
The benefits of growing flowers

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, 1. The benefits of flower cultivation Flower is the essence of nature. With its gorgeous elegant demeanor, it decorates nature with extraordinary beauty and gives people the enjoyment of beauty. Grow flowers.

1. The benefits of flower cultivation Flower is the essence of nature. With its gorgeous elegant demeanor, it decorates nature with extraordinary beauty and gives people the enjoyment of beauty. Growing flowers can enrich and regulate people's cultural life, increase fun, cultivate temperament, improve health, increase scientific knowledge and improve cultural and artistic literacy. Growing flowers can afforest and beautify the land of the motherland, protect and improve the environment, purify the air, and enable people to work and study in a beautiful environment and live a better life. Family flower cultivation is a noble amateur cultural hobby, suitable for men and women, old and young, and has many advantages. Add spice to life.

Raising flowers at home makes people's lives more vibrant, benefits physical and mental health, edifies noble sentiments, and stimulates feelings for life. It is a pleasure to meet friends with flowers. Flower appreciation: flowers in spring, incense in summer, fruit in autumn and green in winter. Flower taste: tea reward is the first, talk about the reward is the second, and wine reward is the bottom. Flower appreciation standard: color, fragrance, posture, rhyme. To improve the living environment, the fragrance of flowers is composed of volatile compounds, which contain aromatic substances, esters, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and terpenes. These substances can stimulate people's breathing center, which can stimulate people to speed up the rate of oxygen inhalation and carbon dioxide excretion, so that the brain gets enough oxygen. (1) absorbing poisons: aloe, hanging orchid, tiger tail orchid, one-leaf orchid, tortoise back bamboo are natural scavengers, which can remove harmful substances from the air. Studies have shown that tiger tail orchid and hanging orchid can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases, and have a strong ability to absorb formaldehyde. Aloe is also good at absorbing formaldehyde, absorbing 90% of formaldehyde in 1 cubic meter of air. Ivy, iron tree, chrysanthemum, kumquat, pomegranate, half lotus, rose, camellia, pomegranate, Milan, daisy, preserved plum, marigold, etc., can effectively remove harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide, chlorine, ether, ethylene, carbon monoxide and nitrogen peroxide. Plants of the genus Astragalus, Astragalus, tobacco, Astragalus and cockscomb can absorb large amounts of radionuclides such as uranium; Orchidaceae, Phyllostachys pubescens and Cymbidium can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases; Ophiopogon can remove heavy metal particles; in addition, Chlorophyllum can effectively absorb carbon dioxide; some succulent flowers of Cactaceae rarely emit carbon dioxide at night. Wisteria has strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, chlorine and hydrogen fluoride, and also has some resistance to chromium. (2) killing bacteria: the volatile oil produced by rose, sweet-scented osmanthus, violet, jasmine, lemon, rose, carnation, lily of the valley, crape myrtle and other aromatic flowers has significant bactericidal effect. Crape myrtle, jasmine, lemon and other plants can kill protobacteria such as diphtheria and dysentery in 5 minutes. The fragrance of rose, carnation, lily of the valley, violet, rose and sweet-scented osmanthus has obvious inhibitory effect on the growth and reproduction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pneumococci and staphylococci. Citrus, rosemary and orchid can greatly reduce the bacteria and microorganisms in the indoor air. (3) purify the air: the stomata on the succulent stems of succulent plants such as cactus, which are native to tropical arid areas, are closed during the day and opened at night, which not only absorbs carbon dioxide, but also produces oxygen and increases the concentration of negative ions in indoor air. Tiger skin orchid, tiger tail orchid, tequila and brown palm, Jialan, Sedum, rooting, cultivated pineapple and other plants can also purify the air at night. Orchids, sweet-scented osmanthus, wax plum, taro, red back cinnamon and so on are natural dust collectors whose cilia can intercept and absorb floating particles and smoke in the air. (4) temperature regulation: the green plants in the urban green area can absorb solar energy up to 6080 calories in summer, reduce the ambient temperature by 3.8 ℃, shorten the duration of high temperature per day by 3 hours, and the vertical greening of the wall can cool the wall by 5 ℃. Plant climbing plants such as Parthenocissus, grapes, morning glory, wisteria and roses around the home and let them climb along the wall or along the shelf to form a green Arbor, which can effectively reduce sunlight radiation and greatly reduce indoor temperature. Cloves, jasmine, roses, violets, peppermint and other plants can make people relaxed, happy, conducive to sleep, but also improve work efficiency. Green pineapple and other large leaves and water-loving plants can keep indoor air humidity in an excellent state. Improving health requires breeding, transplanting, changing pots, pruning, watering, fertilization and so on. And this series of labor can promote physical health. To cultivate the virtue of self-cultivation, in order to make the balcony flowers grow well, we must study and practice, so that we can increase knowledge, learn flower cultivation techniques, and cultivate the virtue of cherishing manpower and material resources. 2. The classification of flowers is various and has a wide range. In order to facilitate people's cultivation, management, utilization and research, taxonomists have put forward a variety of classification methods according to different needs. There are three classification methods which are closely related to flower cultivation: flowers can be divided into two categories: herbaceous flowers and woody flowers according to their morphological characteristics and growth habits. (1) herbaceous flowers include 2012 flowers, perennial flowers, bulb flowers, aquatic flowers, succulent flowers and ground cover and lawn plants. (2) Woody flowers include trees, shrubs, vines and bamboos. According to the ornamental part, the flowers can be divided into five categories: flower, leaf, fruit, stem, bud and so on.

