
Rural clean-up operations bring about great changes

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Rural clean-up operations bring about great changes

The beautiful landscape and charming amorous feelings have intoxicated countless Chinese and foreign tourists who come to Longsheng. However, the dirty, chaotic, smelly and poor rural environment of Longsheng in the past is extremely incompatible with the development of Longsheng tourism. Since 2002, Longsheng Autonomous County of all nationalities has begun to carry out a step-by-step campaign to clean up rural areas and completely change the environmental sanitation situation in rural areas. Up to now, there are 85 civilized villages at all levels in the county, and 422 villages have been awarded the "civilized Health Village" of Guilin City. The environmental hygiene situation in rural areas has been greatly improved, and the civilized fashion has been gradually formed.

Change the appearance of the countryside in accordance with local conditions

In Longsheng, farmers call the large-scale campaign to clean up rural areas "an image project that is not an 'image project'." It is said that it is not an "image project" because the clean rural action is not a "political achievement project" of the leadership, but to change the appearance of the rural areas according to the needs of rural areas and farmers.

In order not to let this work become a mere formality, Longsheng made great efforts in the campaign to clean up the countryside.

Lead the way with typical examples first. Ao Bei Village is a remote small mountain village in Longsheng County. after the large-scale operation to clean up the countryside in 2003, the environmental sanitation and landscape of ao Bei Village are both beautiful, receiving 20,000 tourists every year, and attracting groups of learning visitors from Longsheng villages. The study visitors said, "au Bei is so remote that we can do it well, and so can we."

The large-scale campaign to clean up rural areas is not an "image project", but also because it is not superficial and short-term. The object of cleaning is not only the villages along the road, but also the closed mountain villages that few people go to.

The clean rural campaign has completely changed the rural environmental sanitation and farmers' way of life, showing the new image of the countryside, so it is not only an image project, but also a very good image project. At present, Longsheng has carried out farm music in more than 60 villages. these villages have rich ethnic customs, clean environment and distinctive features, attracting more than 300,000 tourists every year, and the new image of the countryside makes well-informed tour guides linger.

In the rectification work, cadres and peasants eat, live and work together, and the peasants see a new image of cadres in power for the people. The county and township workers who are in charge of this work have visited hundreds of villages throughout the county to guide and serve the masses to do a good job in learning and cleaning rural areas, which are deeply loved by the masses.

Reform of Environmental Sanitation in Rural areas

To carry out investigation and research in Longsheng rural areas, what the author sees is a clean and tidy environment, what I hear is the hearty laughter of farmers, and what I experience is comfortable and fresh rural life.

Long Sheng Rain Water, in the past, the rural roads were muddy and difficult to walk, and farmers had to stay at home at night. Now, the public places in the village, the roads in front and back of the houses have been repaired, and the roads have hardened. Bai Kunfu, who is in his 80s in Shuangdong Village, says: "now I'm not afraid of wrestling when I go out. I dare to go out with my eyes closed."

In the past, the domestic waste in Longsheng countryside was either piled in the yard or dumped in front and behind the house, and the village was full of smelly garbage dumps. Today, farmers, like city dwellers, pack their garbage in bags, throw it into trash cans, dig a big hole in the open space of the village, and concentrate on burning and landfills.

Now, each family has built aqua privies or water toilets in their own yard, and the feces go to the biogas digester. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural and Health Organization has organized relevant officials from more than 10 countries to make a special trip to Longsheng for inspection, and they are full of praise.

The village is clean, and the people begin to cultivate good hygiene habits. Even children know that they wash their hands before eating, wash melons and fruits before eating, and don't drink unboiled water. Some village doctors report that environmental hygiene has improved and fewer people get sick.

The Historical subject of moving towards Modern Civilization in Rural areas

Rural environmental sanitation is an important standard to measure the quality of life of farmers, and it is a historical issue in the process of rural areas moving towards modern civilization and building a harmonious society. The campaign of Longsheng to clean up the countryside has given us some enlightenment.

First of all, the scientific concept of development should be implemented not only in cities, but also in rural areas towards a well-off society in an all-round way. Rural areas also need sustainable development.

The work of changing toilets and building biogas has brought a series of changes in the ecological chain to Longsheng rural areas, and people and nature are more harmonious: farmers do not have to go to the mountains to cut down trees and firewood, protecting mountain forests; clean biogas energy is used for cooking and lighting, farmers use less electricity; biogas wastewater is used to water vegetables, spray, and grow pollution-free vegetables; planting trees in landfill pits, the trees grow particularly pleasantly.

Secondly, the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas must have an appropriate starting point and carrier. Long Sheng regards the transformation of rural environmental sanitation as the starting point for the construction of spiritual civilization and connects the construction of spiritual civilization with the actual life of farmers. Farmers used to think that the spiritual civilization in rural areas is far away from them, but now they realize that the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas is not only around them, but also really improves their lives. Some people think that rural environmental sanitation is a small thing, but small things seem easy, but it is difficult to change, and we need to make concerted efforts and work in a down-to-earth manner.

Hou Fengjiao, 56, from Li Pai Village, Sishui Township, says that "nightlife" is now very rich: listening to lectures on science and technology, legal system, education, etc., as well as playing Yangko and watching performances. The improvement of environmental sanitation has brought a lot of new atmosphere to Li Pai Village: the villagers have more activities together, more exchanges, and fewer contradictions, and the well-known "Diao Min Village" has become a municipal "civilized health village".

In addition, the transformation of environmental sanitation in rural areas is a long-term historical issue. Longsheng has more than 1600 natural villages, and this campaign to clean up the countryside has touched the rural bad habits that have been inherited for thousands of years, and it is imaginable how difficult it is.