
Huanning, Yunnan Province launches the pilot project of mutual fund for poor villages

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Huanning, Yunnan Province launches the pilot project of mutual fund for poor villages

(agricultural Wealth Network) in order to effectively enhance the "hematopoiesis" function of poor farmers, promote the professional and large-scale development of agricultural production, and further promote the sound and rapid economic development of the poor areas of the county. Huanning County applied for the implementation of the pilot project of mutual funds for poor villages, which recently passed the review of the municipal pilot project evaluation team.

The pilot project of mutual funds in poor villages is in accordance with the spirit of the notice on further doing a good job in the pilot work of mutual funds in poor villages by the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office and the Provincial Department of Finance, in order to further explore and improve a new mechanism for the use and management of financial poverty alleviation funds, alleviate the lack of production and development funds and difficult loans for poor villages and poor households, and increase the income of the poor people. To improve the self-accumulation, self-management, mutual assistance and sustainable development ability of poor villages and poor farmers, and a key project implemented in the whole province.

"mutual aid funds" are guided by financial poverty alleviation funds, supported by mutual funds paid by villagers in a certain proportion, and supplemented by social donation funds without any additional conditions. the production and development funds established in poor villages are "people's ownership, civilian use, people's management, people's enjoyment, turnover and rolling development". After active efforts and evaluation by the relevant departments of the county, the mutual fund for the poverty-stricken villages in the county is 1 million yuan, which is arranged to be carried out in eight village groups of Tonghongdian, rotten muddy ponds, Tangzi, Xiaopo Zuo, Xiaolongtan, Dashi Cave, Baxijiao and Wandeqing in Tonghongdian and Panxi townships (towns), involving 3222 people from 853 households. The leading support industry plans to develop 1500 mu of citrus, 300mu of walnut, 1500 mu of honeysuckle and 200mu of vegetables.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of this work, the county party committee and government attached great importance to it. on the basis of organizing investigation and investigation, they formulated the "pilot work Plan of Mutual Fund for Poverty-stricken villages in Huanning County", "Fund Management measures" and "Management system". A leading group for the pilot work of mutual funds in poor villages has been set up with the deputy county magistrate as the leader and poverty alleviation, finance and other relevant departments as members. It defines the purpose of carrying out the pilot work of mutual aid funds, the conditions of the pilot villages, the sources of funds, the use and management, implementation steps, organization and management, supervision and inspection, and so on.