
Introduction to the enrollment of College entrance examination of China Agricultural University in 2013

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Introduction to the enrollment of College entrance examination of China Agricultural University in 2013

Zhou Xufeng, director of the admissions office of China Agricultural University, accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhuanet and photographed by Yang Gang.

Host: Hello, netizens, welcome to watch the interview series of Xinhuanet talents during this time period. China Agricultural University, as the highest university and birthplace of agriculture, many students apply for the examination every year. After nearly a hundred years of development, China Agricultural University has formed its own school-running characteristics and ideas. Many netizens also want to know the enrollment information of China Agricultural University. The guest we invite to you today is Zhou Xufeng, director of the admissions office of China Agricultural University. Hello, Director Zhou. Welcome.

Zhou Xufeng: Hello, host. Hello, netizens.

Host: please first introduce to you the characteristics of China Agricultural University.

Zhou Xufeng: China Agricultural University is a century-old university with a history of more than 100 years. It is also one of the 985 universities directly under the Ministry of Education and one of the key construction universities of 211 Project. China Agricultural University has developed into a research university with the advantages and characteristics of agronomy, life science and agricultural engineering, covering nine categories: agriculture, engineering, science, economics, management, law, liberal arts, medicine and philosophy. At present, China Agricultural University has more than 1200 undergraduate students and more than 7000 graduate students, including master's degree students and doctoral students. The discipline strength of China Agricultural University is very strong. We have 6 national key first-level disciplines and 6 national key second-level disciplines, covering a total of 24 second-level disciplines. and our six national key first-level disciplines are all first in the ranking of the Ministry of Education, which also shows the advantages of the discipline of China Agricultural University. China Agricultural University has 3 state key laboratories, 1 national engineering laboratory, 6 national research centers, and a large number of provincial and ministerial-level scientific research bases. at present, there are more than 1500 full-time teachers and more than 1200 professors and associate professors. among them, there are 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 6 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 11 chief scientists of the 973 Project, and 19 specially appointed professors of the Yangtze River Scholars Award Program. There are 39 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund. The ranking of the school in terms of disciplines and teachers is basically among the top 10 colleges and universities in the country.

The six disciplines of China Agricultural University rank first in the country.

Compere: please introduce to you, what are the advantages of the school?

Zhou Xufeng: six of our first-level disciplines rank first in the country, such as production physics, plant protection, agricultural resources and environment, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, and agricultural engineering. In addition, food science and engineering, grass science ranked second, horticulture ranked third, agriculture and forestry economic management ranked fourth, water conservancy project ranked seventh, biology ranked eighth, ecology ranked tenth, and so on. In addition, our university's seven fields of agricultural science, environmental science and ecology, chemistry, engineering, botany and zoology, biology and biochemistry, and microbiology rank in the top 1% of the ESI world. With the support of these disciplines or fields, we have a large number of superior undergraduate majors. The characteristic majors of our school include two science experimental classes of life science and information science, two national science bases of biology and chemistry, and economics (Sino-foreign cooperation in running schools).

Zhou Xufeng, director of the admissions office of China Agricultural University, accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhuanet and photographed by Yang Gang.

Agriculture is the foundation of national economy. There are broad prospects for the development of agriculture.

Host: what kind of good prospects will there be for students majoring in agriculture?

Zhou Xufeng: it should be said that agriculture is very important. We are a large agricultural country, including the issue of food. Food is the most important foundation of the national economy. Including now related to each of our lives, such as food issues, involving a wide range of areas, from our lives is also very close, but also very important. The development of agriculture is inseparable from the development of science and technology, especially now there is still much room for improvement in our agricultural level. If you study agriculture, it will have a greater effect in the practical application of production in the future. The same is true of the graduates we have trained since the founding of the school for more than 100 years. Many of our graduates have become leaders in academia or science and technology. There are also some who take root in agriculture and make a lot of contributions. During his inspection of our university, Comrade Wen Jiabao once said, "if you have another chance to go to university, you will certainly apply for agricultural colleges and universities." this also reflects the very good development prospects of applying for agricultural schools in the future.

Agricultural University controls the lower proportion of file raising and promises not to withdraw the file in accordance with the relevant requirements.

Host: netizens feel that for many students who want to be admitted to China Agricultural University, if the first choice does not reach the admission score line, they need to choose the second choice. Would Director Zhou tell us whether China Agricultural University recruits candidates of second choice? How many voluntary programs are there in each district?

Zhou Xufeng: I would like to talk about the admission rules of our school systematically. Our school tries to control the relatively low proportion of file raising, and promises that if candidates obey the voluntary adjustment and meet the relevant requirements in the provinces where parallel volunteers are implemented, we will not withdraw the file. I proofread the recognition of the Ministry of Education and the recognition of each provincial recruitment office, but the maximum is 20 points, and additional points are also recognized when arranging majors. The rule of score priority should be adopted in the professional arrangement, and there is no grade difference among the majors. As for the problem of second choice, as parallel volunteers are currently implemented in most provinces, there is basically no second choice. Generally speaking, an unfinished plan is directly re-reported. In the provinces where non-parallel volunteering is implemented, science departments will reserve two voluntary plans, the total number of which will not exceed 3% of the local plan, and the score will be more than 30 points higher than the average score of our voluntary enrollment. As far as the situation in Beijing is concerned, the final admission score of the second volunteer is even higher than our threshold, which is almost 150 points higher than the first college line in recent years. In the professional arrangement, first of all, 30 points are subtracted from the investment results compared with a volunteer, and there are no more than two people in each major category and no more than one person in each major. In previous years, these programs are mainly concentrated in provinces such as Beijing and Shandong, and candidates are able to enter the first few better majors.

Zhou Xufeng, director of the admissions office of China Agricultural University, accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhuanet and photographed by Yang Gang.

Compere: what is the change in the enrollment scale of this year's undergraduates compared with previous years?

Zhou Xufeng: our undergraduate enrollment scale has declined steadily in recent years. This year's enrollment scale is 2850, a decrease of 70 compared with last year. There will also be a certain amount of reduction in each province.

Host: on the other hand, China Agricultural University, as the highest university in agriculture, is there any difference in enrollment areas?

Zhou Xufeng: when arranging the enrollment plan, China Agricultural University mainly refers to several indicators, one is the number of candidates, the other is the quality of candidates, including his study after entering the school, or the quality of students in our school. Recently, we have also gradually tilted towards the western provinces and remote areas, where we originally had more plans. For example, Henan, *, Yunnan, our enrollment plans are relatively large.