
Get Rich by Ecological Culture under Huping Forest in Dafang County

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Get Rich by Ecological Culture under Huping Forest in Dafang County

In February 2008, Lihua Township, Dafang County began to reform the collective forest right system. Before the forest reform, the mountains and forests were managed collectively by the village committee, and the villagers had no right to develop, so they could only rely on little cultivated land, a small amount of aquaculture and migrant workers to make a living. Hu Ping is one of the typical figures. He has repaired motorcycles, sold household appliances and worked outside. In 2008, after graduating from high school, he drifted away for four years and heard that there were great prospects for the development of special farming in other provinces. He resolutely decided to go back to his hometown to start a business. When he returned to his hometown during the forest reform, Hu Ping, who had a flexible mind and dared to fight and dared to forge ahead, made a big fuss around the woodland and successfully used the resources under the forest to develop maggots to raise chickens, thus opening up a new way for the cultivation of living conditions under the forest.

Contract woodland, set sail and breed.

Hu Ping, who is just in his thirties, is a villager of Lihua Township, Dafang County. People who are familiar with Hu Ping all say that he has a bull temper. He dares to think of what others dare not think of, and he dares to do what others dare not do, but he has really made a difference. He has worked in Guangdong and Hebei chicken farms for many years and has accumulated a lot of experience in breeding. When Lin was reformed, he returned to the village. after hearing about today's good policy, he did not want to go again. In 2008, he cobbled together 4000 yuan to visit Handan, Hebei Province to learn the technology of maggot breeding and chicken breeding. after returning, despite the opposition of his family, he rented a mountain forest in Malongyan, Lihua Township. Resolutely carry out under the forest maggot breeding chickens, pigs, fish chain culture. Because the native chicken fed by fly maggots is high in protein and rich in nutrition, eggs and native chickens are favored by consumers, and the price is 1.5 times the price of the usual chicken farm. He uses bushes for stocking and places sinks around the chicken coop. Because it is far away from the village, the germs are not easy to enter the mountains, and the native chicken is stocked to feed on fly maggots, absorb the nutrients of fly maggots, and enhance the ability of disease resistance. This kind of native chicken has good quality, high meat and egg quality, low feed saving and low cost. In order to ensure the supply of fly maggots, he also expanded the scale of raising pigs, studied artificial insemination techniques, provided high-quality semen and door-to-door artificial insemination services for the whole township and even some villages and towns in the county, and became the supply base for designated sperm sources of the Dafang County Animal Husbandry Bureau.

Manage painstakingly and plan carefully for development

After careful study and personal experiments, Hu Ping has now become an expert in raising fly maggots, chickens and pigs, and has mastered a set of relatively mature technical essentials. Whenever someone comes to visit his farm to learn breeding techniques from him, he always patiently introduces that, first, carefully selecting species, introducing from Guangxi and Guiyang to adapt to local climatic conditions, easy to breed under the forest, good meat quality, high survival rate, strong disease resistance, and fast-growing black-footed broiler seedlings. Second, pay attention to epidemic prevention, in the chicken stage, a drop of fowlpox vaccine, the other five ways of epidemic prevention, all the frozen drugs are dissolved in water, rely on drinking water for chicken epidemic prevention, simple and labor-saving. And regularly disinfect the enclosure, cut off various sources of infection, and prevent avian influenza, chicken plague and other easy and major diseases. Third, the chicks should be classified reasonably, the chicks should be raised in cages in the room, and the chickens should be separated and raised according to their size after being unheated. Fourth, scientific breeding, mainly fly maggots with chicken food, drinking water matching, and then rely on the chicken to move freely, eating grass and looking for insects. Fifth, stubble, in the young forest and sparse forest land to feed a crop of chickens, out of the fence, to pour to another piece of forest and then raise, in order to facilitate the regeneration of grassland under the forest. On the basis of mature technology, he took advantage of the situation to expand the scale of breeding. at present, Hu Ping has invested a total of 150000 yuan to build 30 chicken and pig sheds, draw electricity for farms, build biogas digesters and cisterns, purchase special feed hangers and a complete set of equipment for artificial fertilization, and buy a dual-purpose vehicle, pull feed, and engage in sales. In order to expand the scale, with the help and planning of relevant experts and leaders, Hu Ping initially established his own market brand-Bug Chicken. In order to open sales channels, Hu Ping taught himself computers, printed a large number of leaflets, and sent them to restaurants in Guiyang, Bijie, and other places. during holidays and market days, he also mobilized his family to send leaflets on the street. Tired and sweaty, he always smiled and said to the people who rushed to the market, "if you don't try my 'bug chicken' and eat my 'bug eggs', you'll regret it!"

Where there's a will, there's a way. He finally opened the sales channel, from Guiyang to Bijie, many restaurants specially came to order bugs, chickens, eggs, and many butchers went to his farm to order fenced pigs, which completely changed the situation of door-to-door sales. From 2008 to 2010, over the past three years, the farm has produced more than 1000 live pigs, more than 8000 live chickens and more than 900piglets. With his ingenuity and painstaking management, Hu Ping has grown from an initial investment of 150000 yuan to a breeding scale with fixed assets of 400000 yuan and working capital of more than 100000 yuan.

Join hands to help each other and unite the villagers to be well-off

Hu Ping is rich now, but he has not forgotten that he is an out-and-out farmer. He often said, "if I am rich alone, it is nothing. Only if all the villagers have a good life can I be considered rich." Since then, he has made it his duty and goal to lead the masses to common prosperity. As the market is bullish and the benefit is good, many people around spontaneously go to Huping's forest chicken base for observation and study, asking to buy chicken seedlings for feeding, and Hu Ping takes the initiative to go to the market. From Guangxi, Guiyang and other places to buy a total of more than 6000 chicks, after greenhouse brooding is sold to the local people at the cost price, driving the surrounding Yingpan, pine forest, Guangmu and other village groups of farmers to develop forest farming. The average household income has increased by more than 3000 yuan, and his farm has thus become a demonstration site for under-forest farming and distance education in Lihua Township, forming a new pattern of driving forest farmers to develop under-forest farming with demonstration points.