
Tianjin starts the establishment of vegetable standard garden

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Tianjin starts the establishment of vegetable standard garden

(agricultural Wealth Network) in order to further improve the quality and safety level of vegetable products and enhance the market competitiveness of vegetable products, in accordance with the requirements of the Circular of the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture on issuing the work Plan for the Establishment of National vegetable Standard Garden, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture recently held a working meeting on the establishment of vegetable standard gardens. The city vegetable station, the city pollution-free agricultural products (planting) management center, the deputy director in charge of the agricultural bureau of Jixian, Baodi and Jinghai, and the director of the vegetable department (station) attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Director Zhang Jianshu gave a briefing on the launching ceremony of the National vegetable Standard Garden held by the Ministry of Agriculture in Ningxia on October 30. Everyone conscientiously studied, studied and discussed the work plan for the establishment of the National vegetable Standard Garden of the Ministry of Agriculture, and further clarified the contents and tasks of the establishment of the vegetable Standard Garden in Tianjin according to the actual situation of various districts and counties. The meeting called on all districts and counties to attach great importance to the establishment of a standard vegetable garden, earnestly strengthen leadership, strengthen responsibilities, intensify work, and do a good job in the implementation of the "five" in the light of local reality, that is, the implementation of work responsibilities, the establishment of gardens, the implementation of technical support, the implementation of management systems, and the implementation of propaganda.