
Ran Mengguo is willing to bear hardships when he grows edible mushrooms and starts a business and gets rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ran Mengguo is willing to bear hardships when he grows edible mushrooms and starts a business and gets rich.

Walking into the six groups of Zhenxi Village, Nanmen Town, I saw from a distance seven vegetable greenhouses built with sunshade nets, covering an area of more than 1300 square meters. According to the villagers, this is the mushroom and Flammulina velutipes planting base of ran Mengguo, a 61-year-old villager in this group. When I came to the greenhouse, I saw ran Mengguo busy picking mushrooms.

The greenhouse is neatly covered with mushrooms, which makes people overjoyed. Rows of mushrooms, Flammulina velutipes "mushroom wall", can not help but let people's eyes bright.

According to ran Mengguo, this year's income will reach 100,000 yuan. However, ran Mengguo hit a brick wall everywhere more than a decade ago, and everything went wrong.

Do nothing to make money, change your mind.

After the collective land was contracted to households in 1982, ran Mengguo began to beat concrete locally for several years, but did not save any money. As a result, he borrowed money from relatives to learn to transport and sell oranges, and transported the oranges to the northeast for sale. as a result, the oranges were frozen and lost more than 8000 yuan instead of making money. In 1985, he worked in Shenzhen for several years and worked as a security guard, workshop handyman, construction worker, etc., with a monthly salary of more than 500 yuan. Apart from expenses, it was difficult to save money in a year. In 2002, he leased 6 mu of land to grow lotus root, with a gross income of more than 30,000 yuan, except for rent, freight, fertilizer, labor and other expenses. He has been wondering: what can we do to make money in the countryside? A chance meeting with friends to talk about eating health at the dinner table. Edible fungi have rich nutritional value, and the price is very high. Why don't you grow edible fungi? Ran Mengguo thought to himself. Since then, he began to pay attention to reports about edible fungi. Through understanding, he found that there is a great demand for edible fungi in the market, not only for families, but also for restaurants, with high prices and relatively stable prices. Moreover, the cultivation of edible fungi has the advantages of low investment, quick effect and high benefit, so it is a kind of efficient industry. Paying attention to it, he went to his brother-in-law's house to learn to make mushrooms. in the process of learning while doing it, he came up with the idea that he wanted to be an edible fungus.

Study hard and have the courage to work hard to find a way to get rich

"to succeed, you must first choose the right direction." Speaking of entrepreneurial experience, ran Mengguo has some feelings.

Ran Mengguo put a breakthrough in the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus, which is relatively simple in technology and quick in income. In October 2004, more than 7000 yuan was borrowed from relatives and friends to build a mushroom planting site of more than 100 square meters. In 2005, he invested more than 6000 yuan, rented other people's empty house 250m2 for planting, built a greenhouse, and earned 16000 yuan that year. After that, we expanded the scale year by year, and successively bought back bagging machines, shredders, hay cutters and other equipment.

Ran Mengguo spends almost all his time in the mushroom shed except eating and sleeping. From preparing materials, disinfecting, fermenting, packing and inoculating to steamers, sheds and shelves, they are all very careful every day. In particular, after mushroom production, Sheung Shui, mushroom picking, mushroom cutting, mushroom pressing, and cool drying, a series of continuous and meticulous work requires nearly four months of continuous struggle day and night. For this reason, he and his wife were so tired that they were weak and aching all over. However, ran Mengguo had a lot of strength, and when he recognized the road, he had to go on firmly. Especially during the 30 days and nights when the bacteria were infected, he stayed in the shed almost 24 hours a day for fear of negligence that would lead to mushroom failure. When he saw many mushrooms growing on the wall, all his fatigue and worries were swept away.

No pains, no gains. Ran Mengguo's Pleurotus ostreatus has become the highest income item for the family because of its good quality and good price. He used the proceeds from the sale of mushrooms to pay off the debts of his friends and relatives. Growing mushrooms gave him a taste of sweetness and strengthened his determination to grow edible fungi.

First taste sweetness and expand reproduction

Later, ran Mengguo set his sights on Flammulina velutipes with better economic benefits and higher edible value. He bought some books, conscientiously studied by himself, studied hard, paid attention to information from time to time, and collected relevant technical materials. Over the past few years, ran Mengguo has accumulated more experience and found a way to learn planting techniques. In the cultivation of edible fungi, the production cycle and cultivation methods of each fungus variety are also different. "this Flammulina velutipes is so delicate that it must be taken care of all the time." In the eyes of ran Mengguo, the most important thing is to grasp every link, especially the sterilization process. Ran Mengguo said that what he fears most is natural disasters, especially high temperature exposure. In order to grow Flammulina velutipes well, ran Mengguo got up early in the morning and could not rest until seven or 08:00 in the evening. In the hardest times, you can only sleep three hours a day.

"due to the excellent technology, the Flammulina velutipes grown has good color, uniform size, good taste, and is very popular, not only in the vegetable market in our district, but also in the wholesale market in Kaixian County." Mr. Ma, a Wanzhou wholesaler, told reporters.