
Economic benefits and advantages of raising pheasants

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Economic benefits and advantages of raising pheasants

Pheasant, also known as pheasant, pheasant, colorful feathers, known as the dragon and Phoenix bird, Phoenix bird. Although it has been artificially raised, it is still wild, fond of flying and loving activities. It has the characteristics of fast growth, more eggs, wide adaptability, strong stress resistance and so on. The meat is fresh and delicious, the meat yield is high, and it is rich in a variety of essential amino acids and trace elements. It is a rare game food with high protein, low fat and certain medicinal value, which is favored by more and more foreign consumers. Because the pheasant tail is long, and the feather color is bright, the ornamental is strong, the festival sends the pheasant to wish the health and longevity, the auspicious and happy meaning. At present, in addition to exporting to the international market, the domestic market is also very popular. Pheasant meat is not only a delicacy in hotels, restaurants, restaurants, tables and banquets, but also more and more on the tables of ordinary people.

There are several advantages to raising pheasants:

1, less investment, quick results: do not need to build large factories and purchase machinery and equipment, can use the old house, warehouse, piggery and other redundant rooms for feeding, doors and windows with nylon net can be captive, less capital occupation, fast turnover.

2. Strong adaptability and simple technology: pheasant was originally a wild animal with strong vitality, low requirement for environment, high temperature of 46 ℃ and severe cold of-32 ℃, strong disease resistance, low risk, easy to raise than domestic chicken, and the breeding technique was similar to that of domestic chicken.

3, the feed source is wide, the cost is low: the pheasant staple food cereal, especially likes to eat tender leaves, tender grass, melon peel, green vegetables, with small food intake, wide diet, fast growth, easy to raise, low cost, adult chicken diet only need one or two, 100 days out of the shell can reach 3 jin, meat to feed ratio of 13.6, feed consumption of 10.8 jin, about 11 yuan feed cost, the northern area or feed self-preparation, the feed cost is even lower.

4. The market potential is huge: according to the feedback of local market information, the demand for pheasants is increasing day by day, and the supply exceeds the demand. The foreign trade departments of Guangdong, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangxi, Hebei and other provinces have purchased a large number of pheasants for export. the export price of a pair of pheasants is as high as more than 20 US dollars. Hong Kong alone consumes 1.5 million pheasants a year, and the price of each pheasant reaches HK $200. pheasants have also become popular in the domestic market, each at a purchase price of 30 to 60 yuan. In addition, pheasants with colorful and gorgeous feathers have always been rare birds for people to watch, especially the tail feathers of male pheasants can also be used as feathering handicrafts, with a value of more than 5 yuan per feather. if the fur of the pheasant is processed into a standard book, the price is 100 to 120 yuan each, and the demand is large. Thus it can be seen that the pheasant is a kind of special economic rare bird which is edible, medicinal, ornamental and decorative.

A pheasant breeding cycle only takes 3 to 4 months to see the benefit, with large product sales, high price, good benefit, no market competition, and has incomparable advantages over other industrial projects. Taking the introduction of 100 breeding pheasants (male-female ratio 1:4) as an example, each hen lays 8000 eggs per year (the actual egg production is much higher) and 80 hens lay 8000 eggs a year. If the qualified rate of breeding eggs is 95%, and the fertilization rate, hatching rate and survival rate are all 85%, the annual production of pheasants is: 8300 × 95% × 85% × 85% 4842 pheasants. Raising commercial chickens for more than three months can reach 1.5 kilograms, with a price of 30 to 50 yuan each, even if sold at a local chicken price, it can be sold for 24 yuan. Annual income: 4842 × 24 yuan / only = 116208 yuan.

Relevant experts predict that it will be difficult to meet the market within 10 years, so timely pheasant breeding should be able to receive higher economic returns. Thus it can be seen that artificial breeding pheasant is a good project with low risk, high benefit, and reliable investment. it is a new industry of "one excellent and two high" in the adjustment of industrial structure, and it is also a new breeding project to earn foreign exchange through export. it is also a shortcut to change the single farming in rural areas and get rid of poverty and become rich!