
The market prospect of partridge breeding is promising.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The market prospect of partridge breeding is promising.

Partridge is a set of meat, ornamental and medicinal game rare birds, known as "Shanzhen" reputation, is a high economic value of economic animals. Partridge has thick meat and fine bones, unique flavor and rich nutrition. The folk regard partridge as a good medicine for invigorating the spleen and eliminating stagnation, which is effective in the treatment of anorexia, weight loss and dysplasia in children.

Partridge breeding

According to the market survey conducted by relevant personnel, in recent years, partridges are very popular in Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangxi and other provinces. Many restaurants ask for high prices, but most of them are in short supply. The annual demand for species in the six provinces of East China is more than 30 million, while the actual production in this area is less than 16 million, with a shortfall of nearly half. Therefore, the prospect of raising partridges is very promising. Some people are worried that partridges are not easy to raise, so the reporter specially interviewed the partridge farm in Zhaobao Farm, Fujian Province. according to the technical staff of the unit, there are four advantages in raising partridges:

1. High nutrition

Partridges contain a variety of amino acids needed by the human body, with a protein content of 30.1%, 10.6% higher than chicken, 3.6% fat, 4.2% lower than chicken, and 64% unsaturated fatty acids, especially taurine, which is not found in other birds. Taurine is a "brain gold" beneficial to children's intellectual development. In ancient Chinese medical classics such as Tang Materia Medica, Compendium of Materia Medica, Medical Forest Abstract and Diet Spectrum of living with rest, partridge meat has the functions of nourishing and strengthening the five internal organs, invigorating the spleen and stomach, benefiting the mind and so on. Partridge meat and its products are the representatives of Chinese food culture that people enjoy delicious food and experience "the same origin of medicine and food". It is also a good product to improve health. Eating of infants, pregnant women and lactating women is of great benefit to the intellectual development of children and the improvement of maternal and infant health. Eating for the sick and frail and the elderly will have an unexpected effect on accelerating recovery and improving disease resistance.

2. Easy to raise and low cost

Partridge is an omnivorous bird with strong disease resistance and easy breeding. Staple food plant seeds, flowers, grass, vegetables, roots, etc., large-scale breeding with common feed plus grass, leaves feeding. Empty houses and warehouses in urban and rural areas are good places for captive partridges, with about 10 partridges per square meter; if the conditions are good and the breeding techniques are in place, they can also be raised in high-density and multi-storey cages, and thousands can be raised in a room of 50 square meters. The shell can reach 0.8-1.0 jin in 80 days, the material consumption is about 2 kg, and the cost is 3.5 yuan. After long-term exploration and practice, Zhaobao Farm has made a major breakthrough in feeding technology. It can start production in 180 days, with an annual egg production of 120 per mackerel, and the fertilization rate, hatching rate and brooding rate can reach 85.90%.

3. High benefit

Under good feeding and management conditions, one group of laborers can raise 1 group (100males and 300females per group). There are about 10, 000 commercial partridges per year, each of which is 10-15 yuan, with an annual output value of 10-150000 yuan and a profit of 6-110000 yuan. Because the partridge has strong disease resistance and low breeding risk, its benefit is 5-10 times higher than that of ordinary chicken, duck, pig, rabbit and other traditional breeding industry.

4. Large sales volume

Partridge is delicious and cheap, so it is welcomed by consumers at home and abroad, and it is also used as a delicacy for foreign guests in the Great Hall of the people. According to a survey conducted by relevant departments of the state, there is a great demand in Japan, and the market price is 6000 yen per piece. Some manufacturers have begun to export to Southeast Asia and Japan, and small partridges are entering the international market. The saying that "one partridge tops ten pigeons, but some partridges do not eat pigeons" is very popular in Hong Kong. HK $50 per partridge is still in short supply. It is predicted that Hong Kong will buy 100 million partridges from the mainland every year in the future. According to relevant data, the annual demand in the country is about 200 million, but at present the national output is only 50 million, which is only 1/4 of the market demand.

As a result, there is an upsurge of raising partridges in many rural areas in the south, and in some places a village has become a professional partridge village, with an average annual income of more than 50,000 yuan.