
The food safety incident highlights the lack of integrity of enterprises.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The food safety incident highlights the lack of integrity of enterprises.

One after another food safety problems of gutter oil, Sudan red, melamine and clenbuterol have been frequently exposed in recent years, and the extent of their harm to human health is frightening every time. It makes people wonder what other food can make people eat safely and at ease. The food itself is generally fine, but for the sake of their own interests and the "hobby" of buyers, human beings must not lose their conscience and mix chemicals such as melamine, Sudan, clenbuterol and formalin into the food. when we consumers put these harmful foods on the table, do those manufacturers have any conscience? In the final analysis, the emergence of these problems, on the surface, is the interests of businessmen, but the deep-seated is the lack of integrity of food enterprises.

Confucius said, "if you have no faith, you don't know what it can be." it means that if a person is not honest, he will not be able to live in the world. Honesty and trustworthiness is the foundation of self-cultivation and governance of the Chinese nation since ancient times. as a virtue, it is deeply engraved in the history of Chinese civilization. Honesty is not only the basis for operators to develop brands and survival, but also contains rich cultural connotations. it is the process of establishing a brand, the law of economic development, and the inevitable result of continuous self-improvement.

Then many enterprises are often easy to ignore him, although too many food enterprises have passed a lot of shocking facts to let us see the evil consequences of lack of integrity and harm to their own enterprises themselves, but some enterprises will still choose treachery for a little bit of petty profits, and finally lose their brand and reputation. Recently, Mr. Li, who started a company in Japan, encountered such a headache: after working in Japan for more than 20 years, Mr. Li started his own business, mainly engaged in the business of supermarket chains, because he is Chinese. so the store also has some goods sold from China. At the 34th FOODEX JAPAN International Food Exhibition in early March 2009, Yue Ping, chairman of Sichuan Dandan condiment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Dandan seasoning), and Mr. Li's Sunshine Group met by chance. After communication, the two sides found that there were many places for cooperation, so the two sides reached an oral cooperation agreement: Sunshine Group is responsible for promoting and selling Dandan seasoning in Japan. Dandan condiment advertising posters are made and posted in various chain stores of Sunshine Group. Dandan condiment is responsible for providing advertising fees. And commissioned Sunshine Group to do newspaper advertising in Japan for three months [780000 yen] and printed advertising plastic handbags 40000 [1011500 yen], the amount and plate making have also been satisfactorily recognized by Dandan condiments (newspapers, advertising plastic handbags Dandan condiment companies have also received). Sunshine Group also complies with all the things entrusted by Dandan condiments and helps sell all the condiments in the entire container of Dandan condiments in Japan. Things seem to have developed to the satisfaction of both sides, but too much trust lurks a lot of dangers, which makes Mr. Li's Sunshine Group regret.

In the case of friendly cooperation, Dandan condiment asked Sunshine Group to pay the above amount first, and then Dandan paid the corresponding amount to Sunshine Group, which seemed to be an ordinary transaction, but things changed here. Li Xiaoyong [Yue Ping's son-in-law], general manager of Dandan condiment Import and Export Trading Company, has not remitted the money to the group for a long time. When the group asked for payment, Yue Ping pushed the matter to Li Xiaoyong, and finally in November 2009, a representative of the group went to Chengdu to demand that Li Xiaoyong pay up. Li Xiaoyong's answer is that although the two sides do not have any formal contract, the company will not rely on this account. it is only tens of thousands of yuan, which is nothing to an established enterprise for more than 20 years, but recently the company's financial difficulties will not be paid off until the end of March 2010. and let her staff Miss Shi (now still working in Dandan condiment) as a witness and let the repayment account be handed over to Miss Shi. So far, more than a year has passed, Sunshine Group has repeatedly urged Dandan condiment not to pay, only Miss Shi's constant apology to Sunshine Group and Li Xiaoyong said that the group should use Dandan seasoning to cover the bill. As a result, the arrears and follow-up negotiations were all terminated, and Dandan condiment refused to fulfill the obligation of solicitation for payment.

In this regard, Mr. Li, the head of Sunshine Group, felt very depressed. Originally, he was naked and warm-blooded. In order to help his country's enterprises open the market in Japan, he tried his best to do things everywhere. In the end, the good man didn't make it. He got into trouble, and Dandan seasoning directly defaulted, and even asked the group to use Dandan seasoning to cover the bill. Mr. Li said that when he was working with Dandan condiment at that time, he saw that Dandan was an old enterprise for more than 20 years and thought that his integrity should be no problem. At that time, Dandan's boss also patted his chest and said there was no problem. Who knows? in the end, the other side was unwilling to pay tens of thousands of yuan of goods, which made him feel very incredible. There should be no problem with the finance of an old enterprise. But why do you destroy your reputation so much? Mr. Li provided the plastic handbag and all kinds of evidence to the reporter at that time, which fully illustrated this fact. In spite of his indignation, Mr. Li said that he did not want to be amicable by such a trivial matter, but the actions of the other party forced him to take up the weapons of the law to protect his rights and interests.

The development of things seems to be a joke that we often hear, and it is also common in China's business history. The integrity of enterprises is a kind of intangible asset for enterprises, and the goodwill of enterprises directly affects the purchasing behavior of customers. It is difficult to establish the credibility of an enterprise, but it is easy to destroy it. When a business dispute can ignore some basic limits of corporate morality and adopt the despicable means of turning over and not recognizing people, then it is so to treat their own partners, even without this dispute, enterprises in the future development and growth, the lack of integrity, the loss of morality, whether it can develop healthily?