
One medicinal material-- Angelica sinensis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Medicine name: Angelica harvest processing: Angelica is generally cultivated to the end of the second autumn, remove stems and leaves, fibrous roots and soil, place, after the water evaporates slightly, the root changes.

Name of medicinal material: Angelica sinensis

Harvest and processing: Angelica is generally cultivated until the end of the second autumn, remove stems and leaves, fibrous roots and soil, place, when the roots become soft after the water evaporates slightly, tie them into small handfuls, go up to the shed, and slowly smoke them with fireworks.

Angelica sinensis plant

Radix angelicae Sinensis slices characters: this product is slightly cylindrical, the lower part has 3-5 or more branches, long 15~25cm. The surface is yellowish brown to brown, with longitudinal wrinkles and horizontal lenticels. The root head (head) is 1.5~4cm in diameter, ringed, the upper end is round and obtuse, with purple or yellowish green stem and leaf sheath residues; the main root (return) surface is uneven; the branch root (return tail) diameter 0.3~1cm, thick and thin on the top, twisted, with a few whisker root scars. Flexible, yellowish white or yellowish brown in cross section, thick skin, fissures and most brown punctate secretory cavities, light wood color, cambium ring yellowish brown. There is a strong aroma, taste sweet, spicy, slightly bitter.

Dried Angelica sinensis

Head of Angelica sinensis

Dried Angelica sinensis

Angelica sliced

Strong gas, sweet taste, no sour taste, sweet taste and then slightly bitter. It is better for the main root with large ring pattern, length, few branches, yellow and white cross section and strong smell.

The main root is short, the branch root is many, the smell is weak and the cross section becomes reddish brown.

Radix angelicae Sinensis medicine: "[the taste of Angelica sinensis is sweet and warm." the Lord goes against the breath, washes with warm malaria and heat in the skin, and the woman leaks the last child, all kinds of malignant sores, golden sores, boil and drink it. Dry.]

Taste bitter, pungent, mild, into the foot Jueyin liver meridian. Nourish the blood and nourish the liver, clear the wind and moisten the wood, rise the subtlety of the meridian, reverse the cold of the back limb, ease the urgency and calm the abdominal pain, adjust the postpartum and before protecting the fetus, it can pass the urine of pregnancy, the large intestine of the slippery pregnant woman, the running dolphin should be used, vomiting Ascaris should be added, the cold hernia is very good, and the warm meridian is the most effective.

Fire for Yang and water for Yin, Qi in water is for Yang Root, Yang Root rises on the left, Shengyi wood turns into Ding Fire, Fire falls and Yang is clear, then God sends Yan. God flourishes in fire, but in its origin, it is born in wood, and the whole rise of Yang qi is Shenwang. Half of the sun rising in the wood, the first fetus of God, Fangzhao, is called the soul, which is hidden in the liver and given up in the blood. Liver to Jueyin wind wood, born in Guishui, the temperature of Gui water rises to transform the blood. The blood is the semen of the wood, and the body of the soul. The wind is calm and blood, and the branches are honored, then Muda and the soul are at peace. Lack of warm qi, fundamental loss of support, anger and wind dryness, semen depletion. Since this shakes down, the body is damaged, the soul is also fluttering, which is the origin of this liver disease. So the limb cold pulse is thin, abdominal pain is urgent, then difficult urine, amenorrhea blood off, running dolphin, Ascaris, cold hernia and so on, thus giving birth to Yan. Know when nourishing blood to clear the wind and dryness.

Angelica is moist and smooth, it can best rest the wind and nourish blood, and the nature of pungent and warm is suitable for wood. Acid is depressed and Xin Zeda, cold is condensation and warm is smooth, the reason of nature is also. The blood is smooth and the pulse is full, so it can reverse the cold and rise slightly; Muda and Tusu, it can relieve the acute pain and settle the fetus. All the signs of wood depression and wind movement are all suitable. But quite help soil wet, defeat spleen and stomach and slippery defecate, so Zhongjing use it, many civil engineering and medicine. But know to help the yin but do not know to cut the yang, the mediocre workers of later generations, so they made a big mistake in life.


[processing] Angelica sinensis: remove impurities, wash, moisturize, slice, dry or dry at low temperature.

Angelica sinensis: take Angelica sinensis tablets and stir-fry them according to the wine-drying method (Appendix Ⅱ D). This product is quasi-round or irregular thin slice, the section has light brown ring pattern, the quality is flexible, dark yellow, slightly focal spot. Taste sweet, slightly bitter, strong aroma, with wine aroma.

[nature] Gan, Xin, Wen.

The meridians of liver, heart and spleen.

[functional indications] tonifying blood and activating blood, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, moistening intestines and relieving defecation. For blood deficiency, dizziness, palpitation, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, cold abdominal pain, intestinal dryness and constipation, rheumatism arthralgia, fall injury, carbuncle. Wine, angelica, promoting blood circulation and dredging menstruation. For amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, rheumatism arthralgia, fall injury.

[usage] 6g / 12g.

[storage] keep it in a cool and dry place, moistureproof and mothproof. "