
Accelerate the reform and development of rural areas and promote the innovation of agricultural system

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Accelerate the reform and development of rural areas and promote the innovation of agricultural system

From November 8 to 9, the Ministry of Agriculture held a forum on deepening rural reform and promoting the innovation of agricultural management system and mechanism in Hefei, Anhui Province. The meeting thoroughly implemented the spirit of the third and fourth Plenary sessions of the 17th CPC Central Committee, summed up and exchanged practices and experiences of various localities in innovating agricultural management systems and mechanisms, and studied and discussed the experimental work of rural reform under the new situation. Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of agriculture, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to further deepen the understanding of the great significance of deepening rural reform and innovating the agricultural management system and mechanism. At present, on the whole, China has entered the development stage of promoting agriculture by industry and leading the countryside by cities, and has entered a critical moment of speeding up the transformation of traditional agriculture and taking the road of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics. entering an important period of striving to break the dual structure of urban and rural areas and forming a new pattern of integration of urban and rural economic and social development, new changes are taking place in agricultural and rural areas. Continuing to deepen rural reform and promote the innovation of agricultural management system and mechanism is of great significance for speeding up rural reform and development, solidly promoting modern agriculture and new rural construction, and realizing sound and rapid economic and social development. From the perspective of the process of reform, it is necessary to deepen the reform to improve the rural economic system that meets the requirements of the socialist market economy. From the task of development, to speed up the construction of modern agriculture, we must deepen rural reform. From the perspective of the overall requirements, to achieve sound and rapid economic development, we must deepen rural reform. Agricultural departments at all levels should grasp reform around development, do a good job of reform and promote development, deeply understand the importance and urgency of deepening rural reform and promoting innovation in agricultural management systems and mechanisms, continue to emancipate their minds, and earnestly enhance the initiative and creativity of reform, promote innovation in agricultural management systems and mechanisms, inject new impetus into rural development, and add new vitality to economic and social development.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to further clarify the focus of work on innovating the agricultural management system and mechanism. "promoting the innovation of agricultural management system and mechanism and speeding up the transformation of agricultural management mode" is a clear requirement put forward by the third Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, an important task of deepening rural reform, and an important content of strengthening the construction of modern agricultural system. To do a good job in innovating the agricultural management system and mechanism, the premise is to unswervingly adhere to the stability and improvement of the basic rural management system, and the key is to promote the "two transformations," that is, the transformation from household management to raising the intensive level, and from unified management to improving the degree of organization. We should focus on doing a good job in five aspects: first, to stabilize and improve the rural land contract relationship, which is the premise and basis for innovating the agricultural management system and mechanism. To stabilize and improve the rural land contract relationship, the core is to implement and safeguard farmers' rights to the contracted land, the focus is to guide the stable and healthy development of land circulation, and the key is to improve the dispute mediation mechanism of land contract management. At present, it is necessary to steadily carry out pilot projects for the registration of land contractual management rights, establish and improve the circulation market of land contractual management rights, and make good preparations for the implementation of the Law on dispute Mediation and Arbitration of Rural Land contractual Management. We will establish and improve the rural land contractual management dispute mediation and arbitration system that includes rural mediation, county and city arbitration, and judicial protection. The second is to strengthen the service function of collective economic organizations, which is an important part of innovating agricultural management system and mechanism.

We should focus on the implementation of the "opinions of the Ministry of Agriculture on further strengthening the Management of Rural Collective Capital and assets Resources", strengthen the standardized construction of rural collective financial management, strengthen the operation and management of rural collective assets and resources, steadily carry out exploration on the reform of the property rights system of rural collective economic organizations, and take the lead in solving the outstanding problems existing in urban villages, suburban villages, garden villages and economically developed areas. We will improve the special management system of collective land income. The third is to speed up the development of farmers' specialized cooperatives, which is an important support for the innovation of agricultural management system and mechanism. To speed up the development of farmers' professional cooperatives, quantity is the foundation, standardization is the guarantee, and talents are the key. It is necessary to earnestly implement support policies, step up the organization and implementation of demonstration cooperatives for farmers' professional cooperatives, strengthen standardization, standardization, and brand construction, strengthen legal publicity and personnel training, further promote "agricultural super-docking", and enhance capabilities in an all-round way. Fourth, vigorously promote the industrialized operation of agriculture, which is an effective form of innovating the system and mechanism of agricultural management. Firmly seize the major opportunity of economic restructuring, earnestly grasp the implementation of existing support policies, promote structural adjustment and industrial upgrading, cultivate and strengthen leading enterprises, promote the construction of demonstration areas for agricultural industrialization, and speed up the construction of a modern agricultural industrial system. We will improve the mechanism for linking the interests of leading enterprises and farmers, and explore the establishment of industrial risk prevention and industry self-discipline mechanisms. Fifth, vigorously develop agricultural producer services, which is the inevitable requirement of innovating agricultural management system and mechanism. Adapt to the reality of small-scale household contract management, meet the diversified product and technological needs of farmers, vigorously develop agricultural producer services, and establish a market-oriented service mechanism on the basis of strengthening agricultural public services. we will develop diversified, multi-level and multi-form agricultural socialized services. At present, it is necessary to give prominence to such services as agricultural machinery services, unified control of diseases and insect pests, and unified management and maintenance of biogas, pay attention to giving full play to the advantages of the agricultural sector, strengthen cooperation and cooperation with financial and insurance institutions, effectively solve agricultural financing difficulties, and actively guard against operational risks.

The meeting also held a discussion on how to do a good job in the experimental work of rural reform under the new situation, and held that it is necessary to further enhance the consciousness and sense of responsibility of doing a good job in the experimental work of rural reform, and grasp the key points of the experimental work of rural reform. we will standardize the operation of rural reform experiments and promote the experimental work of rural reform in a solid and orderly manner.

Responsible comrades of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities separately listed on the State plan and the production and Construction Corps in charge of rural operation and management and rural reform experiments, as well as responsible comrades of cities (counties) in some rural reform experimental areas, representatives of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, farmers' specialized cooperatives, and comrades from relevant departments, bureaus and institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture attended the meeting. Agricultural departments (commissions) of Shanxi, Zhejiang, Anhui and Hubei provinces, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, Nanping County, Ningde City, Fujian Province, Jiangsu Yurun Food Industry Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Wenling Ruoheng Watermelon Professional Cooperative introduced their practices and experience in innovating agricultural management system and mechanism and carrying out rural reform experiments. During the meeting, participants visited and inspected typical examples of promoting agricultural industrialization, developing farmers' specialized cooperatives, and guiding the orderly transfer of rural land contractual management rights in Feidong County, Hefei City.