
Yuan Longping directed the average yield of super hybrid rice to reach a record of 926 kg per mu.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Yuan Longping directed the average yield of super hybrid rice to reach a record of 926 kg per mu.

On September 19, Yuan Longping announced that the yield per mu of 100 mu experimental fields exceeded 900 kg for the first time. Photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yu Zhiming

Domestic hybrid rice experts from various provinces came to Leifeng Village, Yangguao Township, Longhui County, to organize and guide the harvest and acceptance of "Y Liangyou 2" super hybrid rice developed by Academician Yuan Longping.

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, 19 Sep (Reporter Yu Zhiming Tan Jian)-- the third phase of super rice under the guidance of Academician Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, achieved success in tackling the key problem of high yield per mu of 900kg per mu, with the yield per mu of 100 mu experimental fields in Longhui County reaching 926.6 kg.

The above news was learned by the reporter at a press conference held at the Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences on the afternoon of September 19.

It is understood that the 100-mu experimental field with an impact of 900kg per mu is located in Leifeng Village, Yangguao Township, Longhui County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, with 18 experimental plots totaling 107.9 mu. On September 18, the 100-mu super hybrid rice field "Y Liangyou 2" developed by Yuan Longping was formally harvested and accepted.

Yuan Longping: strive to achieve super rice yield of 1000 kg per mu in about ten years

Xinhua Changsha, Sept. 19 (Reporter Tan Jian Yu Zhiming) "after strict yield measurement, Yangguao Township, Longhui County, Hunan Province, the average yield per mu of'Y Liangyou 2 'experimental plot is 926.6 kg." When Cheng Shihua, head of the acceptance expert group of the Ministry of Agriculture and director of the China Rice Research Institute, officially announced the yield measurement data, Yuan Longping, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and "father of hybrid rice," smiled.

On the afternoon of September 19, at the "press meeting on major breakthroughs in the third phase of super hybrid rice" held by the Hunan Provincial Hybrid Rice Research Center, Yuan Longping was "unveiled" in a white suit. In the face of the siege of reporters with "long guns and short guns", the old man could not restrain his inner excitement and excitement.

"I waited in the office all day yesterday, and I was so anxious at night that I couldn't sleep. It was not until 00:30, after receiving the production measurement data sent by the expert group, that a stone in my heart was finally put down. " Yuan Longping said.