
Agricultural modernization cannot be achieved without financial support.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Agricultural modernization cannot be achieved without financial support.

The experience of Hisson Group in exploring the development of potato industrialization has once again proved that the development of agriculture and rural areas is inseparable from the support of finance.

At present, China has entered a critical period of speeding up the transformation of traditional agriculture and taking the road of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics. An important symbol of rural modernization is the improvement of the level of agricultural science and technology. China is a large agricultural country and should have the strength of agricultural science and technology suited to this status, while the innovation and popularization of agricultural science and technology requires a lot of investment. financial support is an important force to promote the progress of agricultural science and technology.

After 30 years of reform and development, the face of China's rural areas has undergone fundamental changes. In this process, rural finance has played an important role in promoting, especially with the reform of rural credit cooperatives, the reform of agricultural banks and the establishment of new rural financial institutions, financial support for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has been further strengthened. a large number of leading enterprises and agricultural industrialization projects are developing rapidly.

The promotion of socialist new agricultural construction, rural economic and social development, agricultural industrialization and modernization have put forward higher requirements for finance. However, due to the particularity of agriculture, the investment involved in agricultural projects is large, the cycle is long, and the risk is high. Most enterprises are unwilling to do agricultural projects and most banks are unwilling to support agricultural projects.

To resolve this contradiction, we need a multi-pronged approach. First of all, the state finance should unswervingly increase the input and support to agriculture. We should not only maintain traditional subsidy programs, but also expand the scope of use of special funds, and give financial and policy support to modern agricultural projects undertaken by leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization. Secondly, enterprises engaged in agricultural projects, in line with the principle of acting according to capacity, scientific development, steady progress, must keep their liabilities at a reasonable level, once there are risks, they must have the necessary ability to cover risks. Third, rural financial institutions must support "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" with responsibility and emotion, and at the same time, select and support projects in line with national industrial policy under the premise of controllable risk, so as to achieve sustainable commercial development. In addition, as rural financial institutions bear higher risks than other commercial banks, the state should also increase support for rural financial institutions, so that these financial institutions have the ability to support agriculture, rural areas and farmers continuously.

In recent years, China has paid more and more attention to the development of potato industry, and all parties are working together to turn small potatoes into a big industry. This year, the state began to subsidize the original and original species of potato, and Hisson Group will usher in greater development. The cooperation between Hisson Group and Agricultural Bank of China provides us with a successful case. It shows that as long as there is strong financial support, as long as leading enterprises unswervingly promote the "three rural" project, agricultural industrialization can achieve remarkable results. We hope that more agricultural industrialization projects will get better financial services, the level of agricultural science and technology and modernization in China will be greatly improved, and we also hope that our country will become an agricultural power from a big agricultural country as soon as possible.