
How to raise high-priced earthworms from pig manure

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to raise high-priced earthworms from pig manure

Friends who have been in the pig farm must be impressed by the lingering stench in the pig farm. The feces excreted by the pig all day are indeed a headache for breeders, which may also pollute the environment. But du Ruining in Tianjin not only disposed of pig manure, but also saved a lot of money.

In du Ruining's pig farm, there are 35 concrete ponds that are 21 meters long and 5 meters wide. Pig farm workers not only have to take care of thousands of pigs, large and small, but also often have to work around these cement ponds. It turns out that these ponds are used to raise earthworms, and so many earthworms are raised to deal with smelly pig manure.

Because it is impossible for pigs to digest the protein contained in the feed thoroughly in the process of digestion, pig manure also contains some ingredients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which can be used to raise earthworms. Not only that, the raised earthworms themselves also contain higher animal protein, higher nutritional value, but also can be used as feed to feed pigs.

Lao du is secretly proud of the good way to kill two birds with one stone. However, after raising earthworms, he found that it was not so easy to raise earthworms with pig manure.

First of all, the pond for raising earthworms has no bottom, because the bottom will affect the growth of earthworms.

This is because earthworms like to live in moist soil, and the environment is better breathable. The cement pool is directly grounded without making a bottom, and the water surface can be adjusted during drought and waterlogging to ensure air permeability.

Secondly, pig manure cannot be fed directly to earthworms.

When the earthworms were first introduced, Lao du put the worms in the pond and began to throw pig dung. When I saw it the next morning, the earthworms escaped. A friend who raised earthworms told him that his problem probably lies in the pig manure fed to the earthworms. Other people use cow dung to raise earthworms. What's the difference between pig manure and cow dung?

It turns out that the smell of ammonia in pig manure is relatively heavy, which has something to do with the feed the pigs eat. Pigs usually eat concentrate feed, which is high in protein and easy to produce ammonia smell. Especially for fattening pigs, a large amount of corn and soybean meal were added to the feed, and when the pigs could not be digested, the smell of ammonia in the feces was even heavier, which smoked the earthworms away. On the contrary, cattle eat very little concentrate, most of them are forage, and the indigestible forage will be excreted with the feces, so the smell of cow feces will be lighter.

In fact, pigs eat fine, there are many nutrients left in the feces, which should be a good thing for raising earthworms, but the smell is too big for earthworms to bear. Lao du remembered that there was a difference between the feed for the sow and the feed for the fattening pig, because there was a lot of crude fiber in the sow feed. Because in order to prevent sow constipation during production, the protein content in the feed should not be too high, but need to add more crude fiber, so the smell of ammonia in sow feces will be lighter. As a result, Lao du and the workers mixed sow manure and fat pig manure together to dry and ferment. After a period of drying, the smell of ammonia in pig manure almost dissipated. However, in the release of pig manure, Lao du also learned a lesson and switched to sub-point delivery, so that earthworms slowly adapt to pig manure.

First ferment pig manure, and then put it in piles, this method meets the living conditions of earthworms, and they settle down in Lao du's pig farm. However, this is just the beginning, and earthworms have to be allowed to reproduce to provide more protein feed for pig farms. Lao du thought that after the first batch of earthworms were propagated, we should not rush to use them, let them breed a few more batches, and then concentrate on using them. However, something unexpected happened to him, and many earthworms ran away again, and all of them ran away.

If you live well, why did you run away again? Lao du checked one by one in the earthworm pond.

The first is humidity. An earthworm likes a wet environment because 80% of its body is water, and it is especially easy to lose water if the environment is too dry. Therefore, if the humidity of the place where you live is not suitable, the earthworm will run.

In order to keep the soil in a proper state of humidity, pig farm workers often sprinkle water into the earthworm pond. The temperature is high in summer and the water evaporates quickly, so workers should pay more attention to sprinkling water into the earthworm pool in summer to create a humid environment for earthworms.

Because he was raised outdoors, Lao du was afraid that earthworms would not survive the winter. At the beginning of winter, Lao du asked the workers to cover the pond with corn straw. As soon as the corn straw is spread, it is tantamount to covering the earthworm pond with a thick quilt, which plays a role in preventing cold and heat preservation.