
The cost of raising fragrant pigs is low, the price is high, and the market is disorderly selling farmers' worries.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The cost of raising fragrant pigs is low, the price is high, and the market is disorderly selling farmers' worries.

The improvement of living standards urges people to pursue the quality of diet, not only to eat well, but also to eat well. Xiang pig is sought after by some people with strong consumption power because of its delicious meat quality and the breed characteristics of rough feeding. In recent years, many reports about the supply of fragrant pigs to medium-and high-grade hotels have been reported, and many people have introduced fragrant pigs for breeding.

Resistant to rough feeding, easy to raise and low cost

A fragrant pig farm in Meizhou, Guangdong, is beginning to take shape-Meizhou Niantai Ecological Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Development Co., Ltd., which takes the cooperative route, develops nearby farmers into partners, registers trademarks and carries out brand packaging. So far, the pig farm has more than 300 sows, with a total of more than 2000. Seven years of operation has made the pig farm into a relatively stable profit.

For epidemic prevention reasons, the pig farm is the same as the average pig farm, and the company has located the pig farm in a relatively remote place-Xinpu Town, 15 kilometers from Jiaoling County. The fence house is built on the mountain and arranged orderly along the slope, followed by the top breeding pig house, the middle piglet house and the lowest meat pig house.

Li Xifeng, general manager of the company, said that because of the small size of Bama Xiang pigs, there are relatively more Xiang pigs per unit area. Take pigs as an example, 40 square meters can raise 30 Xiang pigs of about 40 jin. Xiang pig likes stocking and wild food, so it is necessary to circle a large piece of woodland next to the fence for Xiang pig activities.

It is understood that Xiang pig is a rough feed-resistant pig breed, the breeding cost is not high, the general farmers can raise. Xiang pig farming does not cost much labor. Take Niantai Pig Farm as an example, 2000 pig farms only need 5 people to take care of, and Xiang pigs eat a lot of feed, which can be adjusted according to local conditions. Li Xifeng's experience is 20% roughage, mainly rice bran, corn, wheat bran; 30%, 40% green fodder, forage grass, crops and seedlings; the rest is mixed feed. The cost of this kind of feed matching is relatively low, and it takes about 6 months for a pig to grow to 50 jin. Even a pig with a weight of 50 jin only needs to eat 1.5-2 jin of feed per day, the cost is about 2 yuan, and there is no need to buy feed containing additives.

With regard to the prevention and control of Xiang pig epidemic disease, emphasis is placed on two aspects: cleaning and disinfection and vaccine. Li Xifeng stipulates that pig farms need to be disinfected once a week, and foreign vehicles must be disinfected before they can enter the pig farm. Vaccines are also relatively simple, using vaccines issued by veterinary stations. "Xiang pigs are coarse-fed, have less pollution of pig manure, naturally have a better living environment, and have enough exercise, so they are very healthy and have strong resistance to epidemic diseases."

In terms of introduction of Bama Xiang Pig, people are used to considering introduction from Bama Xiang Pig's origin, Bama County, Guangxi. According to Mr. Yang, a Guangxi Xiang Pig farmer who is engaged in the breeding and sale of Bama Xiang Pig, a breeding pig is now 500-700 yuan. The structure of a group of breeding pigs is 1 boar plus 10-15 sows, which will give some guidance to introduction customers in terms of infrastructure and technology, but sales channels have to be developed on their own.

It is difficult to open up the expensive market of fragrant pigs.

Xiang pig because of its meat quality and growth characteristics, the selling price is much more expensive than ordinary pigs, the average price is about 20 yuan / jin, the retail price is more than 30 yuan / jin. With regard to sales, Li Xifeng summed up: as long as production and marketing are balanced, you can certainly make money, and if you produce more than you sell, you will have a headache. It is understood that Li Xifeng's sales channels are mainly some hotels, farms, and local pig vendors selling in meat stalls. About 50-60 jin of fragrant pigs can sell more than 100 heads a month. But he still feels passive: "these channels are still unstable, they buy from me how much they sell, the time and quantity are uncertain, it is difficult to arrange production, which is disadvantageous to the expansion of scale."

He thinks that the main factor restricting the expansion of production and marketing of fragrant pigs is that the concept of consumption has not kept up, and people feel expensive and are unwilling to buy it. Ordinary people are used to checking food baskets in terms of quantity rather than quality, and fragrant pigs are only favored by minority groups.

Another problem is that the fragrant pig market is chaotic: some farmers sell ordinary piglets as fragrant pigs, or use full-price ingredients to promote big fragrant pigs, making the industry face a crisis of trust. An Xiang pig farmer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the reporter that now the vast majority of Xiang pig farmers are more or less using full-price materials, and when they sell them, they should release the fragrant pigs to sell. Although the meat quality is not as sweet as that of stocking, it is difficult for ordinary people to tell.

In order to expand the market, Li Xifeng thought of a lot of ways, such as processing some bacon and sausages during the Spring Festival, the price per jin is between 40 and 80 yuan, but because the selling price is high, only a few people support it. Continuing this attempt, he came up with an idea: try the deep processing of scented pork in order to break into the Pearl River Delta market. However, the bigger obstacle is that it is difficult to obtain a "food deep processing license".