
What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow? how to raise the rich tree?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow? how to raise the rich tree?

The rich tree not only has a very high appreciation value, but also has a beautiful meaning, and it is deeply loved by the majority of flower friends, so, do you know what to do if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow? How to raise the rich tree?

Problem 1: the leaves of rich trees turn yellow when the temperature is too low in winter. The rich tree is suitable for high temperature, growing between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius. Before the weather changes from warm to cold, the lower temperature will cause the leaf tissue to get hurt, the leaf tip yellowing and finally fall.

Solution: watering should be reduced at low temperatures in winter. If it is in the south, it will be all right. Water less. The basin will be watered after it is dry.

Problem 2: too much water causes the root to rot, and the leaf tip turns yellow is the best reflection. Although the main rod has not yet seen the rot, the leaves will show up, just like when a person is sick, it will show up on the face first. The reasons are all the same.

Solution: at this time, you should immediately stop watering, cut off the rotting roots of the plant, spray carbendazim, and wait for the basin soil to dry before watering.

Problem 3: excessive fertilization will cause charring or whitening at the edge of the leaf and the whole leaf tip. This season can not move the soil in the basin, the soil in the basin may hurt the roots, this season is not easy to heal.

Solution: only remove the floating soil and visible fertilizer. And diluted by watering. Water it a few more times and then water it a few days after the soil dries.

Problem 4: the occurrence of leaf tip yellowing should be related to the dry soil, especially the maintenance of low environmental humidity and insufficient spraying of leaf water. The rich tree is a plant that likes high temperature and moisture. Insufficient humidity in the air or basin soil will lead to yellowing of leaf tips.

Solution: don't forget to spray water on the leaf surface while watering. It's also important to keep the humidity in the air.

Problem 5: the lack of sunlight for a long time leads to the inability to synthesize chlorophyll, which will first show that the leaf tips turn yellow, and then slowly develop into the whole leaf yellowing and then dying.

Solution: rich tree is a light-loving plant, in indoor breeding should pay attention to regular exposure to the sun to see the light, pay attention to the summer sun intense shade can not let the sun shine directly.

How to raise a rich tree

1. Proper lighting. Sufficient light is a necessary condition for the photosynthesis of the rich tree, so the rich tree in the family must be placed in a sunny place with its leaves facing the sun, so that the branches and leaves will grow more beautiful.

2. Reasonable fertilization. The rich tree needs more fertilizer than other flowers and trees, so the soil in the flowerpot must be fertile. Fertilize it every 15 days, mainly with rotten liquid fertilizer or growing flowers.

3. Adjust the temperature and humidity. The rich tree also has high requirements for temperature and humidity, if the temperature and humidity are not enough, the leaves are easy to wither and fall, which hinders viewing, so the indoor temperature should be kept above 15 ℃ while keeping the soil moist.

4. Pay attention to changing the basin. The suitable season to change the basin of the rich tree is spring, and it is also OK from July to August. Try to change the pot when the rich tree is in a semi-dormant state during the high temperature period, so that it can grow healthier.

What if the root of the rich tree decays?

Root rot is caused by root rot, which may be caused by too much water, or because the soil contains bacteria.

If the roots are not completely rotten, use tools to cut off the rot, transplant the remaining rich trees into new fertile soil, maintain soil moisture, and it may come back to life.

Of course, the root rot disease can also be cured by spraying Prik, carbendazim, Redomir or Phytopathrin directly on the plant. If the root is completely rotten, just throw it away.