
Long County, Shaanxi Province, Hebei Township, Multi-measures to Speed up the pace of new rural construction

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Long County, Shaanxi Province, Hebei Township, Multi-measures to Speed up the pace of new rural construction

(agricultural Wealth Network) this year, Hebei Township in Longxian County conscientiously implemented a series of decisions and arrangements of the Party's work in rural areas, taking the construction of new countryside as an overall work, with increasing farmers' income as the core. Closely around the overall idea of "one overall ownership, two goals, three standards, four breakthroughs", that is, to build a strong agricultural township with characteristics, and to build the first early-bearing walnut township in the province. The first township of beef cattle and native chicken breeding in the county as the goal, taking the rapid growth of people's income, the harmony and stability of the countryside and the all-round development of social undertakings as the standard, to achieve the "four major breakthroughs" in project construction, industrial structure adjustment, people's livelihood project and new rural construction. Achieve the "three persistence" (adhere to measures in accordance with village conditions and promote with characteristics Adhere to typical drive, demonstration promotion; adhere to service guidance, harmonious promotion), highlight the "three major measures" (goal guidance, project support, mechanism guarantee), and speed up the "three propulsion" (increasing farmers' income, infrastructure, and public utilities). The rural work of the township presents a good situation of new tricks, catching up with each other, and competing for development.

Take the star management as the overall control, and scientifically promote the construction of the new countryside. The township identified 5 Jinxing villages, including two stars in one star (Xiliangwan, Qijiayuan) and three stars in two stars (Baishi, Weijiabao, Di Canal). For the two one-star villages in Xiliangwan and Qijiayuan as key villages, we should find the gap according to the reality, formulate a score plan, implement the points increase measures, ensure that the score goal is achieved by the end of the year, and strive to create two-star villages. At the same time, increase the intensity of infrastructure construction and invite professional designers to revise and improve the new rural construction plans of Dongpo and Miaopo villages. The Dongpo Village block construction project, with an investment of 2.33 million yuan, is currently laying down sewage pipes to harden the road surface of the block. The relocation project of 38 households in Gaojiahe with an investment of 2.7 million yuan, and the post-disaster reconstruction of 65 households in Dongpo and Miaopo with an investment of 4.6 million yuan are nearing completion, and 63 "Sandui" sites will be cleaned up.

We will make every effort to increase farmers' income by taking measures to go to households. Taking the three villages of Dongpo, Miaopo and Baishi as a model, on the basis of in-depth investigation and comparison of accounts, we should find out the population, cultivated land, labor, income situation and income potential, divide the types of farmers, and grasp the reality of increasing farmers' income. According to different types of scientific choice of income increase path, adhere to the principle of "policy according to households, classified guidance, measures to households, supporting services", to help farmers formulate income-increasing projects, income targets, income-increasing measures, and establish detailed cards for increasing household income, which are posted in a conspicuous position of families, so that farmers understand the objectives, projects, measures, and directions of increasing income, so as to achieve "one household, one card, one policy". The 2680 households in the township are divided into five categories, including 184entrepreneurial type, 654labor service type, 930part-time business type and 604poor type. According to the reality of different types of people, classified guidance has been made to expand the scale of operation and improve the level of labor skills. Measures and suggestions to achieve planning guidance, policy publicity, package assistance, technical training, information services "five to households".

Efforts should be made to increase the income of farmers on the basis of the four characteristic industries. Implement an area of 5000 mu of flue-cured tobacco, do a good job in the promotion of improved varieties, field management, pest control and other specific work in stages, and strive to improve the quality of tobacco leaves and increase economic benefits. At present, 60, 000 jin of tobacco has been sold, with an output value of 190000 yuan. For the 2900 mu high-quality garden newly planted last autumn, we focused on the implementation of five specific measures in the aspects of plastic film mulching, watering, belt opening, plate expansion and grab bars, and the survival rate of the young garden reached more than 95%. For the original 2700 mu high-quality garden, we should pay attention to the management from five aspects: disk expansion, fertilization, pruning, whitening and high-quality replacement, and transform 12200 low-yield walnuts for 3 times of special training. At present, 6000 mu of autumn garden plots have been implemented and seedling funds are being raised. We should take scientific breeding and base construction as the starting point, take dairy and meat livestock breeding as a breakthrough, actively adjust and optimize the internal structure of animal husbandry production, and formulate a series of supporting policies and implementation measures. pay close attention to the breeding of improved varieties, variety improvement, scale breeding, quality improvement, epidemic prevention and other work, do a good job in the construction of specialized villages for animal husbandry. The epidemic prevention density reached 100%. We will increase publicity and guidance, information services, skills training, orderly export, and safeguard rights and interests, so as to provide security services for the transfer of surplus labor. So far, 3400 migrant workers have been organized, with an income of 18.9 million yuan.

Focus on project construction and vigorously improve the infrastructure environment. A total of 11 key projects were implemented in the township, with a total investment of 14.38 million yuan. The construction of 10 village-level standardized clinics, the drinking station of township organs, the teaching building of Weijiabu Primary School, the drinking water project for people and livestock in Diqu Village, the 22 km access project from Datanwan to Xiliang Bay and the new apartment building of Hebei Middle School have been completed. Miaopo beef cattle breeding district, 65 households post-disaster reconstruction, 38 households of Gaojiahe work relief poverty alleviation relocation project, township cultural station construction, township street widening and reconstruction projects are under intense construction. Attract investment of 1.9 million yuan, introduce two investment projects of Miaopo Jinxin Brick Factory and Yangling Qindi Native Chicken Professional Cooperative. A total of 6 documents for special funds and 970000 yuan were reported to the provincial and municipal financial departments.

On the basis of paying attention to people's livelihood, we will continue to expand the coverage of rural social security undertakings. Education, new combination therapy, new agricultural insurance, communications, and information media have also developed rapidly. at present, the telephone household entry rate of the whole township has reached 81%. The cable TV occupancy rate is 32%, and the mobile and Unicom networks have achieved full coverage. 2894 people participated in the rural old-age insurance in the township, 164% of which completed the task. The enrollment rate of school-age children reached more than 99%. We will conscientiously implement the policies of subsidies for improved varieties, subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, and the policy of "two exemptions and one subsidy". We will issue 1.2 million yuan of discount loans to help the poor, arrange more than 30 public welfare posts, improve the social security system, and gradually improve the living standards of the people.

To pay close attention to implementation as a guarantee to ensure high-quality completion of various goals and tasks. The township party committee regards the construction of the new countryside as the "top priority" of its work, and has formulated the "Hebei township plan to leapfrog, strive for the first class, take the lead in the implementation of the system" and the system of new rural construction, and adopt the method of including members of the team and the village and village cadres, to issue targets and tasks village by village, refine the measures of promotion to the stars, strengthen the assessment and reward, and give full play to the fighting fortress role of rural organizations in promoting the increase of farmers' income. We will earnestly improve our ability to lead the masses to increase their income and become rich. We will do a good job in coordinating services to increase farmers' income, implement measures to strengthen agriculture to village groups, and implement policies to benefit farmers.

At present, the enthusiasm of the cadres and masses of the township to participate in economic and social construction is unprecedentedly high, forming a new upsurge of "cadres and masses with one heart and one mind to work together to build a new countryside", realizing farmers' cash income of 2960 yuan.