiwei and paid for them. More than 10 days later, the main fish fry in the pond. During the chat, Li Ruiwei learned that the pond owner's fish pond should not need so many fish fry (after analysis, there could not be so many fish fry in the pond, and the pond owner may have been deceived by the fish fry guy). The owner of the pond accepted his suggestion and bought 200000 fish fry less and paid 30, 000 yuan less. At that time, the owner of the pond overcharged 170000 yuan for selling fish, and the owner of the pond sent Li Ruiwei a gift to express his gratitude.

After 10 years of entrepreneurship, the Maonan three high seed breeding base (private enterprise) founded by Li Ruiwei now has a breeding farm of more than 1200 mu, fixed assets of 13.6 million yuan, annual production of more than 200 million tilapia fry, and more than 10 billion other freshwater fish fry. Annual profit tax is more than 3 million yuan. In September 2002, the base passed the qualification acceptance of provincial tilapia seed farm and was awarded as Guangdong Tilapia Science and Technology Innovation Center. In 2003, in terms of all-male tilapia seed production and culture, he successively won the third prize for scientific and technological achievements in Guangdong Province, the first prize in the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, and the first prize in the people's Government of Maoming City. The first prize for the development and application of improved species of tilapia germplasm resources issued by Maoming Science and Technology Bureau. In 2004, "Sangao Aoxiong" brand Onion fry won the famous brand products of Guangdong Province (agriculture). As a result, Li Ruiwei has become a well-known "fish culture king."

Never forget the folks when you get rich.

Li Ruiwei's company has its own brand, and its fish fry are sold all over the country and Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and Myanmar, accounting for 1/6 of the country's sales and 1/4 of the province's. Li Ruiwei, who got rich through wisdom and diligence, has not forgotten his fellow villagers in his hometown. In order to enable the villagers to jointly embark on the road to wealth, he conducts technical training for professional farmers in his hometown and technical guidance for farmers in stages and batches every year. Last year, he led more than 1800 farmers around him to raise tilapia, increasing their income by nearly 35 million yuan; he also provided 500000 yuan of fish fry free of charge to more than 520 households in need; and helped farmers with difficulties in selling fish contact to sell more than 8000 tons of tilapia, worth more than 60 million yuan. In addition, he was very enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, accepted 15 laid-off workers to work at the base, sent condolences to the local lonely and widowed elderly during holidays, and donated hundreds of thousands of yuan for road construction in his hometown.