
Raising cattle is the best way out for straw utilization.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Raising cattle is the best way out for straw utilization.

In recent years, every autumn harvest season, Henan Province Jiyuan City governments at all levels have to issue a "ban on burning", organized city, township and village cadres to do their best to catch the ban on burning, but the effect is not satisfactory. Why straw burning is always prohibited repeatedly, the key is that there is no good use for straw.

Straw is a valuable resource

According to the measurement, the energy stored in the by-products such as straw is equivalent to the energy in the grain. It is the best way to solve the problem of straw burning by raising cattle. One is to increase income from farming. According to statistics, after corn harvest, 2 tons of fresh straw can be collected per mu. According to the lowest purchase price of cattle farm 80 yuan per ton, the income per mu can reach 160 yuan. The second is to improve the efficiency of breeding. 5 mu straw plus appropriate concentrate and hay can fattened 4 beef cattle (fattening period of 3 months for each head), and the income per mu increased by more than 400 yuan. Third, promote a virtuous cycle of agriculture and animal husbandry. Straw cattle, cow dung fertilizer field, can change the long-term application of chemical fertilizer caused by soil hardening, effectively improve soil physical and chemical properties, promote a virtuous cycle of agriculture and animal husbandry. Fourth, driving some farmers to silage can increase benefits.

At present, silage is widely used in cattle farms to process straw, that is, the straw just broken off corn or the corn to be harvested with stalks and ears are cut short, compacted, sealed up, and fed to cattle after more than 30 days of closed fermentation. Silage straw is not only rich in nutrition, palatability, high digestibility, but also can be stored for a long time, very convenient to use. Straw silage requires a lot of manpower and material resources, providing farmers with opportunities to make money. Straw delivery to cattle farm, 80 yuan per ton, two people a car, at least 4 tons a day, an average of 160 yuan per person per day; grass cutting in cattle farm, 15 yuan per ton, 3 people a hay, at least 30 tons a day, an average of 150 yuan per person per day. According to incomplete statistics, in 2011, there were more than 2000 people engaged in straw silage work in Jiyuan City. According to the income of 150 yuan per person per day, the silage period was about 30 days, and the per capita monthly income reached 4500 yuan.

Three factors affecting straw cattle

In recent years, with the enhancement of people's economic consciousness, corn planting area has decreased year by year, straw yield has decreased, and straw silage is very unfavorable.

Rain affects silage more. Autumn is the harvest season of corn and the golden period of silage. However, there is more rain during this period. Like the weather in 2011, the rain continues and vehicles cannot enter the field, which seriously affects the progress of silage.

Jiyuan City straw direct return 75% of the straw resources in the plain, most of the existing cattle farms are also built in the plain, with the extension of the plain straw return machine, straw return area increased year by year, cattle farms available straw resources are less and less. In order to obtain the source of goods, cattle farms had to raise the price to purchase, resulting in an increase in the cost of straw silage. In 2011, the purchase price of straw rose to more than 80 yuan per ton, with the highest price reaching 110 yuan per ton.

Devote great efforts to exploiting straw resources

Strengthen the propaganda of straw development and utilization, improve the consciousness of the masses to protect and utilize straw, guide cattle farms to actively transfer land, or sign agreements with large growers, implement order production, and establish their own forage feed bases. Encourage cattle farm areas to carry out silage in different places, non-cattle farm areas to carry out commercial silage, and maximize the use of straw resources.