
What is the flower language of Buddha's palm? introduction to the culture method of Buddha's palm

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the flower language of Buddha's palm? introduction to the culture method of Buddha's palm

Bergamot is a succulent plant of the genus Amygdaceae. It is named because its fleshy leaves are 6-12 cm long, with slightly curled tongue at the end, bright green leaves, smooth and transparent leaves, and leaves clasping whorls on short stems, similar to bergamot. So what is the fancy language of Buddha's palm? What is the culture method of Buddha palm?

The culture method of Buddha palm

Bergamot is a perennial herb, which opens in the sunny afternoon and closes at night, so that the day opens and the night closes for about 7 days. In case of rainy days or insufficient light in the cultivation place, it is difficult to open. It can be illuminated by artificial light and will open normally. Plants are cross-pollinated.

The plants of Buddha palm are easy to grow in groups. Generally speaking, the number of desquamated heads in the coming year will be significantly reduced after a large group is raised. At this time, the plant can be divided into clumps and clumps of small groups, so that the nutrition will be resupplied, and the heads will gradually become normal, dormant in summer and growing in other seasons. The peeling period of bergamot is the continuous growth of new leaves, the old leaves slowly dry up, nutrients are provided to new plants, new plant leaves and old leaves can grow at the same time, 3 to 4 pairs of leaves grow all the year round, and new leaves begin to sprout in early spring. the old leaves slowly withered.

The cultivation plant material of Buddha palm is mainly permeable and breathable, this variety is not sun-resistant, it must be sunshaded in summer. Lubao peeling period can be properly watered, this variety usually dry point and then water, otherwise easy to rot roots, semi-woody stem is relatively thick, dry and thoroughly watered during the growth period, do not soak the basin. The whole summer sunshade, put in the bright and ventilated scattered light, summer dormancy period to give as little water as possible, more will rot. The water supply can be restored after the autumn temperature comes down, step by step. If the plant is full, it does not need to be rehydrated. If it is found that the leaves are a little weak, it needs to be rehydrated. It is necessary to avoid frostbite caused by too low temperature in winter. There is no problem when the basin soil is dry at minus 3 degrees. There is a big difference between the north and the south, and flower lovers should breed according to their own environment. The propagation of Buddha palm can be sown or ramet.

Family reproduction is usually carried out from September to October, and the substrate can be inserted with clean wet sand. After the incision is dried, it is inserted into the sand bed to keep the rooting temperature of about 20 ℃. After a month, it can take root, and when the new root grows to 2-3 cm long, it can be transplanted into the pot. Like warmth, more resistant to drought, but afraid of high temperature, not resistant to cold. The growth temperature is 18-22 degrees, the growth is slow when it is more than 30 degrees, and it enters a semi-dormant state. Thin organic liquid fertilizer is applied every 2-3 weeks during the growing period of bergamot. Watering should be controlled in winter. The basin soil is moist but can not accumulate water.

Change the basin every spring to remove the dry leaves. The palm of bergamot is fertilized once every semimonthly during the growing period. when it is hot in summer, watering should be careful and the basin soil should be slightly dry. Such as high temperature and humidity, stems and leaves are easy to rot. At this time, the need for shade and ventilation, to cool, semi-overcast is better, to achieve safe summer. Autumn growth is the most exuberant, watering should be more, after winter, the temperature drops, growth slows down, watering decreases accordingly. Watering can be increased at the flowering stage in early spring. Generally cultivated for 3-4 years, the plant needs to be renewed.

What is the fancy language of Buddha's palm?

Buddha's palm language: strong, tolerant and kind

Bergamot is a succulent plant of the genus Glottiphyllumuncatum in the apricot family. It is named because its fleshy leaves are about 6 meters long, slightly curled in tongue shape, bright green in color, bright and transparent, and leaves clasping whorls on a short stem, similar to bergamot.

All right, this is the introduction of the breeding method and flower language of Buddha's palm. I believe you have some understanding of Buddha's palm after reading it. To learn more, please continue to follow the safety net.