
The household function of calla lilies Culture methods of calla lilies

Published: 2024-10-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/08, The household function of calla lilies Culture methods of calla lilies

Thin and straight posture with gentle temperament, white round flowers are particularly elegant and fresh, this is calla lilies. Nowadays, many people like to buy calla lilies to arrange flowers or plant them in the yard. Calla lilies are particularly beautiful when they bloom. Today, let's learn about the household function of calla lilies and the breeding methods of calla lilies.

The household function of calla lilies

1. Calla lily can decompose toxins. It can produce free radicals in the air. Under the action of superoxide activity, it can decompose mold, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, toxins released by bacteria or fungi in the air, and decompose them into pollution-free carbon dioxide and water. Purify the air in the process of repeated cycles. As the main place of people's daily life, housing is the concentration of a variety of pollution sources. Toxic substances through the body's skin and respiratory tract, invade the body's blood, will lead to a decline in human immunity, some volatile substances also have carcinogenic effects. Therefore, raising a pot of calla lilies is good for the health of the family. In addition, green plants also have the functions of vacuuming and noise reduction, adjusting indoor temperature and humidity, regulating indoor small environment and so on, which can make the living environment fresh and clean. Growing flowers in the room can greatly reduce the amount of bacteria in the air.

2. Calla lilies can improve your mood. The light and elegant color is not only a unique place of calla lilies, but also a place worthy of appreciation. Putting a pot of calla lilies at home, as a beautiful scenery, also makes people feel very comfortable, making you feel comfortable and calm in the continuous cycle. It's especially suitable for placing at home. And the so-called love of beauty, everyone has, there is a holy meaning of calla lotus shows the owner of the pursuit of beauty, the taste of flowers.

Culture methods of calla lilies

1. Its requirements for soil and fertilization. When potted, sandy loam with good drainage should be selected and sufficient base fertilizer should be applied. It is better to base fertilizer with fully rotten cake fertilizer and pig stable fertilizer. After planting, pour enough water, put in the shade, and keep the basin soil moist. After sprouting, move to the shade shed, where there is scattered light for maintenance, be careful not to direct sunlight, and not all shade. In addition to applying base fertilizer before planting, liquid fertilizer is applied every 20 days or so during the growing period. The mature cake fertilizer and water can be used for fertilizer, and the dilute liquid fertilizer mixed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium can be applied every 10 days or so in the peak growing season. When fertilizing, do not pour fertilizer and water into the leaf sheath, so as not to cause rot.

2. Its requirements in watering. Calla lilies like to have plenty of water during their growth, so they should often sprinkle water on the leaves and the ground, and pay attention to the cleanliness of the leaves. Move to the greenhouse before frost and keep the room temperature above 10 ℃. In order to avoid the influence of leaves on daylighting during maintenance, the outer leaves can be removed, which is also conducive to pedicel protruding. The flowering period is from February to April, and the watering stops gradually after flowering; after May, the plant begins to wither and yellow, so it should be ventilated and kept dry to prevent tuber from rotting. When the plant is completely dormant, the tubers can be taken out, dried and stored, and then planted in autumn.

3. Its reproduction. Family pot propagation, the amount of cultivation is small, mainly by ball reproduction. Take the plant out of the pot in September every year, break off the seed ball around the mother plant, smear the wound with plant ash to avoid infection and decay, replace the disinfected culture soil, and then put the mother ball into 4000 times potassium permanganate solution, soak for 15 to 20 minutes, and dry it. Pot according to the size of the ball, so that the plant will be the same size in the coming year. Bulbs need to be cultivated for 3 years before they can blossom. Ramet reproduction must be in autumn, otherwise it is very difficult to blossom in that year, that is, flowering, flowering is also late.