1) Flower viewing: mainly ornamental flower color and shape, such as chrysanthemum, peony and so on. (2) foliage: mainly ornamental leaf color and leaf shape, such as variable leaf wood, tortoise back bamboo and so on. (3) ornamental fruit: mainly ornamental fruit, such as kumquat, bergamot and so on. (4) ornamental stem: mainly ornamental stem, such as Buddha belly bamboo, mountain shadow boxing and so on. (5) ornamental buds: mainly ornamental buds, such as silver willow and so on. According to purpose and use, flowers can be divided into indoor flowers, cut flowers, garden flowers, medicinal flowers, spice flowers, edible flowers and so on. (1) Indoor flowers: some flowers selected from many flowers, which have high ornamental value, are more shady and like warmth, are not too sensitive to the change of moisture in the cultivation substrate, and are suitable for long-term display in the indoor environment. Such as gentleman orchid, bamboo taro and so on. (2) cut flowers: such as carnation, calla lilies, etc. (3) Garden flowers: flowers suitable for growing in the courtyard environment, such as rose, cloves and so on. (4) Medicinal flowers: their flowers have important medicinal value, such as evening primrose, honeysuckle and so on. (5) spice flowers: fragrant flowers are widely used in food and light industry, such as rose, jasmine and so on. (6) Edible flowers: use the leaves or flowers of flowers to eat directly, such as lilies, pomegranates and so on. 3. The variety selection of raising flowers in the family should be few but refined in quantity, and the flowers and trees should be reasonably selected according to the family's environmental conditions and personal preferences. Indoor is an important activity place in people's life, flowers should be selected according to the following requirements: (1) choose shade-tolerant or shade-tolerant varieties: indoor sunlight is weaker than outdoor sunshine, so try to choose shade-tolerant varieties. Such as evergreen, orchid, tortoise back bamboo, hanging orchid, rubber tree and so on. Some flowering plants are mostly positive flowers, which should be placed in the sunny place when decorated indoors, and often move to the outside to absorb sunlight and rain. (2) choose the variety according to the balcony: the balcony area is small, the wind is strong, dry, the summer temperature is high, the water evaporation is fast, but the light is sufficient, the ventilation is good. It is very beneficial to some flowers that like light and endure drought. Convex balcony exposed on three sides, good light, can be arched flower racks, plant climbing flowers, such as pineapple, morning glory, grapes, five-leaf brocade, etc., and can set up flower racks for rose, pomegranate, Milan, jasmine and bonsai. The top of the balcony can hang shady orchids and ferns, and the back of the balcony is a semi-shady environment, which can be placed with southern bamboos and gentleman orchids. The public side of the concave balcony is exposed and the ventilation condition is poor. Trapezoidal flower racks can be set up on both sides of the wall and decorated with flowers and trees. The layout of the bedroom should be quiet, clean, elegant and comfortable. There is plenty of light in the south bedroom, and you can choose flowers that like light and warmth, such as Milan, Fusang, rose, white orchid, kumquat, cactus and succulent plants. (3) choose varieties according to the bedroom: due to the short illumination time in the east-west bedroom, you can choose semi-shade-tolerant flowers, such as camellia, rhododendron, gardenia, Michelia, asparagus, evergreen, etc.; the north bedroom light condition is poor, the temperature is low, it is appropriate to choose Magnolia, hanging orchid, rubber tree, tortoise back bamboo, Tianmen winter and mountain stone bonsai and so on. Living room layout requires quiet, elegant, generous, should be small, elegant as the main features, can choose Milan, cinnamon, jasmine, asparagus, bergamot, kumquat and so on, the corner can be placed foliage plants, such as Tianmen winter, palm bamboo, fish tail sunflower and cliff chrysanthemum and so on. Attention to seed selection (1) Flowers and trees with peculiar smell should not be selected: such as cloves, nocturnal incense and other flowers will make some patients have adverse reactions, and some patients with high blood pressure and heart disease will feel stuffy and uncomfortable after smelling these fragrances. The aroma of pine and cypress plants can reduce people's appetite, and it is not suitable to put too much and too long indoors. (2) toxic flowers and trees should not be selected: flowers with certain toxicity should be properly isolated when placed indoors, especially to avoid contact with children. Poinsettia, five-colored plum, oleander, tiger thorn, overlord whip, Lycoris and other less toxic, as long as not casually pick leaves, branches, flowers, fruits, generally will not cause poisoning. More attention should be paid to cultivation.