
Healthy breeding to raise "ecological pigs"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Healthy breeding to raise "ecological pigs"

Recently, when the author walked into the Hualin pig farm in Zhangshu City, I felt that it was very different from the pig farm in my impression: a well-bred pig was arched around in a pig pen covered with husks and sawdust, each with shiny fur, and there was almost no pig manure in the whole pig house.

Where's the "dirty stuff"? "this is thanks to the mattress made of grain husks and sawdust." Wu Guihua, director of the farm, explained: "this is the most popular biological fermentation bed culture technology at present. after the pig excrement is fully mixed with the fermentation bed, the microorganisms ferment and transform the organic matter in the excreta, thus achieving no pollution and zero discharge."

"of the 800000 live pigs exported to the city last year, 20% were raised in fermentation beds." Zou Shaolin, director of the Municipal Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Bureau, who accompanied the interview, added.

Carry out the healthy breeding model to raise "ecological pigs", which is the transformation of the development of pig industry in Zhangshu City. As a major county of live pigs in the country, the city has expanded its breeding scale year by year, but the environmental pollution caused by pig farming is becoming more and more serious. In Zhongtuan Village, Zhoushang Township, villager Liao Guocai recalled the original scene in the village and shook his head: "Pig farms are built in the village, and pig manure and sewage are either dumped in ponds or on the side of the road." The village stinks and sewage flows all the year round, and we have to hide in tents to avoid mosquitoes and flies when eating.

It is urgent to change the way of raising pigs. "on the one hand, we break the traditional decentralized farming model and open up farming communities outside the village to achieve 'separation of people and animals'. On the other hand, we should vigorously promote three-dimensional farming models such as' pig-marsh-fruit', 'pig-marsh-vegetable' and 'pig-marsh-fish' to turn pig manure and pig urine into treasure. " Zou Shaolin said. At present, the number of pig farming areas in the city has grown to 58, with captive pigs accounting for more than 80% of the total, and more than 50 pigs are all equipped with biogas digesters.

In addition to strictly controlling the pollution caused by pig farming, Zhangshu City also applies the concept of standardization throughout the breeding process. Wang Dongxin, general manager of Luhuan Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., the city's largest pig breeding base, pointed to three books hanging on the wall and said: "if there is any difference between healthy farming and traditional experience farming, the answer is here." Open the account books, one is the pig fencing, fencing, death, elimination records, one is the feed purchase and use records, and the other is the pig epidemic prevention records.

"Don't underestimate these three books, there are a lot of articles in them." Zou Shaolin explained: "We require each community to implement five unified management, that is, unified introduction of improved varieties, unified supply of feed, unified veterinary epidemic prevention, unified file management, and unified technical services. The breeding pigs in the community must come from regular large pig breeding farms; each pig must establish a 'household registration book' and be included in the community file management; the district must uniformly use high-quality full-price feed We have also sent special technicians to provide technical backing for the breeding community to formulate standardized breeding technical regulations for the community, and farmers only need to operate in accordance with the regulations, so as to control the occurrence and spread of livestock and poultry diseases from the source and ensure the quality and safety of livestock and poultry products. "