
Sharing the experience of orchid planting, how to grow orchids in the tenth month of the lunar calendar?

Published: 2024-07-25 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/25, October Yangsheng heating back (Huiye Yun read) the following year, the bamboo shoots and pregnant jade roots are full of soil pots, especially in October of the lunar calendar, entering winter, it begins to be cold.


October Yangsheng heating back (Hui Ye Yun read Huai)

Next year, the bamboo shoots will have a baby again.

The jade root is exposed to the soil.

When the pot is full, you need to change the plant urgently.

In the tenth month of the lunar calendar, winter begins and begins to get cold. On the other hand, Yang began to pick up again, so there is a "little spring in October". At this time, the new buds on the false bulbs began to "conceive". Langen exposed to the outside, to cultivate soil to cover up to prevent frost damage.

The third sentence in some orchid books is "the secret root does not reveal its truth", while the third sentence in some orchid books is "the root does not reveal the truth". These two sentences do not make sense, and there may be mistakes and omissions. But the meaning is clear, it all means: Langen in winter can not be exposed.

Jianlan blossoms one after another in the eighth and ninth months of the lunar calendar. One fertilizer should be applied immediately after flowering, and the proportion of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to supplement the consumption during flowering. Some people call this fertilization Yuezi fat.

After flowering, the orchid leaves generally look haggard and turn green gradually after fertilization. At this time, the orchids that have been full of pots should be replanted, which is also called changing pots.

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