
Herbal explanation: how much do you know about the valuable animal medicine pangolin?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pangolin is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine containing many kinds of amino acids and trace elements, which has been widely used in ancient times.

Pangolin is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine containing a variety of amino acids and trace elements, which has been widely used in ancient times, but now pangolin has been listed as a national first-class protected animal, so pangolin is becoming more and more rare. However, we should still learn and understand the efficacy and function of pangolin.

The pangolin we are talking about now does not mean the whole of the pangolin, but only the shell outside the pangolin, which can be processed into pangolin pieces.

Efficacy and function

It can activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, disperse knots, eliminate carbuncle, open the breast under menstruation, reduce swelling and remove pus; it can be used for blood stasis amenorrhea, syndrome, rheumatism arthralgia, breast milk retention, carbuncle swelling, scrofula and so on.

Menstrual breast

Pangolin scales can play a role in promoting milk, which can be used for insufficient milk secretion of parturients and non-milk production caused by late environmental factors. You can usually put about ten grams when stewing pig's feet. It can also treat female breast swelling, lobular hyperplasia, and breast duct obstruction and swelling during lactation.

Regulating menstruation

Pangolin scale also has the effect of promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, which is used to treat women with reduced menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menstrual blackness and so on.

Dispelling wind and dehumidification

Pangolin scales on wind-cold-dampness evil blocking meridians, qi and blood stagnation caused by lumbar and leg bone pain, rheumatism arthralgia, flexion and extension difficulties, stroke paralysis, scabies, wind leprosy have a good therapeutic effect.


It is used for the syndrome of dyspepsia and internal stagnation of food accumulation, which can help eliminate food stagnation and restore the function of spleen and stomach. As a precious medicine to aid digestion and regulate spleen and stomach, Zhongjing Prince Jin also includes pangolins as one of its constituent ingredients. Aiming at the growth and development characteristics of infants and young children, it scientifically organizes prescriptions that not only eliminate accumulated food and increase appetite, but also pay more attention to children's spleen and stomach conditioning.

Promoting blood circulation and dispersing knots, reducing swelling and relieving pain

Carbuncle swelling at the beginning of hot pain, fall injury, joint swelling, rib pain, hemiplegia, as well as a variety of lymph node enlargement, tumor masses and various cancers can be treated with pangolin.

Medicinal materials are valuable, but they need to be used with caution.

Pangolins can only be purchased and used in limited quantities after the approval of the national wildlife management department. The output is small and the price is high. However, such valuable medicinal materials can not be used casually, because pangolins themselves are toxic and must be processed before they can be used, and improper use will also cause a lot of side effects, so when using them, the dosage must be controlled. it's best to use it under the guidance of experts.