
The Secrets of Flower and Tree Health in the Internal Classic of Huangdi, the Art of War of Muzi

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is the common good wish of mankind to maintain a healthy physique and prevent diseases. Our ancestors realized this problem a long time ago. According to relevant records, people in the Tang Yao era.

It is the common good wish of mankind to maintain a healthy physique and prevent diseases. Our ancestors realized this problem a long time ago. According to relevant records, people in the Tang Yao era already knew how to use dance to prevent joint diseases. There are many expositions on the theories and methods of health preservation in the works of Laozi, Zhuangzi, Lu's Spring and Autumn and so on. However, a systematic and complete academic thought and theoretical system of health preservation should begin with the earliest traditional Chinese medicine classic Huangdi Nei Jing (referred to as Neijing for short). Huangdi Neijing not only comprehensively and profoundly discusses the thoughts, theories, principles, methods and methods of health preservation and disease prevention, but also puts health conservation and disease prevention in the first place, giving priority to health care. The idea that disease prevention is more important than treatment runs through the whole Huangdi Nei Jing.

After years of research on the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, combined with the current characteristics of life, Muzi's Art of War believes that one of the secrets of health preservation is not to make yourself too tired. When the human body is overworked, the yang will be exuberant and excessive, and the yin essence will be gradually consumed. If it is repeated so many times, the more prosperous yang is, the more deficient yin is, the balance between yin and yang is out of balance, and people will get sick.

The secret of keeping healthy is not to get angry.

When people are in great anger, Yang Qi surges upward, and blood is deposited in the upper body with Qi rising, which cannot be separated from other parts of the body, thus invisibly increasing negative pressure on the heart, small intestine and face, which accumulates over time, so that it can lead to further illness, thus endangering physical and mental health.

The method of resolving the Secrets of Muzi's Art of War, Flowers and trees

Choose plants belonging to the five elements of water, such as privet, Fujian tea, Luohansong, brown bamboo, antler fern, dragon cypress, and so on, to be placed in the north of the studio of the adult at home, so as to change the upward upwelling of steel yang and prevent blood from accumulating in the upper body with the rise of qi. Such as at home can also be accompanied by "Yu" music (that is, music with "La" sound) 1 guide, so that blood flow to all parts of the body, so that the body in the best state of health.

Muzi's Art of War: tips for keeping Health in the four Seasons

In spring, evil qi hurts people, and many diseases are in the head; in summer, evil qi hurts people, and many diseases are in the heart and autumn; in the season, evil qi hurts people, and many diseases in the shoulder and back; in winter, evil qi hurts people, and many diseases in the extremities. Spring treatment should take more meridian points; summer treatment should take more meridian points; autumn treatment should take more points of Liufu organs; winter treatment should use more drugs and less acupuncture. If you cough in autumn, it is because the lungs are affected by external evil. If it is coughing in other seasons, it is transmitted to the lungs by the internal organs. The liver is affected first in spring, the heart in summer, the lung in autumn, and the kidney in winter.

The method of resolving the Secrets of Muzi's Art of War, Flowers and trees keeping Health in the four Seasons

In spring, choose fire plants of the five elements, such as Phoenix wood, flame wood and peach trees, to be placed in the south of your home or studio to protect yourself from the evil spirits of spring.

In summer, choose five elements of water plants, such as evergreen, pistachios, water lilies and other plants placed in the north of the home or studio, in order to resist the evil spirit of summer.

In autumn, choose plants belonging to the five elements, such as Phyllostachys pubescens, Chrysanthemum and Michelia, to be placed in the northeast or southwest of the home or studio, so as to resist the evil spirit of autumn.

In winter, choose plants belonging to the five elements, such as Magnolia, oranges and Yingui, to be placed in the east or southeast of your home or studio to protect yourself from the evil spirits of summer.

The yin and yang of the human body are relatively balanced.

If Yin Qi is too abundant, Yang Qi is damaged and becomes a disease; if Yang Qi is too abundant, Yin Qi is depleted and becomes a disease. Excessive Yang Qi is characterized by hot disease, while Yin Qi is manifested as cold disease. For people who are too deficient in yang, the most dangerous time is in the middle of the night; for those who are too deficient in yin, the most dangerous time is at noon; the most dangerous time for diseases with cold and heat is the clear exhibition of the intersection of yin and yang.

Yang qi is too prosperous, the most direct manifestation of the general human body is that the lips are red, the throat is dry and sore, and the Yin qi is too strong, while the general human body is most directly manifested as light lip color (not ruddy color), obstruction of nasal passages, cold sweat, and light red tongue color.

The method of resolving the Secrets of Muzi's Art of War, Flowers and trees

If the yang is too prosperous, you should choose plants that belong to gold or water, such as orchids, white chrysanthemums, daffodils, jasmine flowers, and plants such as orchids, bayberries, Hainan peaches, etc. are placed in the northwest (gold) or north (water) of the home or studio, in order to reduce or dissolve the excess of yang. For example, music with the sound of "Shang" (that is, music with the sound of "Ruai") can be guided at home.

Yin qi is too strong, you should choose the five elements belong to fire or wood plants, such as rich bamboo, Jilu tea, hanging melon wood, fire red chrysanthemum, wisteria, plum and other plants are placed in the east, southeast (wood) or south (fire) of the home or studio, in order to reduce or resolve excessive yin. For example, at home, it can also be guided by music with the sound of "horn" (that is, music with the sound of "Mi"), so as to make the body Yin and Yang level the street.

The joint is the residence of evil spirits.

The human body has 12 large joints and 354 small joints and bone sutures. When the human body is sick, these are places where evil spirits live. Therefore, acupuncture, scraping and mouth extraction can be used in these places to dispel evil spirits. Bone disease, pain in the joint, disease in the cartilage.

The method of resolving the secrets of flowers and trees in Muzi's art of war is to make up the earth with fire, such as litchi, plum, crape myrtle and other plants, or with red forest and yellow gardens belonging to fire and scholars, such as cinnamon, safflower and bauhinia, golden cinnamon, Dong bamboo, golden jade bamboo and other plants.

The Yang Qi of the human body is the main guard on the outside, and the Yin Qi is the nutrition inside.

Where adverse weather hurts people, the appearance of yang is the first to get evil; where eating and living disorders, the inner yin is first damaged. Yang is outside the human body and is an important "protective umbrella" outside the human body, constantly defending the human body against the invasion of external evil qi; Yin qi is inside the human body, guarding and directing the environmental operation of most of the life of the human body, and the responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai. always cautiously regulate the internal coordination and balance of the human body, which is an important line of defense for the human body to resist evil.

The method of resolving the Secrets of Muzi's Art of War, Flowers and trees

Choose positive plants, such as Nanyang fir, Liulingzhu, green rose and so on, to the south or southeast of the home or studio (requiring plants to have 1800 lux illuminance in the sun), and choose negative plants. Such as brown bamboo, cycad, night cooperation, hanging bamboo plum and other plants, placed in the north or northeast of the home or studio. This forms a peaceful situation of yin and yang, which is beneficial to the health of the human body.