
What is the effect and effect of edamame? Explore the key secret nutritional recipes of edamame beans to keep people healthy

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away from me" is also applicable to edamame beans. In the future, it can be changed to "an edamame bean a day, obesity is far away from me". According to statistics, about 2 billion people in the world are obese, and obesity has become a public problem in the 21st century.

As the saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away from me" is also applicable to edamame beans. In the future, it can be changed to "an edamame bean a day, obesity is far away from me". According to statistics, at present, about 2 billion people in the world have the problem of obesity, and obesity has become one of the most serious epidemics in the 21st century. the most common diseases caused by obesity are in addition to type 2 diabetes. in addition, diseases such as atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction have become an uncertain time bomb that poses a great threat to health.

But how do you eat it so you don't get fat? Is the secret that every girl wants to know, in addition to relying on exercise to lose weight, diet control is also very important. In addition to eating less snacks and sugary drinks, in recent years, scholars at home and abroad have found that soybean is a food that can provide energy but is not easy to cause obesity. In addition to stabilizing blood sugar, it is also rich in functional ingredients. For example, soybean fiber can improve metabolic syndrome and soybean isoflavones can improve insulin resistance. To prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Edamame, which belongs to the same soybean, not only has the above advantages, but also has high concentrations of free amino acids and aminobutyric acid, which can reduce blood pressure and other health functions.

There are many varieties of soybeans, including soybeans, black beans, green beans, edamame beans, among which edamame beans are the most suitable for vegetable use. "edamame", also known as vegetable soybeans, is called "Zhi Dou" in Japan. It is as rich in protein as meat. It can be made into common dishes and drinks, but in the eyes of dietitians, edamame beans are not only vegetables, but also plant proteins with high nutritional value, so they are also called "plant meat".

Because edamame beans have a good source of protein, rich in amino acids, food fiber, lecithin and soybean isoflavones, as well as a large amount of iron, can be used as a source of iron for pregnant women and children; lecithin is also one of the indispensable nutrients for brain development, which can make the brain smarter. Friends who are vegetarian or do not like meat can choose edamame beans as the main source of protein.

Zhuang Guoxiang, an assistant professor at the Institute of Pharmacy at Taipei Medical University, said that edamame beans contain trace functional ingredients such as flavonoids, especially soybean isoflavones, which can control blood sugar, inhibit weight gain, and improve type 2 diabetes. And edamame contains compounds that can remove fat on the blood vessel wall, which can reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the blood, which not only plays a significant role in keeping women slim, but also has more preventive and auxiliary improvement effects on obesity, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other diseases.

Taiwan's edamame beans are famous, and the output value exported to Japan has reached a new high year after year. Edamame bean is not only one of the favorite dishes in Japan, but also has high nutritional value, so it is also called "meat of the poor" and is also known as health food in Japan. From animal experiments, domestic scholars have found that adding edamame beans to the diet can effectively improve diseases such as obesity and diabetes, and is expected to further develop into healthy food and improve the increasingly serious obesity metabolic syndrome of the Chinese people in the future.

However, there are few domestic studies on edamame beans on obesity-related metabolic diseases. in order to explore the effect of domestic edamame beans on obesity metabolic diseases, the Council of Agriculture entrusted Zhuang Guoxiang, an assistant professor at the Institute of Pharmacy of Taipei Medical University, to verify the animal efficacy of six kinds of domestic edamame beans. The experiments show that several kinds of edamame beans are not only "sacred products for weight loss". It not only has the functions of improving obesity metabolic syndrome (chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, blood glucose metabolism), but also has the potential to develop into healthy functional food to protect the health of Chinese people.

Dr. Zhuang Guoxiang's research team fed mice a high-fat diet (60% fat), but the other two groups of mice, mixed with 15% and 60% edamame beans in a high-fat diet, were observed to add edamame beans to the same calorie diet. whether it can effectively improve obesity. The experiment found that the mice fed with 60% of the specific strain of edamame beans could significantly improve and reduce their body weight, blood sugar and chronic inflammatory factors, indicating that edamame beans do contribute to the improvement of obesity metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Zhuang Guoxiang pointed out that studies have shown that edamame beans contain trace functional ingredients such as flavonoids, especially soybean isoflavones, which can control blood sugar, inhibit weight gain and improve type 2 diabetes. And edamame contains compounds that can remove fat on the blood vessel wall, which can reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the blood, which not only plays a significant role in keeping women slim, but also has more preventive and auxiliary improvement effects on obesity, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and other diseases.

However, the experiment found that not every edamame bean has this effect, and as the patent research and development stage has not yet been made public, this year we will target a specific variety of edamame beans with potential for further experiments to develop the "functional" edamame beans of healthy food.

"Mr. edou" Zhou Guolong, director of the agricultural reform farm in Kaohsiung District of the Council of Agriculture, said that the soybeans picked with 80% maturity are actually edamame beans. There are many sources of edamame beans, which can be soybeans, black beans, or tea beans, but edamame beans, soybeans, and black beans differ only in the color of the seed coat, just like the difference in skin color between yellow people and blacks, which can be said to be the "three brothers of soybeans." and edamame is the youngest soybean in medium well.

"edamame beans", also known as vegetable soybeans, are as rich in amino acids and proteins as meat, with high nutritional value. in addition to being able to make common drinks and dishes, Zhou Guolong gave birth to domestic taro fragrant edamame beans (fragrant honey). It is also good to taste into hairy soymilk, with a touch of charming taro fragrance in the rich bean fragrance, and the price is quite low. A large packet of 100 yuan is found, while Japanese exports double, but it is still favored by the Japanese.

To what extent do Japanese like to eat edamame beans? Zhou Guolong said: more than 50, 000 metric tons of edamame beans can be eaten every year, and the output value exported to Japan has reached a new high every year, breaking the NT $2 billion mark alone, and edamame beans have long been positioned as a healthy food in the United States and Japan. in the future, domestic edamame beans are also expected to be developed into functional food and become a veritable health "green gold."

Ingredients containing soybean isoflavones enjoy "thin" good cuisine

In addition to edamame beans, other ingredients such as soybeans, black beans, soybeans, corn, peanuts, garlic and cauliflower also contain soybean isoflavones, which can lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease.

With domestic fruits and vegetables rich in Taiwan in March, such as tomato, cauliflower, broccoli, burdock, bucket orange, mandarin, strawberry, loquat, mulberry, banana, carambola, willow, etc., are also "slimming ingredients" in spring. As long as we grasp the cooking techniques of low oil, low salt and high fiber, eat a balanced diet, steamed, boiled and stewed instead of fried and fried, eat more white meat and eat less red meat to reduce fat intake. Adjust your eating habits to eight percent full, and with proper exercise, you will naturally be able to lose weight.

"Tomato, Onion, edamame Bean and loose Egg" cuisine

Prepare 1 tomato, half onion, 1 packet of edamame beans and 3 eggs. First, cut the tomatoes, diced onions, wash and peel the edamame beans, remove the thin film, beat the eggs and set aside. Add a little olive oil to the hot pan, pour in the egg first, quickly stir-fry about 6 minutes, and set aside. Then pour in diced onions and stir-fry until fragrant, then add hot edamame beans and tomatoes and stir-fry. Finally, add medium's eggs and stir-fry, add a little salt and black pepper to season, mix well.